PurplePandaLabs Raw source


Can you throw your 2 cents into this thread? I know you have an intimate relationship with manufacturing, wondering if you can add insight into the discussion.

Thanks bud

Lol just checking in on this thread..

Looks like the same old shit show.

Arrogant ass owner...who lies ...and can’t keep his word.

The only reason this lab even survived as long as it did was because of the old rep.

Just to put it out there for any member who doesn’t remember.

1. Had his nephew capping drugs.
2. Had a Instagram page showing off.
3. Had a Facebook page.
4. Broke his own privacy rule on his website.
5. Thought sending out panda lab shirts was an awesome marketing idea.
6. The list could go on and on but I’ve simply forgot all the fuck ups this lab has had, now he has domestic shipping longer than international and selling products he doesn’t even have in stock all while lying to members and saying packs have been sent when they actually haven’t.

When does this lab get put to rest?

1.) As I've already stated previously those were Ralox caps for personal use

2.) Go bitch in pharmacoms thread

3.) Go bitch in pharmacoms thread

4.) Yes my business partner sent out emails to some customers. I was never told about this intended action so I could have stopped it. He is Chinese and didn’t understand what sending that email actually meant. He was very very clearly taught what it meant sending unsolicited emails to people in this industry. I chewed his ass out on top of it and it will never happen again.

5.) Go bitch in pharmacoms thread

6.) The reason for the slower then stated shipping times for domestic recently were two problems. First was stock levels. Second was communication between my shipper and customer service girls lacking. There is not much I can do at the moment about stock levels, some unfortunate things beyond my control have happened with that. But the stock levels will be stable shortly. Communication between my shipper and customer service girls has been improved after I had a group chat with both to see what I could do to improve their communication and effectiveness working together. Some new features have been added to the website to make it easier for my girls to be notified if a product in an order is out of stock for some reason. Also, a bug in our system that would sometimes input incorrect stock levels after non paid orders were cancelled has been fixed. I believe these new tools will make it much much more difficult for someone to order a product that is not in stock.

We are by no means perfect. This has been a learning experience for me the last couple of years running this company. But what I can tell you is I heed customer feedback and advice. I’ve never ran from a problem or an issue. I’ve always done my absolute best to try and rectify any mistake or problem my company has had. This industry has its own set of rules and standards that have taken time to learn. This is a continuous growing experience for us. We will always try our best to serve our customers the best we can.

At the end of this month I am firing two of my customer service girls and replacing them with an American guy I know in my city here in China. I’ve received a lot of complaints personally that it’s not so easy to communicate with my Chinese girls. Another issue I’ve listened to customers and am going to improve. The domestic stock levels are going to be stable by next month. It is honestly hard to keep up with the massive amount of orders we receive on a monthly basis and have to remain a company that has to stay in the shadows. Not being able to access the necessary things and resources a legitimate company would be able to makes it difficult. But we make due and improvise where needed.

If anyone ever has any constructive criticism of my company or how operations could be improved I’m always more then willing to hear it.
That's great to hear regarding the international injectables being available once again. I personally prefer the cost savings even with the increased shipping time. Looking forward to it!
1.) As I've already stated previously those were Ralox caps for personal use

2.) Go bitch in pharmacoms thread

3.) Go bitch in pharmacoms thread

4.) Yes my business partner sent out emails to some customers. I was never told about this intended action so I could have stopped it. He is Chinese and didn’t understand what sending that email actually meant. He was very very clearly taught what it meant sending unsolicited emails to people in this industry. I chewed his ass out on top of it and it will never happen again.

5.) Go bitch in pharmacoms thread

6.) The reason for the slower then stated shipping times for domestic recently were two problems. First was stock levels. Second was communication between my shipper and customer service girls lacking. There is not much I can do at the moment about stock levels, some unfortunate things beyond my control have happened with that. But the stock levels will be stable shortly. Communication between my shipper and customer service girls has been improved after I had a group chat with both to see what I could do to improve their communication and effectiveness working together. Some new features have been added to the website to make it easier for my girls to be notified if a product in an order is out of stock for some reason. Also, a bug in our system that would sometimes input incorrect stock levels after non paid orders were cancelled has been fixed. I believe these new tools will make it much much more difficult for someone to order a product that is not in stock.

