PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Just been brewing all week since the raws arrived. Making some Dbol Inject and Bold Cyp next.

Did you get that MT3 yet, I've been looking more into that B12 inject.
Wait now im confused.

Lower tsh would indicate that the pituitary gland is releasing less thyroid stimulating hormone because the thyroid gland is already producing enough T4 and T3. Lower TSH indicates HYPER.

I am not correcting you but this is the impression i was under. Since my T3 is high, and T4 converts to T3, how would supplementing T4 be helpful? I know you say -ratio-, but that would still result in a higher T3 level?
High T3 often comes from low iodine
so the body converts most thyroid into active T3, with little T4.
Make sure you get Total T4 test
and not just Free T4
which is BS, as thyroid hormones need active transport to be shuttled inside cells
Without active transport, they won't be active, even if "free".

Well after 10 days preparing shipment I get email and was told all the receivers has been flagged lol they supposed picked money up days ago and didn’t I guess so now I got to try get refund from w/u and I heard they charge a penalty so I guess it’s my loss all the way around. Out 30$ sending it and now penalties lol I’ve spent well over 3 grand with these guys and can’t believe All I get is sorry for any inconvenience lol I’ll never order from them again
Receivers get flagged every so often
it's part of the game.

Remember the NAPS info leak and how they had hundreds of money receivers?

BTW I always wondered if they are all fake IDs, or real people.
High T3 often comes from low iodine
so the body converts most thyroid into active T3, with little T4.
Make sure you get Total T4 test
and not just Free T4
which is BS, as thyroid hormones need active transport to be shuttled inside cells
Without active transport, they won't be active, even if "free".

Receivers get flagged every so often
it's part of the game.

Remember the NAPS info leak and how they had hundreds of money receivers?

BTW I always wondered if they are all fake IDs, or real people.

thanks i appreciate this a lot. I had read that iodine deficiency causes low T4 andd T3 though?
thanks i appreciate this a lot. I had read that iodine deficiency causes low T4 andd T3 though?
Methimazole actually makes T3 toxicosis worse for the same reason.
The body detects it's running low on thyroid hormones
so it converts more T4 to T3 to try to get the most out of the scarce thyroid it's making.

Iodine supplements would be the first step.
If you get natural ones like kelp, make sure they're standardized for Iodine.
If Iodine doesn't work, then you can try T4.
Slightly random question for this thread but I want to ask in here since this is the main place I post and I respect a lot of your opinions...

I feel like I should start drinking something other than water postworkout(all I drink all day is water)...

So my question is, what is the best drink postworkout for rehydration/replenishment of all I’ve sweat out/electrolytes/all that shit? Gatorade? Powerade? Some other shit I’ve never heard of? Anyone with any knowledge/expertise on this please recommend what is best, or tell me what you think
Slightly random question for this thread but I want to ask in here since this is the main place I post and I respect a lot of your opinions...

I feel like I should start drinking something other than water postworkout(all I drink all day is water)...

So my question is, what is the best drink postworkout for rehydration/replenishment of all I’ve sweat out/electrolytes/all that shit? Gatorade? Powerade? Some other shit I’ve never heard of? Anyone with any knowledge/expertise on this please recommend what is best, or tell me what you think
I drink rich pianas “all day you may” bcaa’s. I put two scoops in a gallon. The southern sweet tea is really good. No chemical taste. Mostly I do this because water just gets boring. If you are really only concerned about dehydration and electrolytes try coconut water. The real shit though not some shit loaded with sugars and sweeteners. Stay away from Gatorade and all that shit. Tons of food dyes and garbage in them. Liquid vitamins in water would help to. Not sure if this helps or what you were looking for but feel free to ask.
I drink rich pianas “all day you may” bcaa’s. I put two scoops in a gallon. The southern sweet tea is really good. No chemical taste. Mostly I do this because water just gets boring. If you are really only concerned about dehydration and electrolytes try coconut water. The real shit though not some shit loaded with sugars and sweeteners. Stay away from Gatorade and all that shit. Tons of food dyes and garbage in them. Liquid vitamins in water would help to. Not sure if this helps or what you were looking for but feel free to ask.
Yeah all that sugar and crap was the biggest turnoff for Gatorade, plus I doubt there’s even enough of the good stuff in it tbh...there has to be something better. V8 is the best hangover cure so I thought about that but it just tastes so bad, chugging it after every workout would get old fast. Coconut water might be good....
Yeah all that sugar and crap was the biggest turnoff for Gatorade, plus I doubt there’s even enough of the good stuff in it tbh...there has to be something better. V8 is the best hangover cure so I thought about that but it just tastes so bad, chugging it after every workout would get old fast. Coconut water might be good....

Late to the convo, what y’all lookn for? Carbs post workout?
Yeah all that sugar and crap was the biggest turnoff for Gatorade, plus I doubt there’s even enough of the good stuff in it tbh...there has to be something better. V8 is the best hangover cure so I thought about that but it just tastes so bad, chugging it after every workout would get old fast. Coconut water might be good....
To much salt in V8. Like I said if it’s straight hydration then try the coconut water. Costco has a pretty good brand and deal.