PurplePandaLabs Raw source

clearly theres no standard with these rejects.. I mean he clearly stated even if it was underdosed .. he would buy it..
I did some math for a recoomended 6 month run.. dummys like this clearly only buy a kit or 2..cuz anyone with some sense and cash would not be making staements like this.. unless they run drugs.. ive met some retards in that dept..

Yea I would still buy depending on how much it’s under dose. If I got 8iu from a 10iu vial from ugl, I would be happy. Not everyone can afford pharm grade HGH brother. Sorry I make less than you.
I put in an order a day ago, just email them transaction ID, order number, and the address you sent to panda and should all be good. Got an email back within a few hours after email sent with confirmation that they recieved payment. Hopefully they figure it out for you
I've done that and have not had it resolved yet
Ethanol is .789 per ml
So 100 grams is 126.7 ml
So the 1 gram system only works with things that weigh 1 gram per ml.
I would think most solvents are quite a bit off that number.
I wish those were easily srcd and for an honest price as well. Such a gamble of roulette with GH nowadays.

Also I thought nobody was making the truly real IGF LR3? Thought it was near impossible to get (legit)
There's not many places but a few.
Everyone said legit generic gh was impossible to. Lol
Well, you sir need to get some meditropes or pharma then
There are some greys still lurking around too ... ive got a stash of supertropin im gonna run this summer and get tested too that look promising from recent tests ive seen .. i dont think all genetics are trash , but there's definitely more junk than quality right now ..
There are some greys still lurking around too ... ive got a stash of supertropin im gonna run this summer and get tested too that look promising from recent tests ive seen .. i dont think all genetics are trash , but there's definitely more junk than quality right now ..
I have found some solid genric also.
I haven't seen any of them that doesn't fluctuate but nothing extreme.
Well most that is.
I have found some solid genric also.
I haven't seen any of them that doesn't fluctuate but nothing extreme.
Well most that is.
Yeah thats the thing ,good generics arent gonna be dead on consistent to the label claim like pharma . I've heard alot of people saying how there are absolutely no good generics lately , but serums and igf's ive seen on a few brands doesnt seem to back that theory up ...