PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I recall. I put 3 ml test e 300 in my quad and was debilitated for a month. Turned into cellulitis eventually. Got to the hospital when I realized what it tuned into. Started as pip... Was no infection found, just major inflammation

And I've done 1.5cc of test 500 with no issues...
But my buddy couldn't handle .5cc of test 500

I just believe everyone tolerates different esters different.
I recall. I put 3 ml test e 300 in my quad and was debilitated for a month. Turned into cellulitis eventually. Got to the hospital when I realized what it tuned into. Started as pip... Was no infection found, just major inflammation
I did this 2 months ago. Brewed my last batch at 500mg/ml and pinned 2cc's into right quad. I just got back to work 3 weeks ago since that happened.
My body doesn’t handle test e at all. I’ve tried 3 different sources and they all hurt like hell and left knots on my ass. As soon as I switched to test c, all is good. I guess people just can’t handle it.
Anyone else here having issues like over on bop. Few of us waiting 2 weeks now can't even get a reply n sent payment .yet he's replied to new orders then no reply to them after payment apparently.
Did you just start this cycle. About a month and a half ago I started the same cycle except it was test prop. I thought I had the flu. Body hurt aches fever just a total mess. Wasn’t fun. Took about a week and a half to go away completely. Would come and go.
Im 5 weeks in
I got the test e because I wanted a higher mg per ml. From being inexperienced in brewing I went with E instead of C to avoid having to deal with it crashing.
I do believe I’ll give Cyp go on my next order though.

Got 150g of E. That’s a lot of syringe filtering at once :(
It probably be ok to brew it all up and filter it over time wouldn’t it? Store it unfiltered and filter a few vials at a time?
Iv done more thru a syringe filter have fun lol that shit sucks
Anyone else here having issues like over on bop. Few of us waiting 2 weeks now can't even get a reply n sent payment .yet he's replied to new orders then no reply to them after payment apparently.

Common occurrence.

I think they said everyone switched to new devices and would be getting back to everyone 4-6 weeks from now.......
( sarcasm)

And their customer support should be golden since panda fired all his girls and brought in some American he knows real well to handle everything... at least so he says....
I talked with panda the service proton account should be fixed they are behind on the emails but will get everyone available to answer them thank you guy's for your patience I know when you got money out there it gets you concerned and rightly so.
I will be doing everything I can to help get things back on track.
Anyone that has messaged me if you have received a response please let me know that way I can devote more time to anyone waiting thanks.
I talked with panda the service proton account should be fixed they are behind on the emails but will get everyone available to answer them thank you guy's for your patience I know when you got money out there it gets you concerned and rightly so.
I will be doing everything I can to help get things back on track.
Anyone that has messaged me if you have received a response please let me know that way I can devote more time to anyone waiting thanks.
Still waiting on a pm back.
I talked with panda the service proton account should be fixed they are behind on the emails but will get everyone available to answer them thank you guy's for your patience I know when you got money out there it gets you concerned and rightly so.
I will be doing everything I can to help get things back on track.
Anyone that has messaged me if you have received a response please let me know that way I can devote more time to anyone waiting thanks.
I remember my first injection of test E thought everything was good until maybe two days later when my rear end became sore and it hurt to sit down certain ways and move around frequently... I have had smooth sailing injections since then. The first infection only lasted 3 days had to call out of work 1 day but it's all good now, pip isn't gonna be an issue if you inject SLOWLY!