PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Keep killing it man!!! You got this shit!
Thanks buddy. This is a fucked up week for me but Monday I start some new training. Hopefully I get good results. I usually don’t get back to the gym till after the 4th but between my ghetto prison gym and some extra free time to get to my regular gym these past few weeks I should be able to make a lot better progress and faster than I normally do once I hit it hard next week.
I've had the question raised a few times now. I end up finding that I do really well with a really low fat diet for about 8 days and then i plummet. If I re feed around the 6 day mark I'm generally good. When I was younger I needed the fats more than I do now, I think.

I wonder though, when I was younger I wasn't using steroids. I wonder how they have played into my needs for more or less fat?

Im not knocking it , if you make it work for ya thats awesome . That's the big thing is knowing when to refeed , or switch up foods that arent working for . Basically not being a slave to a particular protocol .

Honestly thats why most people suck at dieting because they follow a cookie cutter diet to the last letter , and dont learn how to listen to there body . Or that exact opposite were macros are the end all be all and it doesn't matter what the foods theyre eating as long as its fits . Which to an extent is true but there's still alot of flaws and variables you cant account for with the macro approach.

More than not somewhere in the middle is where most peoples optimal diet falls into . You just gotta fail at it enough until you figure it out lol
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I've had the question raised a few times now. I end up finding that I do really well with a really low fat diet for about 8 days and then i plummet. If I re feed around the 6 day mark I'm generally good. When I was younger I needed the fats more than I do now, I think.

I wonder though, when I was younger I wasn't using steroids. I wonder how they have played into my needs for more or less fat?
I Just read an article on high protein high carb low fat being better for athletes. It cites a study done on athletes 10% body fat and better. One group was put on a 300 calorie reduction and the other on a 750. The 750 lost more fat but not more fat free mass.

I think the key to no muscle loss was the higher protein and the higher carb which leads to less stress hormones and more intense workouts.

I'm may give it a try. I just always lean towards keto when I cut.

The Best Way to Lose Weight Fast Without Losing Muscle
Now, I will expand. If I was training for power or trying to grow i wouldn't be eating like this at all. This is simply me trying to loose weight so I look all sexy for those Midwestern girls in a few weeks (vacation).

Diversity of foods matters a lot to me, despite only having a few foods that i am eating. I find that chilli is basically what I eat in between a day or two of super clean eating. I feel like that really helps keep me on track, almost like I lie to myself and claim that as a cheat meal. But the chilli is always home made and really healthy too!

What do you guys get into for cheat meals? I go off the deep end lol. Onion rings, a sub and a pizza is usually what I'll go with when I cheat. Sometimes Chinese food.
I Just read an article on high protein high carb low fat being better for athletes. It cites a study done on athletes 10% body fat and better. One group was put on a 300 calorie reduction and the other on a 750. The 750 lost more fat but not more fat free mass.

I think the key to no muscle loss was the higher protein and the higher carb which leads to less stress hormones and more intense workouts.

I'm may give it a try. I just always lean towards keto when I cut.

The Best Way to Lose Weight Fast Without Losing Muscle
The study was just talking about a 300 and 750 calorie deficit being similar in muscle lose but more fat lose over a shorter period with the 750 calorie deficit. It didnt specify a particular micronutrient profile of the dieters.

Then supplement company that sited the study were the ones claiming a low fat high carb diet was better for preserving muscle and maintaning performance. But they didnt back that claim in any type way .

Im not saying it is or isnt in some circumstances , but anyone that makes the claim low fat high carb diets are a one size fits all approach to optimal fat loss and performance is someone I cant take seriously. Especially when its someone trying to push there products in the same article ..
The study was just talking about a 300 and 750 calorie deficit being similar in muscle lose but more fat lose over a shorter period with the 750 calorie deficit. It didnt specify a particular micronutrient profile of the dieters.

Then supplement company that sited the study were the ones claiming a low fat high carb diet was better for preserving muscle and maintaning performance. But they didnt back that claim in any type way .

