PurplePandaLabs Raw source

26 days....good lord man. That's a pretty long TA.
Yeah it took a while at customs. Took me almost an hour getting that shit out of the stealth. Long process and of course now donestic is back up (wasnt a month ago) but with different products than what international was offering which is odd (I guess?)
@PurplePandaLabs Rep. ... maybe this issue has been taken care of I just don't remember reading about it..
did the whole... delete account and customer info shit get resolved??
and how so??
rep.. since this lab has been under scrutiny.. if its under the wrong scrutiny ie LE ... i wanna sleep a lil better!!
Yes you can delete your account from the inside of your account page I already used it to make sure it works as it should.
I bought the purple tops 24iu was that under dose?
No was the black tops with bad testing.
@PurplePandaLabs Rep. I am having a similar problem to what @Samael had. I paid for an order with bitcoin cash a couple days ago. It still shows as waiting payment. Contacted support, and they said it hasn't shown up, but the transaction ID clearly shows that it did.

Any luck? There website seems to be down and I ordered last week. I ordered from PPL before and it TD but this time I am not getting a response.
I got primo to hold at 150mg with gso no problem. I just saw someone brewed it at 200mg with less than 20%bb, I forgot the exact amount bb.

I just finished. I got it to hold at 200mg/40ml with 1%/18% and gso.

Have a little problem tho....
This time i weighed out the total brew instead of measuring it in the graduated cylinder. Used a gram scaled and weighed out 40g total which is the same as 40ml.

The thing is when i measured it in the cylinder it reads like 43ml.

So im confused....
I just finished. I got it to hold at 200mg/40ml with 1%/18% and gso.

Have a little problem tho....
This time i weighed out the total brew instead of measuring it in the graduated cylinder. Used a gram scaled and weighed out 40g total which is the same as 40ml.

The thing is when i measured it in the cylinder it reads like 43ml.

So im confused....
I am to you couldn't have used 40 g what exactly are you trying to figure out?
I have a feeling my cylinder reads wrong...since it was a cheap one from china...no offense.
A lot of different cylinders are off I believe. I asked this question in a pm and was told it’s more accurate to measure with a syringe before putting everything into the beaker. Seemed to help me by doing this.
(This was with a Arimidex solution though so I needed the measurements to be accurate.)
A lot of different cylinders are off I believe. I asked this question in a pm and was told it’s more accurate to measure with a syringe before putting everything into the beaker. Seemed to help me by doing this.

I did that. Used a syringe to measure and weighed out all the ingredients on a gram scale. Which gave me 40g total. This was my first time doing it like that bcus everytime i measured out the total in the cylinder my vials never came out even. I was always short.