We are by no means perfect. This has been a learning experience for me the last couple of years running this company. But what I can tell you is I heed customer feedback and advice. I’ve never ran from a problem or an issue. I’ve always done my absolute best to try and rectify any mistake or problem my company has had. This industry has its own set of rules and standards that have taken time to learn. This is a continuous growing experience for us. We will always try our best to serve our customers the best we can.

At the end of this month I am firing two of my customer service girls and replacing them with an American guy I know in my city here in China. I’ve received a lot of complaints personally that it’s not so easy to communicate with my Chinese girls. Another issue I’ve listened to customers and am going to improve. The domestic stock levels are going to be stable by next month. It is honestly hard to keep up with the massive amount of orders we receive on a monthly basis and have to remain a company that has to stay in the shadows. Not being able to access the necessary things and resources a legitimate company would be able to makes it difficult. But we make due and improvise where needed.

If anyone ever has any constructive criticism of my company or how operations could be improved I’m always more then willing to hear it.

I’ll bitch anywhere I want arrogant ass. You are here rent free don’t try to tell me where to go, I’ll post up shop here and harass you daily if you choose bitch.
Dude if you already said all this then why say it again. Stop stirring up shit. You literally stated that the issues are resolved so clearly makes shit right. I have literally had no problems with ppl and anytime shit went down he made it right with refunds or store credit. Why do people love start drama

Really? Breaking his own policy for privacy is cool?

If he did it one time he will do it again. Panda blames his “partner” like he always does and passes the buck then plays super hero by firing or “fixing “

You miss the point of the post. Seriously.

Everything this arrogant ass has done has been in his interest and not keeping members safety first.
Alright dumb ass when was your last order from panda? Do you have any relevant info to add other than what he fixed already? If you don’t then shut the fuck up

Wether someone orders from a lab or not is irrelevant. If there are issues then anyone should weigh in.
I’ll bitch anywhere I want arrogant ass. You are here rent free don’t try to tell me where to go, I’ll post up shop here and harass you daily if you choose bitch.
I would gladly pay rent if it were possible. But Meso does it’s members a service by not allowing sources to be king and protected by the moderation team. But vetting a source and making sure they are doing right by their customers on a consistent basis is much different from harassing a source(“I’ll post up shop here and harass you daily if you choose bitch”). You are not doing anything valuable to the community by doing this, simply being an annoyance people have to waste their time scrolling past. But yes you are free to key board warrior anywhere you want for as long as you want as many times as you want a day. But, I believe it speaks volumes about you on a personal level. But at least it will keep my thread at the top of the list and give people something to eat their popcorn to
Wether someone orders from a lab or not is irrelevant. If there are issues then anyone should weigh in.

And I don’t agree with this. If you are not a customer then you’re just basing your comments, complaints, theory’s on hearsay. Not on first hand experience. So you are left speculating on a lot of things
And I don’t agree with this. If you are not a customer then you’re just basing your comments, complaints, theory’s on hearsay. Not on first hand experience. So you are left speculating on a lot of things
Dude you have a lot of problems with your program. Nobody needs to speculate anything. It's a fact.

Don't be a dick
I would gladly pay rent if it were possible. But Meso does it’s members a service by not allowing sources to be king and protected by the moderation team. But vetting a source and making sure they are doing right by their customers on a consistent basis is much different from harassing a source(“I’ll post up shop here and harass you daily if you choose bitch”). You are not doing anything valuable to the community by doing this, simply being an annoyance people have to waste their time scrolling past. But yes you are free to key board warrior anywhere you want for as long as you want as many times as you want a day. But, I believe it speaks volumes about you on a personal level. But at least it will keep my thread at the top of the list and give people something to eat their popcorn to

Speaks volumes about me? Lol get out of here.