Im not saying it is or isnt in some circumstances , but anyone that makes the claim low fat high carb diets are a one size fits all approach to optimal fat loss and performance is someone I cant take seriously. Especially when its someone trying to push there products in the same article ..
Well they push the supplements obviously to make money, but it didn't pertain anything to the article. It's not like the article was justifying the supplements.

The study states high protein and lowered carbs, youre right in that it doesnt specify high carbs. I believe what they meant is higher carbs as compared to high fat diets, not necessarily high carbs.

It's an interesting theory. Just this morning I posted another study on diet in the nutrition section. That study would be contradicting to a high protein higher carb approach. But I don't think it takes into consideration athletes vs obese. Or sedentary vs. Active. It does cite Chinese farmers who live on a high carb diet(white rice) but have lesser instances of obesity. And as the farmers became more urbanized, obesity and diabetes all rose.

I'll give it a try. I've always been under the assumption slow and steady was better to preserve muscle.
I picked up that package without incident.
I have ordered lots of other stuff from China that I had to sign for or go pick up......but none of them were illegal, so my paranoia got to me with this package.
IDK if my blood pressure can take this shit lol!
I picked up that package without incident.
I have ordered lots of other stuff from China that I had to sign for or go pick up......but none of them were illegal, so my paranoia got to me with this package.
IDK if my blood pressure can take this shit lol!
Lol welcome to the game
I picked up that package without incident.
I have ordered lots of other stuff from China that I had to sign for or go pick up......but none of them were illegal, so my paranoia got to me with this package.
IDK if my blood pressure can take this shit lol!
It happens nothing wrong with being cautious tho.
Well they push the supplements obviously to make money, but it didn't pertain anything to the article. It's not like the article was justifying the supplements.

The study states high protein and lowered carbs, youre right in that it doesnt specify high carbs. I believe what they meant is higher carbs as compared to high fat diets, not necessarily high carbs.

It's an interesting theory. Just this morning I posted another study on diet in the nutrition section. That study would be contradicting to a high protein higher carb approach. But I don't think it takes into consideration athletes vs obese. Or sedentary vs. Active. It does cite Chinese farmers who live on a high carb diet(white rice) but have lesser instances of obesity. And as the farmers became more urbanized, obesity and diabetes all rose.

I'll give it a try. I've always been under the assumption slow and steady was better to preserve muscle.
Yeah I feel ya , I knew what you were saying. I was just pointing out that whoever wrote the article was being disingenuous, and making it seem like a high carb high protein diet like they suggest was somehow proven more effective in the study they linked .

Im pretty balanced in my approach with carbs and fats . So im not trying to push a keto diet or anything . I personally focus more on optimizing timing of my carbs and fats , and picking foods that I digest well and that have a high micronutrient value , rather than really worry about the macro ratio.

But yeah Im generally a slow and steady guy myself , not really because i think its better at preserving muscle. More because if I diet to aggressively to fast I just end up yoyo'ing . But if youre disciplined the hard cut works fine imo.

Week 8 of my blast with 450mg of tren-e. Still fucking nothing @purplepandalabs I upped it to 500mg to finish off these last few weeks with this garbage. I dunno what ur sending out but this shit is no good.


Maybe their tren ace is good but the tren-e is garbage.

Dude ur a fucking troll i have the same tren e ... and everyone that i gave it to is fucking loving it ... countless people have tried to help u but u think u know everything hints that’s why ur not teachable ... go order from pharmacom or something im tired of hearing u.... we get it already you want free shit
While 500 mg Tren E per week ain't a huge dose these days, at least you should feel some side effects from it.
While 500 mg Tren E per week ain't a huge dose these days, at least you should feel some side effects from it.

Lol...Im not feeling anything and ive never ran it this high ever. Never went over 200mg and i only ran it once at 200mg. Thats why i know sumtn is up. Plus i only 165.

Im on the last vial of this stuff and I won't be ordering anymore from them.


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