PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Push it to 1g per week
if you don't feel like God/dying, Tren is definitely underdosed.
Good advice lol and u cant judge gear from side affects .... if the tren is bad I’d love to know trust me but nothing has came close to proving that yet
You just got on it like a week ago...how much are u running?
Just got another batch a week ago ....
I gave a few buddy’s some a little while before that no complaints ... if it’s bad trust me we all wanna know i don’t like throwing money away ... ur pics look like ur on tren to me ... ur saying cuz u lost weight but u lost fat .... i was running 500 mg of tren a and lost a ton of weight but it was fat .... tren isn’t what u think iv bulked with tren lucky to get a few lb... @purplepandalabs what’s up brother i think maybe u should address this not sure how tho
Just got another batch a week ago ....
I gave a few buddy’s some a little while before that no complaints ... if it’s bad trust me we all wanna know i don’t like throwing money away ... ur pics look like ur on tren to me ... ur saying cuz u lost weight but u lost fat .... i was running 500 mg of tren a and lost a ton of weight but it was fat .... tren isn’t what u think iv bulked with tren lucky to get a few lb... @purplepandalabs what’s up brother i think maybe u should address this not sure how tho

Ive been cuttin hard and im running test and primo along with the tren. Of course im gonna gonna lose fat. Im not really sure what ur saying about losin weight n fat.
So what’s ur complaint u have no sides ?

No sweats, no feeling warmer, no mental sides,no anger, no agression, no hardness, no dryness, no crazy vascularity, no crazy fat burning, no recomp action, no muscle seperation or fullness, no crazy libido.

I have slight insomnia and darkish urine if i dont drink enough water. Thats it.

I cant believe I didnt notice anything at 300mg from my usual 100mg let alone goin from 300mg to 450mg. The more u use the worse the sides are supposed to get i thought?
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No sweats, no feeling warmer, no mental sides,no anger, no agression, no hardness, no dryness, no crazy vascularity, no crazy fat burning, no recomp action, no muscle seperation or fullness, no crazy libido.

I have slight insomnia and darkish urine if i dont drink enough water. Thats it.

I cant believe I didnt notice anything at 300mg from my usual 100mg let alone goin from 300mg to 450mg. The more u use the worse the sides are supposed to get i thought?
You really can’t judge from sides my first few runs were sideless then shit went down hill
no anger you seem angry
no agression and aggressive
no hardness diet
no dryness diet
no crazy vascularity body fat
no crazy fat burning diet
no recomp action diet
no muscle seperation or fullness diet (if you're truly dieting hard you sure as hell won't have fullness)
no crazy libido again if this cut is truly all out your libido would likely be tanked

I hate to say it man but I really think you're expecting tren to do stuff that hard ass work and strict dieting are truly responsible. I mean come on, you're doing flexible dieting and you're 163 yet you're running tren and I believe you said this isn't your first time?
no anger you seem angry
no agression and aggressive
no hardness diet
no dryness diet
no crazy vascularity body fat
no crazy fat burning diet
no recomp action diet
no muscle seperation or fullness diet (if you're truly dieting hard you sure as hell won't have fullness)
no crazy libido again if this cut is truly all out your libido would likely be tanked

I hate to say it man but I really think you're expecting tren to do stuff that hard ass work and strict dieting are truly responsible. I mean come on, you're doing flexible dieting and you're 163 yet you're running tren and I believe you said this isn't your first time?
Im gonna have to agree with all this
no anger you seem angry
no agression and aggressive
no hardness diet
no dryness diet
no crazy vascularity body fat
no crazy fat burning diet
no recomp action diet
no muscle seperation or fullness diet (if you're truly dieting hard you sure as hell won't have fullness)
no crazy libido again if this cut is truly all out your libido would likely be tanked

I hate to say it man but I really think you're expecting tren to do stuff that hard ass work and strict dieting are truly responsible. I mean come on, you're doing flexible dieting and you're 163 yet you're running tren and I believe you said this isn't your first time?

I'm angry at this issue, yea and how people are trying to blame EVERYTHING else but the gear. And just because I'm doing flexible dieting doesnt mean I eat like shit. All my meals are made fresh at home. I dont eat out. My diet is on point, I alredy dropped 16lbs in 8 weeks. The diet has nothing to do with what this drug does or can do (bad and good) from what I've read and people using lower dosages. I know diet is important but lets not act like the diet is stronger than the tren. I hear people eating like shit over maintenance building muscle, dropping weight, and leaning out at the same time.

