PurplePandaLabs Raw source

The funny thing is I got e.coli from Taco Bell 5 years back and had to get surgery.

However I was just asking if the purple gh was under dose since someone mention panda gh was under dose. That was all. Then everything exploded for some reason. I just asked a simple question.
u mean.... u exploded.. everyone else was laughing at u..
again.. everyone else enjoyed it.. its not our fault ur a little slow on the uptake

I don’t read the forums everyday. I only posted if the ppl purple tops were under dose. And y’all come up with some e.coli burger as an answer. How was I suppose to know? Simple yes or no on the purple tops would have been good enough.
I don’t read the forums everyday. I only posted if the ppl purple tops were under dose. And y’all come up with some e.coli burger as an answer. How was I suppose to know? Simple yes or no on the purple tops would have been good enough.
if life were so simple how would we weed out the simpletons..
u don't have to read pages of a forum to understand simple sarcasm..
I mean its simple.. I used mcdonalds cuz I was daydreaming of 2 apple pies for a 1$
if the black tops were underdosed.. why would u buy the purple?
if life were so simple how would we weed out the simpletons..
u don't have to read pages of a forum to understand simple sarcasm..
I mean its simple.. I used mcdonalds cuz I was daydreaming of 2 apple pies for a 1$
if the black tops were underdosed.. why would u buy the purple?
Because you could get salmonella
if life were so simple how would we weed out the simpletons..
u don't have to read pages of a forum to understand simple sarcasm..
I mean its simple.. I used mcdonalds cuz I was daydreaming of 2 apple pies for a 1$
if the black tops were underdosed.. why would u buy the purple?

If you haven’t notice all ugl HGH is under dose. I thought someone had figured how much ppl gh was under dose so that’s why I asked. If the bottle is 10iu and someone tested and found out it was 5iu then that’s what I was asking. So if 24iu was tested to be at 10iu then that’s what I wanted to know.

I would still buy depending on how much it’s under dose my friend. It’s always going to be under.
If you haven’t notice all ugl HGH is under dose. I thought someone had figured how much ppl gh was under dose so that’s why I asked. If the bottle is 10iu and someone tested and found out it was 5iu then that’s what I was asking. So if 24iu was tested to be at 10iu then that’s what I wanted to know.

I would still buy depending on how much it’s under dose my friend. It’s always going to be under.

i believe it tested at 6 IU and they pulled it from the site.
Not sure if they put it back up though. i don't fuck with the Panda, so i couldn't tell ya'.
If you haven’t notice all ugl HGH is under dose. I thought someone had figured how much ppl gh was under dose so that’s why I asked. If the bottle is 10iu and someone tested and found out it was 5iu then that’s what I was asking. So if 24iu was tested to be at 10iu then that’s what I wanted to know.

I would still buy depending on how much it’s under dose my friend. It’s always going to be under.

It was tested at around 6iu I believe. So super underdosed.

They would need to cut their price in half to even make it worth ordering.

Edit : see this was already answered. Ignore this post lol
If you haven’t notice all ugl HGH is under dose. I thought someone had figured how much ppl gh was under dose so that’s why I asked. If the bottle is 10iu and someone tested and found out it was 5iu then that’s what I was asking. So if 24iu was tested to be at 10iu then that’s what I wanted to know.

I would still buy depending on how much it’s under dose my friend. It’s always going to be under.
Maybe you could send some to analyzer to find out, otherwise, how would anyone know.. or better yet, ask panda himself, he seems like an honest guy, and he said he tests everything he sells
If you haven’t notice all ugl HGH is under dose. I thought someone had figured how much ppl gh was under dose so that’s why I asked. If the bottle is 10iu and someone tested and found out it was 5iu then that’s what I was asking. So if 24iu was tested to be at 10iu then that’s what I wanted to know.

I would still buy depending on how much it’s under dose my friend. It’s always going to be under.
@evom @rpbb @Holistic @LordSamuilo @ickyrica
click to expand hahaha
I'm still trying to wrap my head around hgh is being made from dead babies geez
clearly theres no standard with these rejects.. I mean he clearly stated even if it was underdosed .. he would buy it..
I did some math for a recoomended 6 month run.. dummys like this clearly only buy a kit or 2..cuz anyone with some sense and cash would not be making staements like this.. unless they run drugs.. ive met some retards in that dept..
I'm still trying to wrap my head around hgh is being made from dead babies geez

i believe they used to extract GH from cadavers, back in the early days. Some folks came down with Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, and that kinda put a damper on the whole process... Something to that effect, anyways.
i believe it tested at 6 IU and they pulled it from the site.
Not sure if they put it back up though. i don't fuck with the Panda, so i couldn't tell ya'.

Thanks man. Finally an answer to my question.

My first time ordering gh from panada and I got the purple tops.

My last order was from godtropin that was the best gh out of all the ones I tried.