PurplePandaLabs Raw source

You're absolutely correct on the masterone

As for fat intake I find that to be individually dependant. When your carbs are restricted, higher fat tends to help with strength and how you feel overall. I would typically focus on high protein, moderate-high fats and lower carb, although I'm also a big fan of carb cycling. Overall calorie intake I would first look at what you've been eating for say the past 3 weeks and how your body has been responding, then adjust from there. Also why from a coaching perspective weekly check ins are so important and cookie cutter plans are not the answer

If you get too caught up in macros like it's gotta be body weight times X = calories and Y% from protein etc it may work in the beginning but you really need to go by how the body is responding.

Also in my opinion the dark urine is concerning. It could be indicative of his kidneys being under stress or as simple as water intake is too low. Although most will say "I drink a ton of water". Best response is "Great! Drink a ton plus an extra bottle"
He would do good to listen to some advice given but he still has a childish mentality
I remember those days when I was the only person who knew anything.
I later figured out life gets so much easier with help from others or even learning things myself but you have to be honest with yourself for that to happen.
I'm angry at this issue, yea and how people are trying to blame EVERYTHING else but the gear. And just because I'm doing flexible dieting doesnt mean I eat like shit. All my meals are made fresh at home. I dont eat out. My diet is on point, I alredy dropped 16lbs in 8 weeks. The diet has nothing to do with what this drug does or can do (bad and good) from what I've read and people using lower dosages. I know diet is important but lets not act like the diet is stronger than the tren. I hear people eating like shit over maintenance building muscle, dropping weight, and leaning out at the same time.

I feel like I should of kept more muscle considering these doses also.

I can assure you if I neglect adding lean red meat, my scale will not budge for weeks.
Not sure why. I don’t really care why.. I do care enough to stop and grab steaks.
Dairy will add fat to me at an insane rate. Look up the gomad diet. 35 lbs in a month, no juice.. I’ve done it.. That’s my results..
I will add that I am relatively your size. I do not gain fat from carbs or sugars.. Stay pretty lean even bulking.
I too run low dose.. Diet is the only factor for me, aas will do zero at low dose without calories in me.. Like I took aspirin. Sides depends on the dose, as I’m older so I can feel mainly in the prostate, frequently having to piss.. But few others ever show up. My guess is saturated fats, without enough, I come to a complete stop, not even an ounce in either direction.
I can assure you if I neglect adding lean red meat, my scale will not budge for weeks.
Not sure why. I don’t really care why.. I do care enough to stop and grab steaks.
Dairy will add fat to me at an insane rate. Look up the gomad diet. 35 lbs in a month, no juice.. I’ve done it.. That’s my results..
I will add that I am relatively your size. I do not gain fat from carbs or sugars.. Stay pretty lean even bulking.
I too run low dose.. Diet is the only factor for me, aas will do zero at low dose without calories in me.. Like I took aspirin. Sides depends on the dose, as I’m older so I can feel mainly in the prostate, frequently having to piss.. But few others ever show up. My guess is saturated fats, without enough, I come to a complete stop, not even an ounce in either direction.

Look at Stan Efferdings vertical diet....
Has me intrigued. Only red meat, no chicken/eggwhites.
There's so many different takes on dieting that I feel it comes down to each person individually and how their body responds to a certain extent. Fundamentals are key but you have to experiment and log to get it down to a science
There's so many different takes on dieting that I feel it comes down to each person individually and how their body responds to a certain extent. Fundamentals are key but you have to experiment and log to get it down to a science

100% agree, everyone is different. I took a year and loaded all 3 , different carbs first, then heavy fats, then heavy proteins. Just to see what my body would do under the main influence of each..
Dairy in excess I get fat.. Too much protein and you just make stinky crap, smells like dead chickens.. Carbs give me energy but don’t really enhance my body, but are good to boost calories as are many healthy fats..
depending on the fat choice I can bulk or cut.. But I need saturated fats in some form 2 day’s a week while on juice, usually both meals of the day, to see great results.
I did not discover that on my own, just tried it under advice. Glad I did though..
100% agree, everyone is different. I took a year and loaded all 3 , different carbs first, then heavy fats, then heavy proteins. Just to see what my body would do under the main influence of each..
Dairy in excess I get fat.. Too much protein and you just make stinky crap, smells like dead chickens.. Carbs give me energy but don’t really enhance my body, but are good to boost calories as are many healthy fats..
depending on the fat choice I can bulk or cut.. But I need saturated fats in some form 2 day’s a week while on juice, usually both meals of the day, to see great results.
I did not discover that on my own, just tried it under advice. Glad I did though..
Great post.
Nah bro I’ve done Keto before.
Actually I’ve done palumbos Keto diet many times before.
I’ve just never tried Keto while on aas.

I have no problem with the palumbos diet or Keto.

I’m a big guy.
I can (bulk) put on fat super easy lol
My weight shoots up just by consuming jasmine rice. I’m not talking excessive amounts of rice either. I’m talking 2700 calories. High protein (45%)
That doesn’t seem like a ton of calories for someone that’s 6’5ish 265+ pounds plus.

I’m still trying to figure out all the details about how my body works with specific foods.
What I know for sure is

I can drop to about 238 with no cardio on a 2400cal palumbos diet.

jasmine rice is a prime food for me to utilize in a clean mass gaining stage.

I hate chicken.

If I could learn and figure a few more things out I feel like I could be a monster.

