PurplePandaLabs Raw source

From experience with ordering with @purplepandalabs from when he first appeared here, he will make it right. He has always did right by me. Packages always made it to me, and if something did go wrong he always stayed in communication until the issue was resolved.
Getting too big and being able to handle the new volume of orders was one of the initial concerns to which he replied he could handle it. It was solely international then and t/a was fast as hell being intl but then Dom was added and everything has slowed way down.
Out of the 2 PPL domestic orders I've placed, both times I was sold compounds that weren't even in stock. How the fuck does that happen when ordering through a website?

I've always assumed it was intentional but whatever
I can assure you it is not at all intentional. Sometimes wrong products will be sent in some orders so it will have incorrect stock levels on the website. But the main reason was because our ordering system and how it released stock levels after non paid orders had an issue with it which is now fixed. At this point now that the ordering system is fixed it should rarely happen

I like how you just skimmed right over all the issues with unacceptable t/a times. @purplepandalabs why are us domestic times on par with international right now? I emailed you to say it's been a week and still shows as being prepared. The response was " we told the warehouse to ship they will when they are ready". Lmao great customer service.
I’m not sure what the issue is with your particular order. PM me your order number and I will look into it promptly

Are finished products available internationally?
And will they continue to be available in the future?
No int'l finished products show on the website.
Not at this time. But they will be soon

Now not only is the t/a unacceptable panda is LYING to customers. After 8 days i was told my order was shipped. That was days ago. I signed up for informed delivery today and confirmed it still has yet to enter their system. How the fuck are these guys getting away with this shit? Is anybody receiving packs?
Was it an international order? There could be several reasons why it hasn’t updated. 1.) Chinese customs returned the package and we had to reship it and therefore you would have a new tracking number. 2.) it was shipped by one of the carriers who have a long status update time. PM me your order number and I will look into it
Lol just checking in on this thread..

Looks like the same old shit show.

Arrogant ass owner...who lies ...and can’t keep his word.

The only reason this lab even survived as long as it did was because of the old rep.

Just to put it out there for any member who doesn’t remember.

1. Had his nephew capping drugs.
2. Had a Instagram page showing off.
3. Had a Facebook page.
4. Broke his own privacy rule on his website.
5. Thought sending out panda lab shirts was an awesome marketing idea.
6. The list could go on and on but I’ve simply forgot all the fuck ups this lab has had, now he has domestic shipping longer than international and selling products he doesn’t even have in stock all while lying to members and saying packs have been sent when they actually haven’t.

When does this lab get put to rest?
Lol just checking in on this thread..

Looks like the same old shit show.

Arrogant ass owner...who lies ...and can’t keep his word.

The only reason this lab even survived as long as it did was because of the old rep.

Just to put it out there for any member who doesn’t remember.

1. Had his nephew capping drugs.
2. Had a Instagram page showing off.
3. Had a Facebook page.
4. Broke his own privacy rule on his website.
5. Thought sending out panda lab shirts was an awesome marketing idea.
6. The list could go on and on but I’ve simply forgot all the fuck ups this lab has had, now he has domestic shipping longer than international and selling products he doesn’t even have in stock all while lying to members and saying packs have been sent when they actually haven’t.

When does this lab get put to rest?


Let's compile a list now of the growing pains and advice that has been ignored from a few members here including myself and @Roger rabbit . Help me out if I'm missing anything...

PPL Gear issues:
  • Domestic gear has had hair in it. A large portion of gear was literally filled with long hairs due to PPL not doing his research on who he was going to have brewing. Fuck the excuse that "we look at his threads and he seemed fine" No, fuck you. He had a bad reputation already
  • Gear being mislabeled
  • Over dosed gear
  • Domestic raws being sent in plastic zip lock bags. (Now has been resolved)
  • Under-dosed HGH.
  • Pip with Migylol and then claims were made that only a small percentage of people had issues. Yet almost everyone seemed to have complain. When everyone was told that miglyol was done being used they continued to send it until it's stock was depleted. I understand this reasoning but it still wasn't right. People were getting a carrier oil that was giving pip for weeks (months?) after they were told that it's all now GSO

PPL Privacy issues:
  • Instagram flexin'. Showing off gear and baller status as PPL
  • Instgram had child brewing on it
  • Youtube advertising for months after being told it's not something any of us want. Ignored concerns until just now when we were told "He's done advertising on youtube from what I understand. That was the last time"
  • Stupid tank tops being sold and sent domestically.
  • Money and time spent on shiny boxes that just make tossing all of this shit more tedius
  • No way to delete accounts on PPL. You can only have order history deleted.
  • Sharing emails with sister sites. What the fuck. This is a new one and a big one.

