PurplePandaLabs Raw source

@PurplePandaLabs Rep.

Wtf kinda of shit did you guys send me. 5 weeks in to this tren n i still dont see or feel anything at @450mg. If anything i feel like im losing muscle and strength. There is definitely something wrong with this shit you guys sold me. Don't tell me i should wait longer cus ive been on quite enough. I'm finishin up the 5th week tommorow.
Just brewed some I’ll let ya know
@PurplePandaLabs Rep.

Wtf kinda of shit did you guys send me. 5 weeks in to this tren n i still dont see or feel anything at @450mg. If anything i feel like im losing muscle and strength. There is definitely something wrong with this shit you guys sold me. Don't tell me i should wait longer cus ive been on quite enough. I'm finishin up the 5th week tommorow.
U also have the tren look to me bud ... i think u need to stop counting on gear and fix ur meals and training
Finished my Tren-e brew. First time making tren. 2nd time brewing.


I just finished. I got it to hold at 200mg/40ml with 1%/18% and gso.

Have a little problem tho....
This time i weighed out the total brew instead of measuring it in the graduated cylinder. Used a gram scaled and weighed out 40g total which is the same as 40ml.

The thing is when i measured it in the cylinder it reads like 43ml.

So im confused....
3 extra ml will definitely make your brew underdosed

The finished brew weighs 40g which is the same as 40ml but when i dump the brew in the graduated cylinder to measure it, it reads 43ml.

I did that. Used a syringe to measure and weighed out all the ingredients on a gram scale. Which gave me 40g total. This was my first time doing it like that bcus everytime i measured out the total in the cylinder my vials never came out even. I was always short.
First time doing this way hmm?
Well now i dont know if i have 40ml or 43ml lol. Fml

This is my 4th brew now and the reason i did it this way was bcus everytime my vials would come out uneven when i got to the last one. When i measured out 50ml on the cylinder.

Just doesn't make sense. I weighed each ingredient seperately.

8g raw
.4ml ba
7ml bb
25ml gso


The only other thing it could be is the displacement is what's causing the weight difference.

I didn't account for the displacement. That's what confuses me.
Yeah that would have alot to do with it correct me if I'm wrong I offered advice and so did many other long time experienced brewers which you pretty much scoffed at because they didn't agree with you method did you ever wonder why because it was wrong plain and simple.
These were my steps...

1.Put empty breaker on scale and tared it.

2. Weighed 8 g of raw in breaker. tared.

3. Used a syringe to pull 7ml, put in breaker, n weighed it which was 7g. Tared

4. Syringed 4ml into beaker. Didn't weigh cus the scale didn't read it. But should of been .4g

5. Poured 25g of oil from bottle into beaker

6. I now have 40ml/40g in the beaker.
It didn't look like you were to confident in your brew right after you were done with it.
But now your confident you did everything right get out of here with that dishonest bullshit.
If I thought for one minute ppl didn't do right by you I would make it right and alot of these customers around here know it.
But I remember you complaining about your finished brews not coming out right and remember how we all tried to help.
But you did the same thing your doing now arguing that it couldn't possibly be you a person still green to brewing.
You were even trying methods that we all explained is flawed.
3 extra ml will definitely make your brew underdosed

First time doing this way hmm?

Yeah that would have alot to do with it correct me if I'm wrong I offered advice and so did many other long time experienced brewers which you pretty much scoffed at because they didn't agree with you method did you ever wonder why because it was wrong plain and simple.

It didn't look like you were to confident in your brew right after you were done with it.
But now your confident you did everything right get out of here with that dishonest bullshit.
If I thought for one minute ppl didn't do right by you I would make it right and alot of these customers around here know it.
But I remember you complaining about your finished brews not coming out right and remember how we all tried to help.
But you did the same thing your doing now arguing that it couldn't possibly be you a person still green to brewing.
You were even trying methods that we all explained is flawed.

I already came to the conclusion the the graduated cylinder is a bit off with the measurment marks. Lmao thinking 3ml would make a huge difference especially with tren. Would you want me to shoot up 500mg instead of 450mg to make up the difference? Come on bro stop beating around the bush and trying to make me look bad. Yea I'm still fairly new at brewing but the brews came out just fine. If you read the first post u quoted of me you would know, If anything the gear would be overdosed you stupid ass. If my graduated measured out a bit more than I actually had than that would mean more hormone in less oil. So nice job in making ur self look like an idiot.

Your gear is weak fam. Plain and Simple.
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I already came to the conclusion the the graduated cylinder is a bit off with the measurment marks. Lmao thinking 3ml would make a huge difference especially with tren. Would you want me to shoot up 500mg instead of 450mg to make up the difference? Come on bro stop beating around the bush and trying to make me look bad. Yea I'm still fairly new at brewing but the brews came out just fine. If you read the first post u quoted of me you would know, If anything the gear would be overdosed you stupid ass. If my graduated measured out a bit more than I actually had than that would mean more hormone in less oil. So nice job in making ur self look like an idiot.

Your gear is weak fam. Plain and Simple.
Your moves are weak
And since u want to bring up old shit...

The first order I got from you guys was painful as shit and couldnt even run a cycle without being in pain everyday of the week from the pip/inflamation your finished gear caused.

Your girl vicky sent me a replacement in gso instead of mig or whatever the hell u were using b4. Still painful as shit. Sent it to a friend and said it was painful and caused swelling and redness.

