PurplePandaLabs Raw source

International will be back within the next month. Product selection will be more limited moving forward. Not going to be selling all the crazy blends anymore besides some of the preworkouts.


I’m hoping within the next week

Send us an email if it says that it hasn’t shipped and it’s been 5 days
Can we get an early warning on what steroids, esters or other items will be discontinued?
Any plans on adding npp to domestic line? @purplepandalabs
I wasn’t aware we didn’t carry it currently. If we aren’t making it I will make sure it is added to the next batch of vials produced
Do you intend to continue selling BP med raws eg hctz and lisinopril?

Can we get an early warning on what steroids, esters or other items will be discontinued?
It will only effect finished products internationally. Like I said it will just basically consist of all of the basics once we bring them all back. All of the blends besides some of the pre workouts will be discounted
Please let us know when the frog juice is in stock again! @purplepandalabs
I will
panda just a friendly suggestion, you might want to consider double or even triple bagging the lower melting point raws when sending to particularly hot areas, got my pack today, the test e was mostly melted, leaked through the bag nasty style, permeated the brown bag that bag was in pretty badly as well, and started permeating the actual shipping box. just a heads up bruv.
panda just a friendly suggestion, you might want to consider double or even triple bagging the lower melting point raws when sending to particularly hot areas, got my pack today, the test e was mostly melted, leaked through the bag nasty style, permeated the brown bag that bag was in pretty badly as well, and started permeating the actual shipping box. just a heads up bruv.
This was domestic wasnt it
panda just a friendly suggestion, you might want to consider double or even triple bagging the lower melting point raws when sending to particularly hot areas, got my pack today, the test e was mostly melted, leaked through the bag nasty style, permeated the brown bag that bag was in pretty badly as well, and started permeating the actual shipping box. just a heads up bruv.

In the summer order Test C, Test E that shit is going to melt no matter what.
I think the t/a on pandas domestic is getting a little out of hand. I know he has a ton of clients so that means a lot of packs going out so I try to factor that in. That being said if any and I do mean any other us domestic ugl was taking this long they'd be crucified at the stake. An average of 10 days is completely unacceptable only other domestic to take that long was good ole hammer :eek:
I think the t/a on pandas domestic is getting a little out of hand. I know he has a ton of clients so that means a lot of packs going out so I try to factor that in. That being said if any and I do mean any other us domestic ugl was taking this long they'd be crucified at the stake. An average of 10 days is completely unacceptable only other domestic to take that long was good ole hammer :eek:

I agree 100%. This is not amazon. We aren't expecting a toy in the mail. We are expecting illegal drugs in the mail...

Most, when ordering domestic, do so to REDUCE all risks involved in the process of obtaining these ILLEGAL drugs. With such a large turn-around time on a domestic package, that leaves an unnecessary window of time that a package can arrive and sit idle in a mailbox.