PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Deleted. Didn't think such would be off limits in this kind of forum as I see stock lists posted but no worries. Sorry about that. If you wouldn't mind nuking the quote I'd appreciate it.

Done and done. It's not that it's off limits, it's just a sign of bad taste (IMO) to start your membership off with a "i'm looking to score" post.

Introduce yourself in the new member section. Have a look around and jump into some conversations. There's way more to Meso than just a bunch of bathtub brewers. (No offense, PPL.) ;):D
Oh and receptors dont desentitize. @PurplePandaLabs Rep. so dont give me that bullshit.
Not to get into the middle of this but while the terminology may not be exact, in a.sense receptors do desensitize/down regulate. I used to think otherwise as well until talking to a couple of the top coaches in the industry.

Again not trying to get in the middle but there is actually some science behind it. Just sharing some info from my own learning over the years.

U kno i dont want to be a dick to since uve helped me brew n all but after ur shitty post towards me i gives a fuck. Ive seen ur log where ur running tren at like 20%+ bf so keep ur shity remarks to ur self. Talkn about irresponsible and inexperienced.
If you think those pics of me are 20 percent BF you’re a fool. Either way we’re good.
Anybody know of a another good raw source? Pm me. Im pretty much done with this one.
Done giving these chinks my money. Ive spent at least $1000 with you guys and every order ive made ive had a problem with.

@PurplePandaLabs Rep.

U lost a good customer.

U kno i dont want to be a dick to since uve helped me brew n all but after ur shitty post towards me i gives a fuck. Ive seen ur log where ur running tren at like 20%+ bf so keep ur shity remarks to ur self. Talkn about irresponsible and inexperienced.

I dare to say that very few, if any, on this site has more experience with tren than I️ do. Over 20 years worth. I’m not saying that to brag, because I’m not at all. Tren is a compound that has the potential to cause major health problems later on. Brother do your own research and don’t run this stuff recklessly, like as a cruise. I’ll make 2 runs a year with tren. One precontest, and one short 6-8 week run during bulking season. And that’s pushing the limits.

Plan your cycles out carefully and and put your health first at all times.
That's like saying don't cruise on test cus then u won't get results when u blast it. I don't beleive that non-sense.

Not an attack but.. First off, a cruise does not involve tren, it simply mimics natural test levels, via testosterone, allowing some things to regulate, as there are serious dangers in prolonged elevation, especially to heart markers, liver enzymes.
And if you’re under the impression that keeping your cardio/lipid and mood hormones, out of whack in a constant state, can’t degrade efficiency. You are mistaken. It chips away, even at the immune system. Likewise constant use of almost any substance, builds tolerance to the substance.
I dare to say that very few, if any, on this site has more experience with tren than I️ do. Over 20 years worth. I’m not saying that to brag, because I’m not at all. Tren is a compound that has the potential to cause major health problems later on. Brother do your own research and don’t run this stuff recklessly, like as a cruise. I’ll make 2 runs a year with tren. One precontest, and one short 6-8 week run during bulking season. And that’s pushing the limits.

Plan your cycles out carefully and and put your health first at all times.

I know this bro and i appreciate your input. I know its the harshest compound and this is why im flabbergasted as to why im not feeling a damn thing off this tren considering its a pretty hefty dose and i never ran more than 200mg of it.
Not an attack but.. First off, a cruise does not involve tren, it simply mimics natural test levels, via testosterone, allowing some things to regulate, as there are serious dangers in prolonged elevation, especially to heart markers, liver enzymes.
And if you’re under the impression that keeping your cardio/lipid and mood hormones, out of whack in a constant state, can’t degrade efficiency. You are mistaken. It chips away, even at the immune system. Likewise constant use of almost any substance, builds tolerance to the substance.

People have cruised with 100test/100tren without any issues. Ive done my research on this. There was even a doc that had his patients on this protocol with success and better bloods than just 250mg of test. 150mg and 450 is a big difference especially since we're talking tren here. Pretty much 3x the amount. There's no way i wouldn't respond to that.
100test/100tren without any issues. Ive done my research on this. There was even a doc that had his patients on this protocol with success and better bloods than just 250mg of test.
How is this possible when no pharmaceutical company makes tren for human use?
I know this bro and i appreciate your input. I know its the harshest compound and this is why im flabbergasted as to why im not feeling a damn thing off this tren considering its a pretty hefty dose and i never ran more than 200mg of it.

I’m hearing you....I’ve got some component th tren and I def don’t get the sides from it like I do on others. That isn’t to say it isn’t working as it should. A lot of times when we think of tren, we think we should get all of the typical sides and when we don’t, it’s weak. That’s not necessarily the case. I can’t explain it, but you can’t always go by feel.
I’m hearing you....I’ve got some component th tren and I def don’t get the sides from it like I do on others. That isn’t to say it isn’t working as it should. A lot of times when we think of tren, we think we should get all of the typical sides and when we don’t, it’s weak. That’s not necessarily the case. I can’t explain it, but you can’t always go by feel.

Thing is im not getting the negative nor the positive effects from it.


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