PurplePandaLabs Raw source

That's like saying don't cruise on test cus then u won't get results when u blast it. I don't beleive that non-sense.
I tried to help you but this last statement did it for me. Do not pm me anymore looking to get your hand held and walked through brewing. That last post shows undoubtedly how uneducated and inexperienced you are. To make things worse you’re ignorant to the advice being given. You WILL have issues if you stay on this road. People like you will do more harm to themselves and possibly others and always blame someone else. Stop using gear before it’s to late. Good luck.
Inexperienced? Lol. Ive been using gear now for 2.5 years. Im a lil more experienced than u think. Ive made 4 or 5 orders with u guys n its been a problem since day one woth ur shitty painful ass gear. Then send me a replacement of tren that was in gso and the shit still hurt. I gave it away to a friend and even he said the shit was painful.

Inexperienced, maybe, but after only 2.5 years, nothing but problems from day one, cruising on tren, many other foolish statements.

Maybe reckless is a more appropriate term.
When you loose the arrogant attitude and are willing to actually listen to some advice, I'm sure you'll get some solid information from meso members.
Most of us are here to help.

Inexperienced, maybe, but after only 2.5 years, nothing but problems from day one, cruising on tren, many other foolish statements.

Maybe reckless is a more appropriate term.
When you loose the arrogant attitude and are willing to actually listen to some advice, I'm sure you'll get some solid information from meso members.
Most of us are here to help.


By the way he's ranting and mother fucking, it seems as though the Tren is indeed working. :D:p
My tren run is bad this time too. I switched esters at 5 weeks and I only waited 4 months between tren cycles. I'm not feeling any aggression this time and I'm very lethargic. I'm wondering if the lack of time between cycles is the reason. Maybe I'm tolerant to it?

I was also wondering if it's because I'm only on 250mg of test. What do y'all think? It's just not the same this time at all.
You cruise on 150mg of tren? That’s where you’re going wrong. You don’t cruise on tren....ever. I️ think if you were starting the tren fresh you’d be getting great results.
People have been telling him this dozens of times, on multiple forums. Save your breath lol
My tren run is bad this time too. I switched esters at 5 weeks and I only waited 4 months between tren cycles. I'm not feeling any aggression this time and I'm very lethargic. I'm wondering if the lack of time between cycles is the reason. Maybe I'm tolerant to it?

I was also wondering if it's because I'm only on 250mg of test. What do y'all think? It's just not the same this time at all.

Doubt its the test. Their tren is weak shit. Plain and simple. No night sweats, no aggression, no vascularity, no nothing, just some yellow pee.
It’s shit like this that really sucks that we don’t have a reliable way of testing. So much bullshit and kitchen bitchin could be avoided by a simple test. As the saying goes a source is only as good as it’s last batch. So far so good for me and I’m going to have to agree with the rep. Do you realize how many ugls are using them for raws to make finished products. If the tren or anything is underdosed this forum and all the others would be on fire right now. I’m going to have to side with ppl at this point. It makes it even harder to defend members when they are clearly immature in many ways.
Oh and receptors dont desentitize. @PurplePandaLabs Rep. so dont give me that bullshit.
Last thing I’m gonna say, not bashing you even, but seriously, think logically. How many people and other UGL’s do you think got the same exact tren as you did? Probably a shit load right? If it was bunk or whatever don’t you think every forum would be on fire right now with people complaining about getting bunk tren? Just think about it
Last thing I’m gonna say, not bashing you even, but seriously, think logically. How many people and other UGL’s do you think got the same exact tren as you did? Probably a shit load right? If it was bunk or whatever don’t you think every forum would be on fire right now with people complaining about getting bunk tren? Just think about it
Sometimes ugl over dose their shit so it seems like it's potent, and then one tries something that's properly dosed that seems weak.

But i have no idea what's going on with @LooneyTuned
Sometimes ugl over dose their shit so it seems like it's potent, and then one tries something that's properly dosed that seems weak.

But i have no idea what's going on with @LooneyTuned

Maybe im just godly and dont respond to tren. I remember the first time i ran it at 150mg and i was mean af, vascular, and woke up in puddles during the night.

U kno i dont want to be a dick to since uve helped me brew n all but after ur shitty post towards me i gives a fuck. Ive seen ur log where ur running tren at like 20%+ bf so keep ur shity remarks to ur self. Talkn about irresponsible and inexperienced.
I got an unsolicited email on proton from a "ppl rep".
What was the deal on the email sales bullshit. I read back 20 pages and can't find it.