*Note that this list keeps growing.. And any member with real concerns has been ignored since the beginning. We keep talking about growing pains and all of that.. But these are growing pains we've seen with other labs before and yet our advice is being ignored putting members at risk with their health, and law enforcement.

Everytime I come back here it's more "growing pains" because you aren't taking simple advice.

@PurplePandaLabs Rep. @purplepandalabs The complaints don't seem that common because this is such an active thread. But I think a nice list really puts the spotlight on how shitty you guys are handling everything.

I'm sure I'm missing some issues too. Please let me know anyone if I am and I'll edit the list or just post again as it continues to grow. I know we aren't done yet.



Granted, some of this has been fixed since I last posted. But still, just to refresh everyones memory.

I'll let @purplepandalabs go through the list if he pleases because to his credit, once again, some of this has been resolved.

But still.

I guess I'm back from my hiatus. Hey everyone.
Granted, some of this has been fixed since I last posted. But still, just to refresh everyones memory.

I'll let @purplepandalabs go through the list if he pleases because to his credit, once again, some of this has been resolved.

But still.

I guess I'm back from my hiatus. Hey everyone.

Dude if you already said all this then why say it again. Stop stirring up shit. You literally stated that the issues are resolved so clearly makes shit right. I have literally had no problems with ppl and anytime shit went down he made it right with refunds or store credit. Why do people love start drama
Dude if you already said all this then why say it again. Stop stirring up shit. You literally stated that the issues are resolved so clearly makes shit right. I have literally had no problems with ppl and anytime shit went down he made it right with refunds or store credit. Why do people love start drama

Someone's reputation has meaning. And this source has a reputation for making foolish mistakes, but is open to resolving the issues.

As Robert stated already... SOME of the issues have been resolved. It is not foolish to hold a source accountable.

Nothing stated by Robert OR Roger was not true. I can see you like this source, why not let PPL respond by their actions. In the end, it can only encourage better service to you as well, right?
Someone's reputation has meaning. And this source has a reputation for making foolish mistakes, but is open to resolving the issues.

As Robert stated already... SOME of the issues have been resolved. It is not foolish to hold a source accountable.

Nothing stated by Robert OR Roger was not true. I can see you like this source, why not let PPL respond by their actions. In the end, it can only encourage better service to you as well, right?

Look I understand and to me a source is as good as it’s last batch of gear. I totally agree with you and it does encourage better service. I just want to add my 2 cents if anyone cares. I have been on prep and been running ppl gear. I ordered over a thousand bucks from him and everything came on time and I got blood work done showing my test over 3000. I looked at over 20 vials of gear that I ordered and none had hairs or anything. All the gear I bought was domestic
Iv never had a issue everything iv ordered have been on point so far
Using all ppl gear on my bulk now
Test e
I have literally had no problems with ppl

With that luck you should go buy a lottery ticket.

PPL has been responsive far but I'm waiting on shipping details for reship #2 after my latest order was seized and reship #1 tracking hasn't updated in 4 weeks.

Cleaned house just in case...not fun.
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It's clear you don't really understand AT ALL! If you did you would understand that posts like yours are part of the problem and a major reason issues get swept under the rug. Every time an issue comes up someone pops in stating they had a good experience and or that the gear is working well. It's almost as if these narrow minded fucks think their pandas one and only customer lmao.
Look I understand and to me a source is as good as it’s last batch of gear. I totally agree with you and it does encourage better service. I just want to add my 2 cents if anyone cares. I have been on prep and been running ppl gear. I ordered over a thousand bucks from him and everything came on time and I got blood work done showing my test over 3000. I looked at over 20 vials of gear that I ordered and none had hairs or anything. All the gear I bought was domestic

Your short mindedness and lack of general context really shines through when people are having DELIVERY issues and you bring up how good the QUALITY was for you when you ordered when panda OPENED.
From experience with ordering with @purplepandalabs from when he first appeared here, he will make it right.

