PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Les fuckin go! New pack showed up. Packaging is on point now. An man do I love the color of this tren! Shit is nice.

Panda do u have raws for carbimazole or methimazole or any anti thyroid meds for someone who’s slightly hyperthyroid
Just had to come back and say, my back/neck is pumped for no reason. I haven’t had this since my first cycle. This should be a good run. Ahhh tren I love and hate you so much
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Just wanted to let everyone know, I shot purples customer service an email and they do indeed have a source for Nebivolol raws! I HIGHLY urge you to try Nebivolol solo or in conjunction with another blood pressure med such as an ACE or ARB. If you have any blood pressure issues and/or are on Tren, please do not skimp on blood pressure meds.

It doesn't appear to be tested at the moment but I do hope it will be in the near future.
Man, not to be contradictory; but be careful recommending beta blockers. Many of us are athletes with an already low resting heart rate. Beta blockers can and will lower the heart rate (along with blood pressure); and some beta blockers are better at rate control than BP control.
Additionally, there is a phenomenon called beta blocker withdrawal that can lead to a hypertensive emergency and a trip to the ER.
It is always better to max out on an ACE or ARB and include diuretic before adding a beta blocker (assuming normal renal function). Beta blockers are amazing medications for the right patient population; but that population doesn't routinely include athletes.
Just be careful guys. A heart rate of 25 on your drive home from the gym could be a disaster.
He's not around anymore
fortunately it's just because he got tired of taking the beating, and not because he got busted or something.
I miss him too.

Long time no see @XKawN , where have you been bro?
Family issues and health issues kind of took over. Probably won't be around much but will try and dip in every now and then. So, does he have his old handle back. Be honest, forgot what his old handle was, lol.
How do you know for sure that you're hyperthyroid?
Do you have bloodwork?
If you do, go see a doctor.

i just have sighty elevated t3 not enough to warrant any medication. the issues is if i drink coffee r any srt f stimulant or suppement i go a bit hyper and my muscle just gets eaten up over night. figured a small run of antithyroid meds might chill it out a bit. Some people go into remission from short runs. Sorry for the typos my keyboard is messed up.
i just have sighty elevated t3 not enough to warrant any medication. the issues is if i drink coffee r any srt f stimulant or suppement i go a bit hyper and my muscle just gets eaten up over night. figured a small run of antithyroid meds might chill it out a bit. Some people go into remission from short runs. Sorry for the typos my keyboard is messed up.
Methimazole usually makes T3 toxicosis (hyperthyroidism where only T3 is elevated) worse

Some T4 might help
it raises T4 thus improving your T4 to T3 ratio
it reduces TSH, which seems to be the main driver in T4 to T3 conversion.
Methimazole usually makes T3 toxicosis (hyperthyroidism where only T3 is elevated) worse

Some T4 might help
it raises T4 thus improving your T4 to T3 ratio
it reduces TSH, which seems to be the main driver in T4 to T3 conversion.
Wait now im confused.

Lower tsh would indicate that the pituitary gland is releasing less thyroid stimulating hormone because the thyroid gland is already producing enough T4 and T3. Lower TSH indicates HYPER.

I am not correcting you but this is the impression i was under. Since my T3 is high, and T4 converts to T3, how would supplementing T4 be helpful? I know you say -ratio-, but that would still result in a higher T3 level?
So I ordered raw nolva and clomid. I Received 5 grams of each and I forgot what mg it was and how the shit I mix it. Anyone can help me I would appreciate it. It was ordered when Elite was running the shop. I wanted to make 100mg per ml. Thanks in advance if anyone has an insight on this!