I’m planning to run a tri blend of test tren mast @ 75mg each. (M/w/f) & go from there.

I need to drop some body fat before I even think of going back into a mass building phase.

Calum Von Moger, The rock, Bradley Martin all are of similar heights as me.
Yet my physique isn’t in a similar realm.
I’m not sure if any of the three have played with slin I am sure a few have and realistically perhaps I should not be looking at those guys but yet since they are my height with similar muscle bellies I do.

Nonetheless to the average joe and perhaps even the average gym rat I am not a little dude at all. I’m not some big fat ass either I just am not on par with my goals nor where my potential could be.

I guess a lot of this was besides the point and I apologize for clogging the ppl thread with the shit lol we were just talking diets and tren so I guess I went on a tangent!!!!
Nah bro I’ve done Keto before.
Actually I’ve done palumbos Keto diet many times before.
I’ve just never tried Keto while on aas.

I have no problem with the palumbos diet or Keto.

I’m a big guy.
I can (bulk) put on fat super easy lol
My weight shoots up just by consuming jasmine rice. I’m not talking excessive amounts of rice either. I’m talking 2700 calories. High protein (45%)
That doesn’t seem like a ton of calories for someone that’s 6’5ish 265+ pounds plus.

I’m still trying to figure out all the details about how my body works with specific foods.
What I know for sure is

I can drop to about 238 with no cardio on a 2400cal palumbos diet.

jasmine rice is a prime food for me to utilize in a clean mass gaining stage.

I hate chicken.

If I could learn and figure a few more things out I feel like I could be a monster.

I’m planning to run a tri blend of test tren mast @ 75mg each. (M/w/f) & go from there.

I need to drop some body fat before I even think of going back into a mass building phase.

Calum Von Moger, The rock, Bradley Martin all are of similar heights as me.
Yet my physique isn’t in a similar realm.
I’m not sure if any of the three have played with slin I am sure a few have and realistically perhaps I should not be looking at those guys but yet since they are my height with similar muscle bellies I do.

Nonetheless to the average joe and perhaps even the average gym rat I am not a little dude at all. I’m not some big fat ass either I just am not on par with my goals nor where my potential could be.

I guess a lot of this was besides the point and I apologize for clogging the ppl thread with the shit lol we were just talking diets and tren so I guess I went on a tangent!!!!
It might be ppls thread but it’s our house so feel free to speak your mind. Especially if it’s fitness related. Someone may learn something or may start a conversation that leads to quality information. Don’t run a blend. They are shit and tend to hurt. Unless you know for a fact that 75mg of each is your sweet spot but I doubt it is. You’d be better off at test and tren 50mg ed or 100mg eod and the mast at 100mg ed or 150 eod. If you are set on using the blend I would at least go to eod pinning and consider taking a 1.5ml each pin. I don’t think 75mg 3x a week will do much. The other down side it blends is there is no room for adjustment. Everything goes up or down no in between.
It might be ppls thread but it’s our house so feel free to speak your mind. Especially if it’s fitness related. Someone may learn something or may start a conversation that leads to quality information. Don’t run a blend. They are shit and tend to hurt. Unless you know for a fact that 75mg of each is your sweet spot but I doubt it is. You’d be better off at test and tren 50mg ed or 100mg eod and the mast at 100mg ed or 150 eod. If you are set on using the blend I would at least go to eod pinning and consider taking a 1.5ml each pin. I don’t think 75mg 3x a week will do much. The other down side it blends is there is no room for adjustment. Everything goes up or down no in between.

Well I ran a tri blend last summer @ 1.5ml ea pin. It was 100mg test 50mg tren & 50mg mast per ML.

I had a awesome sex drive. Reduced the need for AI (I convert easy on test). I didn’t cut but I looked fuckin awesome in a T-shirt.
I will assume the tren kept me from putting on fat from a eat whatever I want diet and that was 225mg weekly of tren ace right?
(450mg test / 225mg tren / 225 mast)
I really felt awesome! (I didn’t brew that blend,so?)

Because I convert easily on test I thought it wouldn’t hurt to try increasing the tren and reduce the test to see how that goes? (75mg of each per ml (675mg weekly)

The mast is in there to work synergy with the test to reduce need for an AI and it’s effects on libido.

I did the m/w/f thing last year too.
I felt great on that blend.
Not saying it will be the same this go round nor am I so closed minded I won’t try other ideas.
Just a small batch anyways plenty of Rae’s to play with.
Oh and I’m not one of those guys that complain about pip from prop. Although I understand I really do sometimes I’ve had stuff that was indeed what others would say was crippling and indeed was bothersome. It didn’t stop the show at all!

Well my mindset was to run 1ml of that blend 3x per week.(675mg) For 8 weeks of palumbos diet. Then if bloodwork looked “acceptable” do 6-8 more weeks on an increased dosage 1.5ml (1012mg) - 2ml (1350), 3x per week introducing carbs back into the diet?

Nothing set in stone but this was what I had in mind.

Going to re-read what you wrote again and think it over.

If you like the blend then go for it but it’s the fact that it’s not easily adjustable that sucks. If you convert easily then that’s great to use less test but your now limited to that dose on the tren and mast. If you brew or have access to other sources maybe pick up separate tren and mast. Use your blend but still be able to add in more tren and mast if you wanted. Those are three great compounds to use together. I think you’ll love it more if you keep test around 200-250. Tren around 3-400 and mast like 5-600 slightly higher if you want to go for it. Probably not to much difference between 500 to 700 range.