I feel like I should of kept more muscle considering these doses also.
I'm angry at this issue, yea and how people are trying to blame EVERYTHING else but the gear. And just because I'm doing flexible dieting doesnt mean I eat like shit. All my meals are made fresh at home. I dont eat out. My diet is on point, I alredy dropped 16lbs in 8 weeks. The diet has nothing to do with what this drug does or can do (bad and good) from what I've read and people using lower dosages. I know diet is important but lets not act like the diet is stronger than the tren. I hear people eating like shit over maintenance building muscle, dropping weight, and leaning out at the same time.
Seriously man this is so ridiculous. Fix your diet. Stop with the flexible diet stuff. That is not the way to do things. It's a way of self justification to eat foods you enjoy while trying to get shredded, then blame your lack of results on the gear. It is absolutely a diet related. Tren isn't magic

Wanna get shredded? Here, your only protein sources will be egg whites and tilapia. Carbs? Let's carb cycle and get low, I mean real low. How's that cardio? Let's make sure you're doing both your fasted and post workout session.

Once you feel like shit, feel like a zombie, feel like death and desperately just want a damn cup of rice, then you'll be looking good. Getting shredded takes alot of suffering and a lot of hard work, it isn't about the tren.

And we aren't blaming EVERYTHING ELSE we are blaming the ACTUAL ISSUE which is your diet. You're being too stubborn to admit that's the issue and it's just not the answer you want to here. Look I'll literally do your nutrition for the last bit of your cut and I guarantee you'll be sitting there thinking wow this tren is strong!
Seriously man this is so ridiculous. Fix your diet. Stop with the flexible diet stuff. That is not the way to do things. It's a way of self justification to eat foods you enjoy while trying to get shredded, then blame your lack of results on the gear. It is absolutely a diet related. Tren isn't magic

Wanna get shredded? Here, your only protein sources will be egg whites and tilapia. Carbs? Let's carb cycle and get low, I mean real low. How's that cardio? Let's make sure you're doing both your fasted and post workout session.

Once you feel like shit, feel like a zombie, feel like death and desperately just want a damn cup of rice, then you'll be looking good. Getting shredded takes alot of suffering and a lot of hard work, it isn't about the tren.

And we aren't blaming EVERYTHING ELSE we are blaming the ACTUAL ISSUE which is your diet. You're being too stubborn to admit that's the issue and it's just not the answer you want to here. Look I'll literally do your nutrition for the last bit of your cut and I guarantee you'll be sitting there thinking wow this tren is strong!

LOL ok dude whatever u say...
LOL ok dude whatever u say...

Dude if you’re that pissed go get blood work done and show us. But bitching that you don’t have side effects and getting results is stupid especially when you say that you are doing flexible dieting. If you’re that damn paranoid then go get the proof because saying gear is bunk without proof does you no good here
LOL ok dude whatever u say...
So cute, from a 163lb kid. .

Sorry guys not trying to clog up the thread. It just drives me nuts seeing these kids who are dead set on gear being a magic "pill" and refusing to believe how hard they need to work and the focus that needs to be put into diet. There are guys on here that do unconventional diets, which is totally fine because they're eating in a way that gets them to their goals yet they enjoy. But man, when a kid is complaining that tren isn't over ruling the fact he's doing flexible dieting it's just like come on.... That's like putting racing slicks on a minivan and wondering why it's not pulling 9 second quarter miles
So cute, from a 163lb kid. .

Sorry guys not trying to clog up the thread. It just drives me nuts seeing these kids who are dead set on gear being a magic "pill" and refusing to believe how hard they need to work and the focus that needs to be put into diet. There are guys on here that do unconventional diets, which is totally fine because they're eating in a way that gets them to their goals yet they enjoy. But man, when a kid is complaining that tren isn't over ruling the fact he's doing flexible dieting it's just like come on.... That's like putting racing slicks on a minivan and wondering why it's not pulling 9 second quarter miles
So cute, from a 163lb kid. .

Sorry guys not trying to clog up the thread. It just drives me nuts seeing these kids who are dead set on gear being a magic "pill" and refusing to believe how hard they need to work and the focus that needs to be put into diet. There are guys on here that do unconventional diets, which is totally fine because they're eating in a way that gets them to their goals yet they enjoy. But man, when a kid is complaining that tren isn't over ruling the fact he's doing flexible dieting it's just like come on.... That's like putting racing slicks on a minivan and wondering why it's not pulling 9 second quarter miles

Im 30 u Dumb mother fucker.
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You're a good example though of how it's supposed to be done. You have tren, correct? Yet you're combining that with serious hard work in the gym, discipline and a serious work ethic. Which is why you're getting awesome results!

Im 30 u Dumb mother fucker.
At 30 you spell you as "u".
You then capitalize a word in the middle of a sentence.
At 30 years old you have not learned the importance of a properly dialed in diet and rather are fixated on macros.

"Dumb mother fucker"