PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Ya man I’m embarrassed to even admit it. Funny thing was is I researched about it a whole year before I did my first cycle. I knew way more than I should have at that age about this world
At least you did the homework. A large percentage of full grown adults couldn't give you a basic pct protocol. Educated is good at any age!
Is frog juice 10ml/vial? Anyone have any experience with this no ester mix?
I grabbed two bottles they were 10 ml I used 1ml pwo and that shit was fiya. Super pumped after 45 minutes so focused on gym. I cant wait until they restock domestic so I can grab more
I try to always add some alcohol even in suspension, for bacteria and helps to stop ora from crystalizing..
As a side note, Depox taste like wet ass, if the cap get stuck in your throat.. yes, I’ve tasted both. :(
Ya iv ran a bunch of deferent kinds ... shit is fucked up
What is frog juice? i got many different answers from google.
Must say it’s a funny name.
50mg each of Test and tren base with 25mg each of anadrol and dbol. I made some but mine had a lot of pip. Might try again. Has a shit load of solvents so I might try and tweak it down.
50mg each of Test and tren base with 25mg each of anadrol and dbol. I made some but mine had a lot of pip. Might try again. Has a shit load of solvents so I might try and tweak it down.
Is it hard to get anadrol and dbol to go into solution?
Is it hard to get anadrol and dbol to go into solution?
No and that was the problem I think. With the amount of solvents and the displacement of the compounds it didn’t leave much room for a carrier oil for the amount that I made so I think I need to lower the solvents to be able to add more oil and that should help with the pip. When I add the juice to another compound to help cut down on the amount of solvents it isn’t bad. I used a little more heat then I should have by mistake but all that shit dissolved real quick and easy.
No and that was the problem I think. With the amount of solvents and the displacement of the compounds it didn’t leave much room for a carrier oil for the amount that I made so I think I need to lower the solvents to be able to add more oil and that should help with the pip. When I add the juice to another compound to help cut down on the amount of solvents it isn’t bad. I used a little more heat then I should have by mistake but all that shit dissolved real quick and easy.
Interesting. I tried to make injectable anavar and it was a disaster. It cooled and the whole solution crystallized lol
Interesting. I tried to make injectable anavar and it was a disaster. It cooled and the whole solution crystallized lol
Anavar as an injectable is a whole other animal. I’m pretty sure a few people here have done it but it’s low mg. I’d rather just cap it. As well as most other orals. I only did the frog juice because it looked cool to try.