PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I think the t/a on pandas domestic is getting a little out of hand. I know he has a ton of clients so that means a lot of packs going out so I try to factor that in. That being said if any and I do mean any other us domestic ugl was taking this long they'd be crucified at the stake. An average of 10 days is completely unacceptable only other domestic to take that long was good ole hammer :eek:
Yea, I'm struggling with this as well. Placed domestic raw order, 7 days later I'm told 1 item is out of stock. Resolved that, next day I'm informed it shipped. It has not, I have informed delivery so I know. So 3 days after being told it shipped, it still has not.
Out of the 2 PPL domestic orders I've placed, both times I was sold compounds that weren't even in stock. How the fuck does that happen when ordering through a website?

I've always assumed it was intentional but whatever
Yea, I'm struggling with this as well. Placed domestic raw order, 7 days later I'm told 1 item is out of stock. Resolved that, next day I'm informed it shipped. It has not, I have informed delivery so I know. So 3 days after being told it shipped, it still has not.

Hmm here I was thinking I was the in the minority. Seemed like they forgot about my order then said they’d expedite it and told me it shipped. But like you, I know it hasn’t thanks to ID.
Hmm here I was thinking I was the in the minority. Seemed like they forgot about my order then said they’d expedite it and told me it shipped. But like you, I know it hasn’t thanks to ID.
Yeah informed delivery is going to cause a lot of issues for these domestic sources.
Interesting - for international?

And what are you pricing it at?
I think I only have international stock of it right now. I don’t know the price off the top of my head, you’ll have to check the site

@purplepandalabs the Australia domestic is highly stocked with all the goodies I want. Anyway to to pay extra shipping to get it to the US ??
I highly doubt my Australia guys would do that. They are super paranoid as it is

panda just a friendly suggestion, you might want to consider double or even triple bagging the lower melting point raws when sending to particularly hot areas, got my pack today, the test e was mostly melted, leaked through the bag nasty style, permeated the brown bag that bag was in pretty badly as well, and started permeating the actual shipping box. just a heads up bruv.
If you took some pictures I would appreciate if you could PM them to me
sent. also happy to report that after a night in the fridge looks like its all nice and solid. cant wait to possibly burn my house down this weekend! WOOOOO! <heisenberg glasses appear on face deal-with-it style>
I like how you just skimmed right over all the issues with unacceptable t/a times. @purplepandalabs why are us domestic times on par with international right now? I emailed you to say it's been a week and still shows as being prepared. The response was " we told the warehouse to ship they will when they are ready". Lmao great customer service.
i know this is my first post. but ive been on other forums. i dont use the forums a lot anymore because my life is hectic lately. but my international pack arrived from here in 6 days from the day it was shipped.

my domestic order? it has been 8 days that its been in preparing to ship mode. this happened with my last order a couple months ago. ive made about 10 orders from u guys. i like the product. but this ta is disappointing
yeah just tried informed delivery today. i was told my pack would be shipped days ago. i got fuckin nothing coming. all it is is some test . 3 order that this ta is now shit. . ppl used to have a 2 day ta around november. i dont even see domestic tren ace on the website anymore. this will probably be my last order
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Some things never change lol. Bad TA and no stock. That's all I've been reading for months. Guess people will never learn there's better options with zero headache.
It will only effect finished products internationally. Like I said it will just basically consist of all of the basics once we bring them all back. All of the blends besides some of the pre workouts will be discounted

Can we get an early warning on what steroids, esters or other items will be discontinued?
Are finished products available internationally?
And will they continue to be available in the future?
No int'l finished products show on the website.
Now not only is the t/a unacceptable panda is LYING to customers. After 8 days i was told my order was shipped. That was days ago. I signed up for informed delivery today and confirmed it still has yet to enter their system. How the fuck are these guys getting away with this shit? Is anybody receiving packs?