PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Is the packaging still just ziplock bags like others have complained about for the Int. orders? I was planning on getting some raws, but ziplock bags....?

Never had that for any of my orders and they have all been international. I'm not talking about packaging as these are sensitive details but lets just say rhe packaging is top notch.
Hey how is everyone, been gone for a minute just wanted to say hi to the folks I chat with.
I won't ignore you buddy. How are ya? Welcome back to this thread. Be sure read up on all the BS that's happened in the last 2 months.
Damn I have seen that jacked up kangaroo in forever. How u been? This thread has been a cluster fuck for a while.
I'm doing good brother. Had a nasty shoulder scare doctors thought it was a torn labrem but after waiting for the mris and results it turns out the cartilidge is worn down and I'm starting to get some arthritis But had some therapy on it and cortisone shot so I'm back to doing some rehab training to strengthen everything up again.
I'm doing good brother. Had a nasty shoulder scare doctors thought it was a torn labrem but after waiting for the mris and results it turns out the cartilidge is worn down and I'm starting to get some arthritis But had some therapy on it and cortisone shot so I'm back to doing some rehab training to strengthen everything up again.
Good to hear my man. Welcome back
I'm doing good brother. Had a nasty shoulder scare doctors thought it was a torn labrem but after waiting for the mris and results it turns out the cartilidge is worn down and I'm starting to get some arthritis But had some therapy on it and cortisone shot so I'm back to doing some rehab training to strengthen everything up again.
Glad it wasn't anything serious and good seeing you back around bud.
His customers received emails from an affiliated website. Steroid calculator or something. I believe its pandas website. But he did spam our emails. I wouldnt say sold our info.
Personal info being sold? When was this? Is this fake news? LoL

It’s hard to tell, I would think if it’s true there would be no way I could have missed it. Sounds like cnn fake news to me unless I can see some proof of this lol