PurplePandaLabs Raw source

This is only a guess on my part, but I’d say your cylinder marks are off.
Maybe someone more experienced will chime in.

That's what im thinking too. Considering i weighed each ingredient individually.

I even did a test yesterday with water. I put the cylinder on the scale and weighed out 50ml of water but the water was over the 50ml line on rhe cylinder.
Well now i dont know if i have 40ml or 43ml lol. Fml
Fill a 60ml syringe to 40ml or a 10ml four times and put it in your cylinder to see how accurate it is. Im pretty sure no one here weighs liquids. Either you didn’t account for displacement weight or you used to many different measurement tools. 3ml isn’t really a lot and spread that over different measureing tools it could easily be small errors that add up. That why I told you to mix your hormone and solvents and then add your heated oil to it but not all of it. Once you get it all dissolved or very close to it put it into your graduated cylinder and add your final amount of oil to your finished mark. If you weighed the hormone right and measured the solvents rights once you add your oil to let’s say 50ml then you have 50ml of finished oil. No errors.
Fill a 60ml syringe to 40ml or a 10ml four times and put it in your cylinder to see how accurate it is. Im pretty sure no one here weighs liquids. Either you didn’t account for displacement weight or you used to many different measurement tools. 3ml isn’t really a lot and spread that over different measureing tools it could easily be small errors that add up. That why I told you to mix your hormone and solvents and then add your heated oil to it but not all of it. Once you get it all dissolved or very close to it put it into your graduated cylinder and add your final amount of oil to your finished mark. If you weighed the hormone right and measured the solvents rights once you add your oil to let’s say 50ml then you have 50ml of finished oil. No errors.

This is my 4th brew now and the reason i did it this way was bcus everytime my vials would come out uneven when i got to the last one. When i measured out 50ml on the cylinder.

So how do I treat this? Lol

1.Leave as is and beleive its 40ml?

2.Add oil to make 45ml and lower the dose?