PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I poured both batches into a media bottle. I'll probably turn that upside down and let it drain into a breaker over night and see if it all comes out
lmao you lazy mofo. That does work though. It'll definitely drain out 99% of it. Honestly when brewing, losing .1 ml ain't a big deal. You prob just made a year's supply, losing 1/20th of a week's worth is no biggie. But if you're legit ocd about it a rod/spoon and "rinsing" it out with an oil/solvent can get you 99% of that 0.1% left over.

That 50+ days mentioned a few pages back had me nervous but had my order arrive in a little over 2 weeks.

Yeah it looks like I was the only one who has gotten such a long touchdown. I was checking around and 95% of people were under 3 weeks. I mean I can't give em too much shade, though. Shit happens. They still pulled through and the 2nd touchdown was legit 1/5th the time.

Hit us up when you start them orals. Me want to hear about them juicy gains.

Also, yeah I dunno about you fuckers but I'm pretty fucking sure I felt the orals "day one". Took ~12mg of anavar, adrol, and dbol for a total of ~36mg ~10 mins before sleeping. Then 7 hours later I took ~12mg of anavar, adrol, and dbol for a total of ~36mg ~30mins pre work out. I felt some nasty pumps/unusual motivation to go more ham. Could be placebo sure but I'm pretty sure it's legit already kicked in somewhat. I can also feel test-e by the middle of day 2. It's not 100% but I feel the libido/aggression changes. I don't know why people commonly say stuff takes weeks to notice. How long does it take for you guys to feel your gear kicking in? For both short and long esters.
lmao you lazy mofo. That does work though. It'll definitely drain out 99% of it. Honestly when brewing, losing .1 ml ain't a big deal. You prob just made a year's supply, losing 1/20th of a week's worth is no biggie. But if you're legit ocd about it a rod/spoon and "rinsing" it out with an oil/solvent can get you 99% of that 0.1% left over.

It takes me weeks usually..
1/2 life and duration to reach steady state, makes it all but impossible to feel its effects sooner.
Unless you’re taking doses large enough to kill your liver day one, so it doesn’t leave your blood stream it’s likely placebo.

Yeah it looks like I was the only one who has gotten such a long touchdown. I was checking around and 95% of people were under 3 weeks. I mean I can't give em too much shade, though. Shit happens. They still pulled through and the 2nd touchdown was legit 1/5th the time.

Hit us up when you start them orals. Me want to hear about them juicy gains.

Also, yeah I dunno about you fuckers but I'm pretty fucking sure I felt the orals "day one". Took ~12mg of anavar, adrol, and dbol for a total of ~36mg ~10 mins before sleeping. Then 7 hours later I took ~12mg of anavar, adrol, and dbol for a total of ~36mg ~30mins pre work out. I felt some nasty pumps/unusual motivation to go more ham. Could be placebo sure but I'm pretty sure it's legit already kicked in somewhat. I can also feel test-e by the middle of day 2. It's not 100% but I feel the libido/aggression changes. I don't know why people commonly say stuff takes weeks to notice. How long does it take for you guys to feel your gear kicking in? For both short and long esters.
It takes me weeks usually..
1/2 life and duration to reach steady state, makes it all but impossible to feel its effects sooner.
Meso members, need a sounding board to let me know if I'm outta line: made a couple orders November/December time frame, roughly 6 months ago. First run went great, next run was extremely painful, swollen, feverish, pain far beyond what I could train through, and had to stop (migyol issue from a few hundred pages ago). I have a job where I leave the country for months at a time to austere environments without connectivity, so I'm back now and bring it up with @purplepandalabs @PurplePandaLabs Rep. And I'm told too late, you can get a 20% discount on another order, but that's it. No replacement product, no money back, just spend more and get a 20% discount. Am I wrong for thinking PPL needs to make this right?
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Meso members, need a sounding board to let me know if I'm outta line: made a couple orders November/December time frame, roughly 6 months ago. First run went great, next run was extremely painful, swollen, feverish, pain far beyond what I could train through, and had to stop (migyol issue from a few hundred pages ago). I have a job where I leave the country for months at a time to austere environments without connectivity, so I'm back now and bring it up with @purplepandalabs @PurplePandaLabs Rep. And I'm told too late, you can get a 20% discount on another order, but that's it. No replacement product, no money back, just spend more and get a 20% discount. Am I wrong for thinking PPL needs to make this right?
You would hope they burn the records at some point, and would have no way to verify an order, that’s months old.
I wouldn’t expect them to revisit my order months later, to send me replacement gear.
Not implying you didn’t get what you say. I think they need to draw a line someplace, I’d imagine they do it there, once records are scrubbed. Just my 2¢.
Meso members, need a sounding board to let me know if I'm outta line: made a couple orders November/December time frame, roughly 6 months ago. First run went great, next run was extremely painful, swollen, feverish, pain far beyond what I could train through, and had to stop (migyol issue from a few hundred pages ago). I have a job where I leave the country for months at a time to austere environments without connectivity, so I'm back now and bring it up with @purplepandalabs @PurplePandaLabs Rep. And I'm told too late, you can get a 20% discount on another order, but that's it. No replacement product, no money back, just spend more and get a 20% discount. Am I wrong for thinking PPL needs to make this right?

It’s not unusual whatsoever in this realm to purchase these PED’s for future use. An average cycle is 3-4 months. So to discover a problem 3 months after purchase is not unreasonable if you were just switching compounds.

And on top of that, it was THEIR fucked up gear causing you AND OTHERS unreasonable pip.

With that being said, you should be compensated if you can prove your order 10 years from now. They fucked up and they owe you. You trusted them to INJECT their drugs into YOUR body and they hurt you. You are not out of line to expect them to make this right. This was a KNOWN problem. Not like you are coming out of left field with this complaint.

@PurplePandaLabs Rep. help this guy if he can prove his order history.
You would hope they burn the records at some point, and would have no way to verify an order, that’s months old.
I wouldn’t expect them to revisit my order months later, to send me replacement gear.
Not implying you didn’t get what you say. I think they need to draw a line someplace, I’d imagine they do it there, once records are scrubbed. Just my 2¢.
Agreed on the record piece, but I have the records, and of course, the bunk gear. Additionally, cycles can last month's, so to find an issue months later is actually not that out of the ordinary.
Using no ester injectables like frog juice I plan on running Tren A and Test P ontop but should I run my oral anadrol as well or will the inject no ester anadrol and dbol give same results as the oral