PurplePandaLabs Raw source

My tren run is bad this time too. I switched esters at 5 weeks and I only waited 4 months between tren cycles. I'm not feeling any aggression this time and I'm very lethargic. I'm wondering if the lack of time between cycles is the reason. Maybe I'm tolerant to it?

I was also wondering if it's because I'm only on 250mg of test. What do y'all think? It's just not the same this time at all.

And I'll leave this here too. Just in case anybody missed it.
When it started crashing it was at 35ml and 200mg / ml when you started adding BB the total volume went up while the strength went down and the fact that you can't grasp this proves my point.
Lol if it was crashing at supposedly 18%bb +/- a little @ 200mg/ml I doubt there was an issue with purity ... that alone shoots a pretty big hole in the argument ...
Lol if it was crashing at supposedly 18%bb +/- a little @ 200mg/ml I doubt there was an issue with purity ... that alone shoots a pretty big hole in the argument ...
I have honestly tried to help the guy so what if it didn't come out right learn from it and correct it next time right?
Not him he's hell bent that he wasn't capable of messing up.
Even tho his own words show how totally lost he was when making the brews.
Instead of letting someone with experience help he would rather get pissed and take it as a insult .
When it started crashing it was at 35ml and 200mg / ml when you started adding BB the total volume went up while the strength went down and the fact that you can't grasp this proves my point.

The product wasnt finshed yet. I left room just incase I need to add more bb just incase it didnt hold. I only had 15% bb at the time when it crashed. I bumped it to 18% and it stopped crashing.
I still had under 35ml total. Ur turn.
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The product wasnt finshed yet. I left room just incase I need to add more bb just incase it didnt hold. I only had 15% bb at the time when it crashed. I bumped it to 18% and it stopped crashing.
I still had under 35ml total. Ur turn.
Said the guy who says I don't know how much BB I have added. Lmao
I know what was going on when it happened and I also know you were needing help then because you didn't get the shit right to begin with.
You know what you don't want help your never wrong and I'm tired of caring.
Your incapable of making a mistake we get it.
I really don't give a shit anymore.
You lack the understanding it would take for me to be able to help you.
Said the guy who says I don't know how much BB I have added. Lmao
I know what was going on when it happened and I also know you were needing help then because you didn't get the shit right to begin with.
You know what you don't want help your never wrong and I'm tired of caring.
Your incapable of making a mistake we get it.
I really don't give a shit anymore.
You lack the understanding it would take for me to be able to help you.
Bruh, you get thing fixed on my dilemma?
Said the guy who says I don't know how much BB I have added. Lmao
I know what was going on when it happened and I also know you were needing help then because you didn't get the shit right to begin with.
You know what you don't want help your never wrong and I'm tired of caring.
Your incapable of making a mistake we get it.
I really don't give a shit anymore.
You lack the understanding it would take for me to be able to help you.

Nice comeback. Ur still trying to mumble around my main question.
It crashed with 15%bb.
And ? Sry Bud I havent really followed along with this but even if it was crashing at 15 percent the purity couldnt be that low that your calling bunk on it imo . It would have to be fairly pure for the hormone to be falling out of solution at even 15% (atleast that quick) ... thats just me being 100% with you

Plus just for future reference grams and ml dont measure evenly . You said you weighed 40g on the scale but it measure out to 43ml (not the tren brew i guess but whatever) . Grams are measurement of weight , and ml's are a measurement of volume they dont equate. Not shitting on you anything, just don't suggest you try and figure out the accuracy of your brew that way .
I have an issue with my 35ml tren-e brew. It keeps crashing after about 6 hours. Small crystals keep forming at the bottom. Ive heated it up slightly to get rid of the crystals but they keep coming back.
These are your words
You're 35ml brew keeps crashing now this was before you come to the forum asking for help to fix it.
I'm smart enough to know you can't add all that BB and still end up with 35ml total and 200mg / ml.
You can keep on denying the obvious .
When you get ready to be honest and actually learn you will make it much closer to your goals or you can continue to wonder why you aren't ever getting the results you want.
And ? Sry Bud I havent really followed along with this but even if it was crashing at 15 percent the purity couldnt be that low that your calling bunk on it imo . It would have to be fairly pure for the hormone to be fallung out of solution at even 15% (atleast that quick) ... thats just me being 100% with you

Plus just for future reference grams and ml dont measure evenly . You said you weighed 40g on the scale but it measure out to 43ml (not the tren brew i guess but whatever) . Grams are measurement of weight , and ml's are a measurement of volume they dont equate. Not shitting on you anything, just don't suggest you try and figure out the accuracy of your brew that way .

Yea i got that man and thanks. U can actually weigh each item on a gram/ml scale and come out with the same finished product as if u did it by measurement. The dumb thing I didnt realize b4 was i was expecting the total amount to weigh 35ml which it actually should of weighed 36.05 total. I know its optimal or the right way but it can be done this way.

Just add up all the ingredients on a calculator and that should be the total amount in g/ml.


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These are your words
You're 35ml brew keeps crashing now this was before you come to the forum asking for help to fix it.
I'm smart enough to know you can't add all that BB and still end up with 35ml total and 200mg / ml.
You can keep on denying the obvious .
When you get ready to be honest and actually learn you will make it much closer to your goals or you can continue to wonder why you aren't ever getting the results you want.

Yea I was just stating the brew I was doing. So now I'm lieing lol. I have no reason to lie. I already said I'm not trying to get anything from u.
You really need to educate yourself before you really hurt yourself!!!
Yea i got that man and thanks. U can actually weigh each item on a gram/ml scale and come out with the same finished product as if u did it by measurement. The dumb thing I didnt realize b4 was i was expecting the total amount to weigh 35ml which it actually should of weighed 36.5 total. I know its optimal or the right way but it can be done this way.

Just add up all the ingredients on a calculator and that should be the total amount in g/ml.

And I'll leave this here too. Just in case anybody missed it.
I wasn't saying that something was wrong with the raws. I haven't had a problem with any so far. Actually a buddy of mine is on the same stuff and having a way better experience than mine. I think it's one of the other reasons I mentioned.
That's exactly what I'm saying I know when all the shit happened would like for me to prove it ?
You do realize all our history of everything we say and post is here and also have a time stamp on them right?

Not sure if u understood me correctly. I wasnt done with the brew yet when it only had 15% bb.

You already brought my old posts and yes I do know the history is here. That doesnt change the fact that the finished product was a couple mls under 35ml. So how is the gear underdosed....u still have not answered that question lol.

I'm not lieing about anything. There's no reason for me to. Since u checkn history check back at the orders I placed and how much I spent with u guys. I was just about to place another order in a couple weeks.
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