PurplePandaLabs Raw source

These were my steps...

1.Put empty breaker on scale and tared it.

2. Weighed 8 g of raw in breaker. tared.

3. Used a syringe to pull 7ml, put in breaker, n weighed it which was 7g. Tared

4. Syringed 4ml into beaker. Didn't weigh cus the scale didn't read it. But should of been .4g

5. Poured 25g of oil from bottle into beaker

6. I now have 40ml/40g in the beaker.
Not sure what you’re tryin to do bud but if you’re that skeptical of something send it to Analyzer for testing. You could be doing all this extra math/science project shit and you still have test e at the end of the day not primo e. He will also test milligram per ml too :) and everyone wins here after you post results. You get credit too
Will do and report back. Thanks. I don't think ill lose 3ml in the filters after pushing air through them, to empty them out. Maybe .5 at the most.
You’re living up to your name. Just pin it! I’m kidding.
IMHO you’re losing it at the filter. When I’m done brewing I’m wiping that much off the table.......
Not sure what you’re tryin to do bud but if you’re that skeptical of something send it to Analyzer for testing. You could be doing all this extra math/science project shit and you still have test e at the end of the day not primo e. He will also test milligram per ml too :) and everyone wins here after you post results. You get credit too

How does that work? U have to ship out the gear? How much does it cost?
If you had a 5lb rock and a container with 5lbs of water in it that filled the container up half way. Now you take the rock and put it in the container you now have 10lbs. This can not be debated how ever the water mark is no longer at the half way mark. It’s up to the top. The rock is your powder and the water is your oil. Once you add your powder, weight means nothing. It’s now about volume.
If you had a 5lb rock and a container with 5lbs of water in it that filled the container up half way. Now you take the rock and put it in the container you now have 10lbs. This can not be debated how ever the water mark is no longer at the half way mark. It’s up to the top. The rock is your powder and the water is your oil. Once you add your powder, weight means nothing. It’s now about volume.

I get what ur saying but u still have 10lbs total with ur rock and water....
yup but your mark is not in the same place so therefore weighing the rock and the water is pointless because we aren’t interested in weight we are interested in volume.
So here's my finished product. The last vial was short probably 1-2ml (first one on the left). I dropped a lil bit before i started the filtering process.

10ml of water will weigh 10g


10ml of oil will weigh 10g

Hahaha what? It is not that simple. You are forgetting about DENSITY. If it were this easy, there wouldn't be math/compounding questions on the amount of volume to use for various carriers/vehicles. I suggest you google it, it'll be the first link that comes up.

But in the end, it doesn't really matter, your gear would just be a little over/under...which it always is anyways.
Just doesn't make sense. I weighed each ingredient seperately.

8g raw
.4ml ba
7ml bb
25ml gso


These were my steps...

1.Put empty breaker on scale and tared it.

2. Weighed 8 g of raw in breaker. tared.

3. Used a syringe to pull 7ml, put in breaker, n weighed it which was 7g. Tared

4. Syringed 4ml into beaker. Didn't weigh cus the scale didn't read it. But should of been .4g

5. Poured 25g of oil from bottle into beaker

6. I now have 40ml/40g in the beaker.

Was that a typo? Or did you accidently add too much ba? That would account for for the extra 3ml.

I would stick to one form of measurement. If its inaccurate at least it would be consistently inaccurate.
Yo guys, what you do when you on blast lets say just test enanthate 700mg a week and you get sick?
Sore throat, runny nose...
You keep pinnin same mg each week?
Obviously gym is out of question atm, as well got acne breakout on shoulders from previous sickness where i went from blast to 200mg a week. ( probably hormone level fluctuations)
Any suggestions?
Yo guys, what you do when you on blast lets say just test enanthate 700mg a week and you get sick?
Sore throat, runny nose...
You keep pinnin same mg each week?
Obviously gym is out of question atm, as well got acne breakout on shoulders from previous sickness where i went from blast to 200mg a week. ( probably hormone level fluctuations)
Any suggestions?
I always push through and keep pinning unless I get real sick. If I get real sick I stop pinning until I’m better.