PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I can only speak for myself.. I think the amount of oil per inj instead of concentration is what causes my pip..
so 250ml per ml of test would cause less if any compared to 2 1/2 ml of 100mg prop...

For me 2 ML's of Test E 300 is less pip than 0.5 ML's of Test E 500.

I don't think you can compare Prop vs E, as some PIP from one and not the other. I don't get any PIP from Prop...
I got the email. It seems to be a steroid calculator for homebrew recipes I believe. I thought it was the steroid calc where you can plot your cycle. But I don't think its the same thing.

Either security issue or they're affiliated with panda and panda shared or sold our emails.
Conspiracy theory: panda created the steroid calc and actually emailed everyone himself... hes taking over the world!
For me 2 ML's of Test E 300 is less pip than 0.5 ML's of Test E 500.

I don't think you can compare Prop vs E, as some PIP from one and not the other. I don't get any PIP from Prop...
I think this is a subjective convo..
most people don't use prop cuz it almosty always gives test flu /pip...
this isn't my pov.. its genral consensus..
1ml of foreign substance.. vs 3ml of foreign substance in general will make ur body react ..
idc if its test or dog shit..
I think this is a subjective convo..
most people don't use prop cuz it almosty always gives test flu /pip...
this isn't my pov.. its genral consensus..
1ml of foreign substance.. vs 3ml of foreign substance in general will make ur body react ..
idc if its test or dog shit..
Porn has ruined the abbreviation pov for me.

I now have the urge to fap. Thanks for that.
Bigger they are....the harder they fall. He’s getting too greedy. Why can’t a source do one thing well and stick with it?
Bigger they are....the harder they fall. He’s getting too greedy. Why can’t a source do one thing well and stick with it?
This right here. I’ve said this like 3 or 4 times. Fuck finished gear. Fuck shirts and advertising on YouTube. Just do the goddamn raws. Why not be the king of raws. Just be the best raw provider out there. Why deal with all this headache. No matter what there are going to be issues and yeah we all keep saying it’s not the problems but how it gets handled but fuck that. Get rid of the finished and how many problems would have been on this thread. Over a thousand pages would shrink to about 3-400. I know it’s not going to happen but really think about how much less the drama would be.
This right here. I’ve said this like 3 or 4 times. Fuck finished gear. Fuck shirts and advertising on YouTube. Just do the goddamn raws. Why not be the king of raws. Just be the best raw provider out there. Why deal with all this headache. No matter what there are going to be issues and yeah we all keep saying it’s not the problems but how it gets handled but fuck that. Get rid of the finished and how many problems would have been on this thread. Over a thousand pages would shrink to about 3-400. I know it’s not going to happen but really think about how much less the drama would be.

Dial back that tren a bit lolol jk!!
Has anyone ordered mast e from domestic recently? I got a vial of tren e and a vial of mast e. The mast is dark like the tren i have from another lab, actually a little darker even. The tren is clear like i would expect the mast to be. I asked panda about it and they said that the labels were correct and the mast had come out dark for some reason.

Curious if anyone else has had dark mast e or clear tren e from domestic lately

didn't see someone answer u.......... if i missed it apologize if i missed it.. this thread gives me a headache

my mast has ALWAYS been clear...

and my tren has ALWAYS been light yellow or occasional dark color.

Oxidation, to much heat.., are things that can make it darker—-

Sad but color can’t be an indication, as I’ve heard of dark mast e before, but can’t remember what oil they where using that caused it:(

With all that said — before I personally pinned any “dark” maste e, I would be getting it tested IMO
Hey ppl I just ordered some test, what’s the average shipping time to u.s
About an hour bro. They have pandas on hand all riled up on cocaine and tren that sprint all the way into the U.S. So fast customs doesn't even see them. Thats not even the best part, every panda brings a pair of prescription glasses so you can READ THE FUCKING THREAD.