PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Every single time I take tren I lose a few pounds. Not much but always notice the drop because I weigh in every day. Tren e has comparatively no kick to Tren Ace. Even at high doses it really has never been fun like ace. I’ll get composition but it’s slow and the sides snow ball towards the end. It could be fake raws but I doubt it. It would atleast be test and you would notice gains instead of cut.
You're a good example though of how it's supposed to be done. You have tren, correct? Yet you're combining that with serious hard work in the gym, discipline and a serious work ethic. Which is why you're getting awesome results!

At 30 you spell you as "u".
You then capitalize a word in the middle of a sentence.
At 30 years old you have not learned the importance of a properly dialed in diet and rather are fixated on macros.

"Dumb mother fucker"
Thru having a coach i learned a lot .. iv thrown so much money at gear due to a diet i thought was good .... gear is the least important part ....
Im 30 u Dumb mother fucker.
Come on man.....people really are trying to help. There are a bunch of folks using/have used the exact same raws with no complaints. @Evom1 actually offered to do the last part of your diet; and it seems like something to appreciate rather than be pissed about.
I'm nowhere near the level some of these guys are; but I took some advice on diet change and almost could not believe the results.
It's at least worth considering.
Please don't think I am saying it absolutely cannot be the compound, because anything is possible. I'm just saying that it couldn't hurt to try something different just to see.
Hope it all works out for you man.
@Evom1 aka Dumb mother fucker. Very nice and well put together advice. However like the saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink it. Either way it was a good read at work this morning. Thanks buddy.
@Evom1 aka Dumb mother fucker. Very nice and well put together advice. However like the saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink it. Either way it was a good read at work this morning. Thanks buddy.
You can always shoot the horse and make some steaks? o_O
You’re so fucking stupid. Everyone knows that’s not how you up the tren dose. There is supposed to be TWO slices of pizza underneath with a whopper topping. Fucking newbs. Expecting rice and tuna to help.
I was super fucking stoned last night and was looking at the rice and fish in the fridge. All I could think was the store has candy and is only 2 minutes away. FML. Decisions are difficult sometimes :mad: bring on the fish.
I was super fucking stoned last night and was looking at the rice and fish in the fridge. All I could think was the store has candy and is only 2 minutes away. FML. Decisions are difficult sometimes :mad: bring on the fish.
I smoked a lot when I was younger but now I’m a drinker. Nothing crazy anymore but I like beer and love whiskey. I couldn’t fucking imagine smoking and trying to diet. I think guys like you are in a whole different class. If you can smoke weed and cut that amazing. The willpower it must take. Now on the flip side if you’re trying to bulk I think that’s cheating. Steroids are one thing but “hits from the bong” that’s like an extra 2000 calories without even trying lol.
Seriously man this is so ridiculous. Fix your diet. Stop with the flexible diet stuff. That is not the way to do things. It's a way of self justification to eat foods you enjoy while trying to get shredded, then blame your lack of results on the gear. It is absolutely a diet related. Tren isn't magic

Wanna get shredded? Here, your only protein sources will be egg whites and tilapia. Carbs? Let's carb cycle and get low, I mean real low. How's that cardio? Let's make sure you're doing both your fasted and post workout session.

Once you feel like shit, feel like a zombie, feel like death and desperately just want a damn cup of rice, then you'll be looking good. Getting shredded takes alot of suffering and a lot of hard work, it isn't about the tren.

And we aren't blaming EVERYTHING ELSE we are blaming the ACTUAL ISSUE which is your diet. You're being too stubborn to admit that's the issue and it's just not the answer you want to here. Look I'll literally do your nutrition for the last bit of your cut and I guarantee you'll be sitting there thinking wow this tren is strong!

You laid it out but have not spoke to fat intake and overall calories.

I’m about to hop on tren this weekend if the brew goes well lol

He should have added in masteron imho
Libido + vascularity = mast is what comes to mind.

A simple google search will show many people having different results with tren based solely on the esters. No sides, doesn’t feel as strong, feels like on nothing, etc etc

Yet he mentioned sides with the dark urine.

A regular 50 dollar female hormone panel via privatemd labs could help solve this issue.
You laid it out but have not spoke to fat intake and overall calories.

I’m about to hop on tren this weekend if the brew goes well lol

He should have added in masteron imho
Libido + vascularity = mast is what comes to mind.

A simple google search will show many people having different results with tren based solely on the esters. No sides, doesn’t feel as strong, feels like on nothing, etc etc

Yet he mentioned sides with the dark urine.

A regular 50 dollar female hormone panel via privatemd labs could help solve this issue.
You're absolutely correct on the masterone

As for fat intake I find that to be individually dependant. When your carbs are restricted, higher fat tends to help with strength and how you feel overall. I would typically focus on high protein, moderate-high fats and lower carb, although I'm also a big fan of carb cycling. Overall calorie intake I would first look at what you've been eating for say the past 3 weeks and how your body has been responding, then adjust from there. Also why from a coaching perspective weekly check ins are so important and cookie cutter plans are not the answer

If you get too caught up in macros like it's gotta be body weight times X = calories and Y% from protein etc it may work in the beginning but you really need to go by how the body is responding.

Also in my opinion the dark urine is concerning. It could be indicative of his kidneys being under stress or as simple as water intake is too low. Although most will say "I drink a ton of water". Best response is "Great! Drink a ton plus an extra bottle"
I'm angry at this issue, yea and how people are trying to blame EVERYTHING else but the gear. And just because I'm doing flexible dieting doesnt mean I eat like shit. All my meals are made fresh at home. I dont eat out. My diet is on point, I alredy dropped 16lbs in 8 weeks. The diet has nothing to do with what this drug does or can do (bad and good) from what I've read and people using lower dosages. I know diet is important but lets not act like the diet is stronger than the tren. I hear people eating like shit over maintenance building muscle, dropping weight, and leaning out at the same time.

I feel like I should of kept more muscle considering these doses also.

LOL ok dude whatever u say...

Diet is the magic pill... you don't need Tren, you need diet.
Flexible dieting isn't going to take you those extra steps whether it's whole food or anything. It has to be the right food, the right portions and the right time of day for your schedule.
You're absolutely correct on the masterone

As for fat intake I find that to be individually dependant. When your carbs are restricted, higher fat tends to help with strength and how you feel overall. I would typically focus on high protein, moderate-high fats and lower carb, although I'm also a big fan of carb cycling. Overall calorie intake I would first look at what you've been eating for say the past 3 weeks and how your body has been responding, then adjust from there. Also why from a coaching perspective weekly check ins are so important and cookie cutter plans are not the answer

If you get too caught up in macros like it's gotta be body weight times X = calories and Y% from protein etc it may work in the beginning but you really need to go by how the body is responding.

Also in my opinion the dark urine is concerning. It could be indicative of his kidneys being under stress or as simple as water intake is too low. Although most will say "I drink a ton of water". Best response is "Great! Drink a ton plus an extra bottle"

I agree about the water I sure as hell do not drink enough of it!
Reminds me to buy a new water container lol
I smoked a lot when I was younger but now I’m a drinker. Nothing crazy anymore but I like beer and love whiskey. I couldn’t fucking imagine smoking and trying to diet. I think guys like you are in a whole different class. If you can smoke weed and cut that amazing. The willpower it must take. Now on the flip side if you’re trying to bulk I think that’s cheating. Steroids are one thing but “hits from the bong” that’s like an extra 2000 calories without even trying lol.
Can we be friends?
Happy 4th of July everyone. Please eat some delicious America food for me. It’s basically what I day dream about on a regular basis. A kg of test e to the first one to vacuum seal an apple pie and ship it to me