PurplePandaLabs Raw source

If you like the blend then go for it but it’s the fact that it’s not easily adjustable that sucks. If you convert easily then that’s great to use less test but your now limited to that dose on the tren and mast. If you brew or have access to other sources maybe pick up separate tren and mast. Use your blend but still be able to add in more tren and mast if you wanted. Those are three great compounds to use together. I think you’ll love it more if you keep test around 200-250. Tren around 3-400 and mast like 5-600 slightly higher if you want to go for it. Probably not to much difference between 500 to 700 range.

Why do you personally like the masteron at a higher dosage?
Yes definitely brewing at this point in the game. Lol
You think this would be much of a problem doing Keto?
Last summer I was always hungry with that particular combo I could have bulked on thatvfor sure!
Curious if that’s all the fats in a Keto will help suppress the hunger.
Mast alone isn’t a great anabolic. Like you said before it works very well and very synergistic with other compounds. The more you use the better the effects. To a degree. That statement doesn’t mean you slam 2gs of mast. There is diminishing returns to consider. I personally thought that it helped keep estro in check a little better but I can’t say that for a fact. It did give me a little harder grainier look in my shoulders. And to just be honest that’s how I like it so that’s how I run it. Not the best answer but it’s an honest one. Do what you like or feels like what gives you the best run. Within reason and being safe though.
Well I ran a tri blend last summer @ 1.5ml ea pin. It was 100mg test 50mg tren & 50mg mast per ML.

I had a awesome sex drive. Reduced the need for AI (I convert easy on test). I didn’t cut but I looked fuckin awesome in a T-shirt.
I will assume the tren kept me from putting on fat from a eat whatever I want diet and that was 225mg weekly of tren ace right?
(450mg test / 225mg tren / 225 mast)
I really felt awesome! (I didn’t brew that blend,so?)

Because I convert easily on test I thought it wouldn’t hurt to try increasing the tren and reduce the test to see how that goes? (75mg of each per ml (675mg weekly)

The mast is in there to work synergy with the test to reduce need for an AI and it’s effects on libido.

I did the m/w/f thing last year too.
I felt great on that blend.
Not saying it will be the same this go round nor am I so closed minded I won’t try other ideas.
Just a small batch anyways plenty of Rae’s to play with.
Oh and I’m not one of those guys that complain about pip from prop. Although I understand I really do sometimes I’ve had stuff that was indeed what others would say was crippling and indeed was bothersome. It didn’t stop the show at all!

Well my mindset was to run 1ml of that blend 3x per week.(675mg) For 8 weeks of palumbos diet. Then if bloodwork looked “acceptable” do 6-8 more weeks on an increased dosage 1.5ml (1012mg) - 2ml (1350), 3x per week introducing carbs back into the diet?

Nothing set in stone but this was what I had in mind.

Going to re-read what you wrote again and think it over.


I'm also not a blend fan as you aren't able to tweak up/down components...particularly the tren which is the big driver for your goals here. I can rachet up tren gradually from 250ish a week into the 500s without sides and that's a night and day difference in effectiveness for both strength and recomp. Right now I'm around 300mg test C, 525mg Tren A, and 400mg Mast P (just added the Mast this week and will run through end of summer - everything else holding constant so just diet and lifting). I'm 6'2-3" and low 230s right now.

You/I have similar response to carbs though I don't blow up too bad but the only way I get very cut is to slash them (tren helps a lot though so really enhances this and prevents "bad diet days" from doing much damage). I do really well on keto and low carbs but tren makes me crave far worse than anything else so just be ready and vigilant.
Is something up with the ordering system, I usually get an email immediately after ordering, I ordered yesterday and still haven't received a response
Was just browsing purple panda And I saw tren ace shot up from 30 something a vial to a 100 bucks... Was the first batch underdosed or something?