My last order which coincidentally was the one that I'm complaining now with the tren. The shipping froze for like a week and half with out any update. As soon as I sent u a msg about it updated that same day. Funny coincidence. I wonder where u got that tren from and somehow updatedthat tracking quick af.
I already came to the conclusion the the graduated cylinder is a bit off with the measurment marks. Lmao thinking 3ml would make a huge difference especially with tren. Come on bro stop beating around the bush and trying to make me look bad. Yea I'm still fairly new at brewing but the brews came out just fine. If you read the first post u quoted of me you would know, If anything the gear would be overdosed you stupid ass. If my graduated measured out a bit more than I actually had than that would mean more hormone in less oil. So nice job in making ur self look like an idiot.

Your gear is weak fam. Point blank.
Our gear is on point
You can keep acting like a fucking genius and keep getting shit results I really don't care I offered to help as did many others anyone can go back and read.
And there's nothing wrong with being new to something but when you catch a shitty attitude like you and not listen to anyone don't be surprised or piss and moan when you're shits coming out wrong and I have been and still do brew along with selling no telling how many kilos of the raws.
And when you're brewing 40ml and you finish with 43ml you have some underdosed gear I know you can't grasp that but it's a fact.
And you should measure and not weigh all of your liquids.
Our gear is on point
You can keep acting like a fucking genius and keep getting shit results I really don't care I offered to help as did many others anyone can go back and read.
And there's nothing wrong with being new to something but when you catch a shitty attitude like you and not listen to anyone don't be surprised or piss and moan when you're shits coming out wrong and I have been and still do brew along with selling no telling how many kilos of the raws.
And when you're brewing 40ml and you finish with 43ml you have some underdosed gear I know you can't grasp that but it's a fact.
And you should measure and not weigh all of your liquids.

I was actually brewing 45ml and it came out 43ml but u know what, thats a different hormone I brewed. Remember u asked me a couple days ago what my ratios were. I posted the pic. For the tren I did 35ml but came out 33ml. So please help me understand how my gear is underdosed.....oh and leme pull up that pic 4 u.
I normally cruise on 150mg of test e with 100-150mg tren. I feel like my test levels are very low. I normally run the same dose of test even when i blast. The highest i go is 200mg. I have no energy, very lethargic, and only busting a nut once a week. Couple days ago i probably slept about 20 hours. Only woke up to eat and goto the gym.

This is my first time running more than 200mg of tren so i dont see how tripling my dose doesn't have any effect. I don't believe it. Its gotta be these raws these people sent me.

I feel like I should be a billionaire but that hasn’t done shit to make it happen.

Im not complaining about the test too. Im just stating what im running and how ive been feeling. Pretty much this whole run ive been very lethargic and sleeping almost all day everyday. Either my test levels are low or e2 is low from the tren n primo. I just kno im not gettin no godly effect from the tren.

Either or? Go get a test and be done with it.

I think i did a good job with my brew. This was 35ml of tren-e. The only thing i can think of is that i used pes filters to filter the gear. Maybe the filter is too small and keeping some of the hormone?


Think? If you can do basic math then you would know....


U kno i dont want to be a dick to since uve helped me brew n all but after ur shitty post towards me i gives a fuck. Ive seen ur log where ur running tren at like 20%+ bf so keep ur shity remarks to ur self. Talkn about irresponsible and inexperienced.

A lot of members have tried to help you and you’ve been a complete dickhead. Idk why they keep trying but maybe slow your roll? I’ve been using AAS the same or less time than you and have put on 30lbs of muscle, why do you look like you only work out 1-2 times a week?

This source has/had it’s issues but you’re making yourself look like a joke dude....
And since u want to bring up old shit...

The first order I got from you guys was painful as shit and couldnt even run a cycle without being in pain everyday of the week from the pip/inflamation your finished gear caused.

Your girl vicky sent me a replacement in gso instead of mig or whatever the hell u were using b4. Still painful as shit. Sent it to a friend and said it was painful and caused swelling and redness.

My last order which coincidentally was the one that I'm complaining now with the tren. The shipping froze for like a week and half with out any update. As soon as I sent u a msg about it updated that same day. Funny coincidence. I wonder where u got that tren from and somehow updatedthat tracking quick af.
Yeah I wonder how to considering the carrier is an independent company.
Customs threw it in there and updated the system.
I have an issue with my 35ml tren-e brew. It keeps crashing after about 6 hours. Small crystals keep forming at the bottom. Ive heated it up slightly to get rid of the crystals but they keep coming back.
Well well I guess wasn't anything to do with this was it?

I started with 12%bb and gradually upped it. I kinda lost count with the bb tho. I think there is 5.20ml of bb in there at the moment. Im pretty sure i havent reached 6ml yet. Also only have .30ml of ba. My graduated cylinder reads 33ml total for the entire brew.
Lost count but your brew was accurately dosed right?
I'm going to leave everything out so that everyone can make an informed decision about what's happened here.
You are dishonest plain and simple.
Well well I guess wasn't anything to do with this was it?

Lost count but your brew was accurately dosed right?
I'm going to leave everything out so that everyone can make an informed decision about what's happened here.
You are dishonest plain and simple.

Doesnt really matter. Theres still less than 35ml total with 7gs of tren raw. It would be overdosed. Ur making urself look dumber and dumber.
Doesnt really matter. Theres still less than 35ml total with 7gs of tren raw. It would be overdosed. Ur making urself look dumber and dumber.
I have forgotten more about brewing than you will probably ever learn.
And I still have no hard feelings towards you if you can't see what I and everyone else does I can't do anything about that.
I hope you the best of luck you don't have to use ppl there's plenty of other sources out there I hope you find a great one.
Good luck
I have forgotten more about brewing than you will probably ever learn.
And I still have no hard feelings towards you if you can't see what I and everyone else does I can't do anything about that.
I hope you the best of luck you don't have to use ppl there's plenty of other sources out there I hope you find a great one.
Good luck

Nice way of avoiding the question. I applaud u. Have a nice day.