PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Anavar as an injectable is a whole other animal. I’m pretty sure a few people here have done it but it’s low mg. I’d rather just cap it. As well as most other orals. I only did the frog juice because it looked cool to try.
I'm gonna start capping soon. I just haven't pulled the trigger on the $150 cn-100 yet. Most likely I won't be trying to brew anymore injectable orals. It was a good experience though I guess
I'm gonna start capping soon. I just haven't pulled the trigger on the $150 cn-100 yet. Most likely I won't be trying to brew anymore injectable orals. It was a good experience though I guess
Just in case you don’t know. You can get a cap em quick for like 25$. That’s what I use. Besides the time it takes to get all your shit out and measure and mix and all that nonsense it takes like 15 minutes to make 50 caps. I got mine off of eBay.
Var is a tricky one can't get to many mg/ml of it I believe @LordSamuilo has had success I haven't ever tried to do it.
More trouble than its worth @TideGear ... you probably arent getting it to hold over 35mg/ml even w/ alot of solvent. Ive had more success with winstrol than anavar and winstrol is technically less soluble than var . Something about var makes it hard to turn it into an injectable solution ...

Ive even had someone show me the lab results on var from a bigger ugl that was labeled as 50mg and was actually right under 35mg . So from that and personal experience I gonna go out on a limb an say thats the upper limit of var's solubility?
Just in case you don’t know. You can get a cap em quick for like 25$. That’s what I use. Besides the time it takes to get all your shit out and measure and mix and all that nonsense it takes like 15 minutes to make 50 caps. I got mine off of eBay.
I think someone told me that they leak powder all over the place bc the tolerances that it's made to aren't tight enough
I was looking at the one from capsule.cn or something like that. It's the one that xkawn recommended. I went ahead and bought the cap m quick though. I figure why not just start with something cheap
@LordSamuilo u stay peeled like that year round u swole mf??
Hell no I like pizza too much for that shit lol ... I was like 220 in that pic a month or so back , if I just eat regularly when im hungry I sit at 245 give or take but still pretty damn lean ...

I dont know what my plans are right now but my next growth phase im gonna try and push up into the 270's which will be like a 10 lb all time high for me . Should be doable because I had a sick rebound off this last cut ....
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Speaking of @LordSamuilo did you ever do that twenty week bulk on Primo? Was that what you were trying to do when you ran that ace and said it kept giving you the flu like symptoms?
No thats gonna be in this up coming run... im still on the fence if I want to do a show this summer or wait til November ... But Primo E has definitely become a stable in my arsenal, so it'll be coming eventually :)
Made a 2nd order with PPL. Everything came looking crisp as fuck. First order had the package land ~55 days after ordering. This 2nd time it was ~12 days. Honestly thank goodness for that. I won't be specific but just give or take some days to those two numbers above.

Almost everything weighed as bought. The 3 orals were ~8% overfilled but that's not necessarily "bad". Nothing was under filled. Everything in general seems to be on point. I'll update soon on the things I can. Cialis, viagra, prami, and a couple other things that give immediate/short term results. However, shit like the tren and test I'm not gonna brew that for another 4 years or so good luck on waiting for me to update that. I will say it looked/smelled good.

Thank you, PPL. You guys pulled through again for a price that is honestly criminal. You fucking retards could very well damn quadruple the price and I still would've bought from you. Thanks for giving my depressed ass another avenue to pull myself forward whilst having some fun. May china never extradite you fuckers.
Made a 2nd order with PPL. Everything came looking crisp as fuck. First order had the package land ~55 days after ordering. This 2nd time it was ~12 days. Honestly thank goodness for that. I won't be specific but just give or take some days to those two numbers above.

Almost everything weighed as bought. The 3 orals were ~8% overfilled but that's not necessarily "bad". Nothing was under filled. Everything in general seems to be on point. I'll update soon on the things I can. Cialis, viagra, prami, and a couple other things that give immediate/short term results. However, shit like the tren and test I'm not gonna brew that for another 4 years or so good luck on waiting for me to update that. I will say it looked/smelled good.

Thank you, PPL. You guys pulled through again for a price that is honestly criminal. You fucking retards could very well damn quadruple the price and I still would've bought from you. Thanks for giving my depressed ass another avenue to pull myself forward whilst having some fun. May china never extradite you fuckers.

i'll be waiting for that update in 4 years. Don't forget. :D
i'll be waiting for that update in 4 years. Don't forget. :D
I legit will but I'm pretty sure 95% of us will be gone.

What color are eq raws typically? I've seen kinda clear and kinda orange
I got EQ this time around myself. It was a translucent light/medium yellow. Very thick syrupy consistency. It's like molasses/honey. Have a glass stir rod or handle to help scrap it off the walls of your container. A lot will remain otherwise.
I legit will but I'm pretty sure 95% of us will be gone.

I got EQ this time around myself. It was a translucent light/medium yellow. Very thick syrupy consistency. It's like molasses/honey. Have a glass stir rod or handle to help scrap it off the walls of your container. A lot will remain otherwise.
I poured both batches into a media bottle. I'll probably turn that upside down and let it drain into a breaker over night and see if it all comes out
That 50+ days mentioned a few pages back had me nervous but had my order arrive in a little over 2 weeks.

Just orals and some tadalafil.

Won't be using the orals for quite a while, but capped up some 10mg cialis and it does what it's supposed to.