PurplePandaLabs Raw source

If a little primo did get in it.
The only issue I could see it causing is it would take longer to go into a solution but shouldn't have caused all that it looks like alot of moisture got in somehow to me.
Would putting silica dry packs in with the raws help keep or pull any moisture out of them?

Or could this possibly lead to some off chance of contamination issues?
Would putting silica dry packs in with the raws help keep or pull any moisture out of them?

Or could this possibly lead to some off chance of contamination issues?

I put my raws in canning jars that seal with silica packs because plastic bags are permeable to the moisture in the air.
@PurplePandaLabs Rep.
If moisture got in there that’s a shit ton of moisture. Other raws from the same purchase brewed up nice. I think from here on out whatever I buy I brew. No standing around but if I did plan on storing powder for longer periods then next time I’ll do the silica packs. Put all the raws in like a badass Tupperware. Raws in one side dry packs on another. Plastic baggies around the raws should prevent any issues with the dry packs if they were to come into contact.
@PurplePandaLabs Rep.
If moisture got in there that’s a shit ton of moisture. Other raws from the same purchase brewed up nice. I think from here on out whatever I buy I brew. No standing around but if I did plan on storing powder for longer periods then next time I’ll do the silica packs. Put all the raws in like a badass Tupperware. Raws in one side dry packs on another. Plastic baggies around the raws should prevent any issues with the dry packs if they were to come into contact.

Tupperware doesn’t seal, use canning jars.

Plastic bags don’t do shit, again use canning jars.
Let me clarify. I said badass Tupperware meaning the ones that have the gasket and locks on it. My ass they don’t seal. You can fill them with water and turn them over and they won’t leak. As for the plastic baggies I meant the ones that the raws come in. This way if the dry packs came into contact with the raws there is a barrier between the two.
Let me clarify. I said badass Tupperware meaning the ones that have the gasket and locks on it. My ass they don’t seal. You can fill them with water and turn them over and they won’t leak. As for the plastic baggies I meant the ones that the raws come in. This way if the dry packs came into contact with the raws there is a barrier between the two.
Haha chill bro, not bashing.
What I think xmad and myself are saying or at least myself, is plastic is permiable to air even if air tight. Plastic itself breathes. So yes it will hold water, but air will infiltrate through the plastic itself.
Think of a balloon that eventually deflates, it's not leaking through a hole but the latex itself.
Something to do with the molecular makeup of glass and metal, more tightly packed, or not as reactive(more stable)
I'm talking out my ass now, not my area of expertise. But I do know hydroscopic subtsances are best stored in glass or metal.
Hope this helps. No one wants to see wasted raws!:)
