PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Running ment 50 eod tren and mast 100 eod test 750 a wk. running adex .5 eod. Was gonna run Anadrol too but holy crap that stuff took a hit on me the first day. Gonna hold off for another cycle for that. Not everything from panda but obviously the test and ment. I blast and cruise now so blood work doesn’t really help much except for me. But if you guys still want to see it I can post when it’s time.

Just curious brother, what are your goals on this cycle?
Yes I'm interested myself.
Build lean mass. I use the Masteron cuz it helps with tren sides for me. Also for the free test boost. Also improve my overall physique and feel good throughout. If I can gain 10 lbs lean mass and keep it I will be ecstatic. Was gonna use Anadrol for quick gains initially then burn it off after 3 weeks but made me feel awful so changed my mind. I’m at 235 right now and got some minor fat built up from a crappy diet.
Honestly I’m excited about it. Got everything planned out with diet and training. Didn’t take too much of a hit on the diet but enough for me to notice. Im not competing or anything but definitely getting more picky about the way I look.
Build lean mass. I use the Masteron cuz it helps with tren sides for me. Also for the free test boost. Also improve my overall physique and feel good throughout. If I can gain 10 lbs lean mass and keep it I will be ecstatic. Was gonna use Anadrol for quick gains initially then burn it off after 3 weeks but made me feel awful so changed my mind. I’m at 235 right now and got some minor fat built up from a crappy diet.
How much anadrol were you running?
I started 50mg saturday and splitting up the dose helps with the lethargic feeling for me.
Build lean mass. I use the Masteron cuz it helps with tren sides for me. Also for the free test boost. Also improve my overall physique and feel good throughout. If I can gain 10 lbs lean mass and keep it I will be ecstatic. Was gonna use Anadrol for quick gains initially then burn it off after 3 weeks but made me feel awful so changed my mind. I’m at 235 right now and got some minor fat built up from a crappy diet.

Have you ran each of these compounds previously?
And did you feel fine on them in the absence of the adrol?
Hey bros
Got my 4th order from panda tiday.. all raws were powder except for my test e.. it was liquid.. why would this be when melting point is way beyond how warm it could've gotten
Hey bros
Got my 4th order from panda tiday.. all raws were powder except for my test e.. it was liquid.. why would this be when melting point is way beyond how warm it could've gotten
Melting point is 32*c....it would easily be that in the back of a mail truck today

If you put it in the fridge it should solidify