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Tomorrow we will be opening a new payment method that will be much easier for users and cheaper to use then WU and MG.
So the big reveal?[/QUOTE]
It will be the beginning of next week before it is open for use now. My website developers are a little behind schedule. But it’s the money transfer app TransferWise. Will allow customers to send money directly to our bank account using debit or credit cards. We’ve tested it multiple times and it works like a charm. Very user friendly, secure, fast, cheap to use
Why would you need protein after a workout?

Of course you want protein after Workout :p
He just goes in the theory your immediate post shake is based on fructose/glucose and you would still then follow-up with a protein/carb based meal post 1-2 hours.

I guess lots of bioscience says finish your workout, slam a banana and protein shake.
Guys, anyone made some primo with PPL raws? Experiences/ results would be much appreciated? I have used other raws with good experiences but I'm just making sure since primo is so often under dosed and often counterfeited. Not to mention, it's one of most expensive.

Guys, anyone made some primo with PPL raws? Experiences/ results would be much appreciated? I have used other raws with good experiences but I'm just making sure since primo is so often under dosed and often counterfeited. Not to mention, it's one of most expensive.


I have use the primo enanthate. Ran a gram for 14weeks with a less an ideal cutting diet and still gained some size, noticeably in my delts. Nothing spectacular but I felt great the whole time. I will definitely use it again went I'm dieting harder
So the big reveal?
It will be the beginning of next week before it is open for use now. My website developers are a little behind schedule. But it’s the money transfer app TransferWise. Will allow customers to send money directly to our bank account using debit or credit cards. We’ve tested it multiple times and it works like a charm. Very user friendly, secure, fast, cheap to use[/QUOTE]
I hate WU and MG and I don't like dealing with cryto currency. I hope this turns out to be a better option.
It will be the beginning of next week before it is open for use now. My website developers are a little behind schedule. But it’s the money transfer app TransferWise. Will allow customers to send money directly to our bank account using debit or credit cards. We’ve tested it multiple times and it works like a charm. Very user friendly, secure, fast, cheap to use

I’ve got the app downloaded already... this has to be a better way.