PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I started a run with that trest ace and thought it would help pack on some good size. Instead it turned out to be a raw cutting machine. I lost 15 lbs in like 3 weeks. I’m glad I know now but everything I read made me think it was better for bulking.
I started a run with that trest ace and thought it would help pack on some good size. Instead it turned out to be a raw cutting machine. I lost 15 lbs in like 3 weeks. I’m glad I know now but everything I read made me think it was better for bulking.
Trest e reminded me alot of mast the first few weeks vascular and hard look but once the appetite kick in started eating more and looking flatter but fuller.
I think it's similar to tren in that it can be utilized with both its all down to diet really.
When I first used tren I was going to bulk but it didn't take long I was getting shredded.
I really have to eat a shit load to bulk with tren im a hard gainer any way because my metabolism is insane.
So for me tren is better to cut and npp or drol for bulking.
I started a run with that trest ace and thought it would help pack on some good size. Instead it turned out to be a raw cutting machine. I lost 15 lbs in like 3 weeks. I’m glad I know now but everything I read made me think it was better for bulking.
Was thinking about giving it a run this winter. How long did you run it. Dose? Did you like it.
Western union and money gram are back on my website. My receivers are now in the USA. No one be alarmed that the receivers are no longer in China. It was getting almost impossible to receive such payments here.
So if I'm in the US and would like to place an order, I select the US domestic products? I'm guessing there is a warehouse or something in the US so the products don't have to pass through customs? Also, can someone from the US order international products, or only US? Thank you in advance to whoever is able to answer my questions.
So if I'm in the US and would like to place an order, I select the US domestic products? I'm guessing there is a warehouse or something in the US so the products don't have to pass through customs? Also, can someone from the US order international products, or only US? Thank you in advance to whoever is able to answer my questions.

Yes you don't have customs issue with domestic shipping.
Yes you can order international if you're in US at your own risk about customs
Trest e reminded me alot of mast the first few weeks vascular and hard look but once the appetite kick in started eating more and looking flatter but fuller.
I think it's similar to tren in that it can be utilized with both its all down to diet really.
When I first used tren I was going to bulk but it didn't take long I was getting shredded.
I really have to eat a shit load to bulk with tren im a hard gainer any way because my metabolism is insane.
So for me tren is better to cut and npp or drol for bulking.
How high did you run your test with the trest e? Ive got a stash of trest ace that ive been wanting to give a run , but I cant decide if I want to keep the test dose moderate or drop to trt doses. Did you notice alot of estro sides with it or is the aromatization rate from it overblown ? Ive seen people say both , so just looking for a little for a little insight from some thats actually used it that I trust..
How high did you run your test with the trest e? Ive got a stash of trest ace that ive been wanting to give a run , but I cant decide if I want to keep the test dose moderate or drop to trt doses. Did you notice alot of estro sides with it or is the aromatization rate from it overblown ? Ive seen people say both , so just looking for a little for a little insight from some thats actually used it that I trust..
Always low test with trest.
Best with like 800mg mast E.
Always low test with trest.
Best with like 800mg mast E.
What about the trest dose , I was thinking 50 eod the first 2 weeks to see how bad I aromatize on it . Then if I handle it well bump it to 100 eod . I like the mast idea with it too thats probably exactly how ill run it .
How high did you run your test with the trest e? Ive got a stash of trest ace that ive been wanting to give a run , but I cant decide if I want to keep the test dose moderate or drop to trt doses. Did you notice alot of estro sides with it or is the aromatization rate from it overblown ? Ive seen people say both , so just looking for a little for a little insight from some thats actually used it that I trust..
I believe 100 test 300 trest after about the 3rd week started getting some sides but it wasn't a nightmare or anything but I was just running conservative doses.
It was back when I got so sick with the flu so I didn't get to run very long I wasn't very consistent but I liked the time I did run.
I have some more I will run later.
Nolva will shut down any gyno induced from trest right?

I wonder if mast would play the same roll it doesn’t in other stacks on estrogen conversion in a stack like this?
Western union and money gram are back on my website. My receivers are now in the USA. No one be alarmed that the receivers are no longer in China. It was getting almost impossible to receive such payments here.
Just tried western union and still not working for payment. anyone else tried since he opened it back up for receiving?

if you are getting dashes instead of receiver info, refresh page every few hours, worked for me about a full day after placing order.