Also out of potentially hundreds of thousands of vials sold by panda the 20 you bought when he opened where ok so we all must be good :rolleyes:

No one's attacking your boy panda. It's gonna be an issue when t/a is longer than what's claimed. Those same issues are magnified 10 fold when lies start being told. Obviously we are customers as well albeit with a very different experience than you had. If these things aren't brought to light and reigned in God knows how bad things could get.
I appreciate the fact he "makes things right" but that's not what I want. I want what's advertised. Not a sorry and a few extras.

Actions speak louder than words. Can be sorry till your blue in the face but if you're going to turn shady that speaks for itself
It's clear you don't really understand AT ALL! If you did you would understand that posts like yours are part of the problem and a major reason issues get swept under the rug. Every time an issue comes up someone pops in stating they had a good experience and or that the gear is working well. It's almost as if these narrow minded fucks think their pandas one and only customer lmao.

Your short mindedness and lack of general context really shines through when people are having DELIVERY issues and you bring up how good the QUALITY was for you when you ordered when panda OPENED.

Also out of potentially hundreds of thousands of vials sold by panda the 20 you bought when he opened where ok so we all must be good :rolleyes:

No one's attacking your boy panda. It's gonna be an issue when t/a is longer than what's claimed. Those same issues are magnified 10 fold when lies start being told. Obviously we are customers as well albeit with a very different experience than you had. If these things aren't brought to light and reigned in God knows how bad things could get.
Im saying there isn’t issues im just saying that i haven’t had any .... but all issues need to be addressed and taken care of
It's clear you don't really understand AT ALL! If you did you would understand that posts like yours are part of the problem and a major reason issues get swept under the rug. Every time an issue comes up someone pops in stating they had a good experience and or that the gear is working well. It's almost as if these narrow minded fucks think their pandas one and only customer lmao.

Your short mindedness and lack of general context really shines through when people are having DELIVERY issues and you bring up how good the QUALITY was for you when you ordered when panda OPENED.

Also out of potentially hundreds of thousands of vials sold by panda the 20 you bought when he opened where ok so we all must be good :rolleyes:

No one's attacking your boy panda. It's gonna be an issue when t/a is longer than what's claimed. Those same issues are magnified 10 fold when lies start being told. Obviously we are customers as well albeit with a very different experience than you had. If these things aren't brought to light and reigned in God knows how bad things could get.

Alright dumb ass when was your last order from panda? Do you have any relevant info to add other than what he fixed already? If you don’t then shut the fuck up
I appreciate the fact he "makes things right" but that's not what I want. I want what's advertised. Not a sorry and a few extras.

Actions speak louder than words. Can be sorry till your blue in the face but if you're going to turn shady that speaks for itself

Dude you know from experience what a bad lab does, do I have to bring up randr? He fucked everyone! When things goes wrong which no one is perfect, pplis there and fixes shit. I know from experience that he does fix shit. This is a underground lab it’s not fucking perfect but when stuff happened he didn’t run and hide or drop ship. Clearly cause he is still fucking here.

You didn’t even answer my question? When was the last time that you order from ppl? If you haven’t then you have nothing to stand on. I did read actually and all I’m saying is if before creating drama to just let ppl to fix it. And stating from experience that he has fixed any issues for me and many other
You didn’t even answer my question? When was the last time that you order from ppl? If you haven’t then you have nothing to stand on. I did read actually and all I’m saying is if before creating drama to just let ppl to fix it. And stating from experience that he has fixed any issues for me and many other
Last time I ordered was 4 weeks ago. They sold me something that was out of stock. He appologized. I worked with them and switched to a different product. Once it finally lands it's something completely different and useless to me. He appologized, sent the replacement and a couple extras that were again, you guessed it, useless to me.

Had the original product been correct on the website as out of stock I would have saved myself from terrible customer service and time wasted. It was a shit show