I think posting a picture of your nephew capping drugs on Instagram speaks enough volumes about you.
Speaks volumes about me? Lol get out of here.

I think posting a picture of your nephew capping drugs on Instagram speaks enough volumes about you.

He’s my brother in law. But yes, I agree it was a poor decision on my part. And in retrospect I regret doing it. I was capping caps for myself while we were babysitting him and he walked up and asked what I was doing, I told him and he asked if he could do it too. I was the adult in that situation and definitely should have used better judgment and just told him politely that only grownups were allowed to do it.
Can somebody PLEASE tell me why it’s been 2 weeks now with no ship. I was told it shipped last Thursday through email and the website. The worst part about it? The only thing made was a a shipping label the post office is still awaiting the item. Are u serious. Now I have to go order a whole mother order from another lab. Ppl I like you but I specifically order domestic to have it within a week. A warning would be nice. Especially after being told twice through email that the girl would be telling the warehouse to process and expedite the shipping. I don’t wanna seem like I’m bashing ppl I like the quality of the products and everything but this ta is killing me
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I'm in the same boat. Shows label as being created and awaiting package and it's been about 2 weeks also. Us domestic order.
Can somebody PLEASE tell me why it’s been 2 weeks now with no ship. I was told it shipped last Thursday through email and the website. The worst part about it? The only thing made was a a shipping label the post office is still awaiting the item. Are u serious. Now I have to go order a whole mother order from another lab
Really? Breaking his own policy for privacy is cool?

If he did it one time he will do it again. Panda blames his “partner” like he always does and passes the buck then plays super hero by firing or “fixing “

You miss the point of the post. Seriously.

Everything this arrogant ass has done has been in his interest and not keeping members safety first.
Lol, haven't been here in awhile, is ppl having trouble dealing with members again. Knew he should have kept his rep lol
1.) As I've already stated previously those were Ralox caps for personal use

2.) Go bitch in pharmacoms thread

3.) Go bitch in pharmacoms thread

4.) Yes my business partner sent out emails to some customers. I was never told about this intended action so I could have stopped it. He is Chinese and didn’t understand what sending that email actually meant. He was very very clearly taught what it meant sending unsolicited emails to people in this industry. I chewed his ass out on top of it and it will never happen again.

5.) Go bitch in pharmacoms thread

6.) The reason for the slower then stated shipping times for domestic recently were two problems. First was stock levels. Second was communication between my shipper and customer service girls lacking. There is not much I can do at the moment about stock levels, some unfortunate things beyond my control have happened with that. But the stock levels will be stable shortly. Communication between my shipper and customer service girls has been improved after I had a group chat with both to see what I could do to improve their communication and effectiveness working together. Some new features have been added to the website to make it easier for my girls to be notified if a product in an order is out of stock for some reason. Also, a bug in our system that would sometimes input incorrect stock levels after non paid orders were cancelled has been fixed. I believe these new tools will make it much much more difficult for someone to order a product that is not in stock.

We are by no means perfect. This has been a learning experience for me the last couple of years running this company. But what I can tell you is I heed customer feedback and advice. I’ve never ran from a problem or an issue. I’ve always done my absolute best to try and rectify any mistake or problem my company has had. This industry has its own set of rules and standards that have taken time to learn. This is a continuous growing experience for us. We will always try our best to serve our customers the best we can.

At the end of this month I am firing two of my customer service girls and replacing them with an American guy I know in my city here in China. I’ve received a lot of complaints personally that it’s not so easy to communicate with my Chinese girls. Another issue I’ve listened to customers and am going to improve. The domestic stock levels are going to be stable by next month. It is honestly hard to keep up with the massive amount of orders we receive on a monthly basis and have to remain a company that has to stay in the shadows. Not being able to access the necessary things and resources a legitimate company would be able to makes it difficult. But we make due and improvise where needed.

If anyone ever has any constructive criticism of my company or how operations could be improved I’m always more then willing to hear it.
You're an arrogant piece of shit, do I have to 're post all your fuckups. Shut the fuck up, and get the members their gear, and stop being a dick. If you can't handle that, get your rep back