PurplePandaLabs Raw source

how many units you doing a day of those?

I can get em but doesn’t seem worth it to me when i can bang 1-2 bottles of generics per day for the same price as 4iu seros per day
2 iu after sides level off going to 4 iu
With 25 mcg of lr3.
@PurplePandaLabs Rep. is domestic shipping backed up?
I haven't been told it is but usually when everything is out of stock and they restock orders start slamming them so it probably is a little.
Around 32-36 hours and this is my 2nd cycle my first cycle was just teste at 500 week and didn’t get no blood work done with it
I want to make 40mg/10ml. Do u think it will hold in gso? Its the only oil i have atm.
No I doubt it will hold in gso if that is all you have . But honestly why not just make an oral solution out of it or cap it ? You really arent gonna see a huge difference out of it pinning it or drinking it as an oral solution. ..

It doesnt agree with me , and i can take most anything with minimal sides . But ive tried sdrol 3x and dropped it every time because i can't function on it after a week or so ...
No I doubt it will hold in gso if that is all you have . But honestly why not just make an oral solution out of it or cap it ? You really arent gonna see a huge difference out of it pinning it or drinking it as an oral solution. ..

It doesnt agree with me , and i can take most anything with minimal sides . But ive tried sdrol 3x and dropped it every time because i can't function on it after a week or so ...
How are the gains?
If i could run it long enough to really get the most out of it , I imagine it would be amazing . I mean my strength and scale weight start climbing good the first week , but I always bail on it so I cant really say what its comparable too ...
I was running 70 mg var ed while waiting on some superdrol when it landed without even thinking I dropped 70 mg a very bad idea scared the shit out of me.
My liver felt like a knife was rammed in it.
Had liver and kidney test.


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