PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I think my recipe for test e 250mg/ml was;
1.5% ba

I got hella bad pip.
Should I make adjustments to it?
Or should I try and brew the cyp I have instead?
There was a posting over at BoP telling members not to order from PPL until further notice.

Yesterday, 11:30 PM#4 PurplePandaLabs

It wasn’t until yesterday that I found out there was an issue with the email. My domain email [email redacted] expired last Wednesday so we renewed it, but when we did, we renewed it with a new company. I thought it would stay connected to my protonmail account which it previously was connected to. But apparently when you change the server it assigns you new imap codes to input if you’re using a separate email system like protonmail to host your domain email. So long story short is yesterday I reconnected it and we were back logged 800+ emails. So today I have myself, my company manager, my two service employees and my wife who will all be answering emails and getting caught up with them. 85% of them are just payment confirmation emails. I apologize for the issue. But unfortunately since my regular protonmail address that my domain address was connected to was still receiving emails to it, it took us a week before we figured out the issue that was happening. But we still have access to all of the missed emails and today they will be getting answered. Again I apologize for the inconvenience to all my customers. Please no one be worried that we have disappeared. Panda is here to stay as we have been for the last three years we have been in business
Latest update...... Ppl hit me back finally about my missing product. Their solution was to give me a 35$ coupon code, which is the worth of the product im missing. Now if they expect me to spend their minimum order to get the product they failed to send me, im taking my business somewhere else. I asked them about it so let's see what the response is.
Oh...a bop mod... There's a trusted person o_O
Listening to a bop mod is on par with believing panda "we'll fix this right away".
LOL, not saying the BoP mod is trustworthy. Just passing along the message that BoP was warned to not order from PPL until further notice, which was followed up with the post I put above, from Panda himself. Figured if BoP is warning their members to keep them safe, it’s worth it to post here to keep our people safe.
LOL, not saying the BoP mod is trustworthy. Just passing along the message that BoP was warned to not order from PPL until further notice, which was followed up with the post I put above, from Panda himself. Figured if BoP is warning their members to keep them safe, it’s worth it to post here to keep our people safe.

You know if bop mods are telling people to not order.... then no one should order. I don’t remember very often they make such an announcement.

When bop says source is gtg..... then be weary lol.
Its been 22 days since i ordered and got tracking. For the last 20 it has said en route to eCommerce. Today the tracking doesnt exist. All ive been told by panda and his team is "OH it could take 15-25 days."
So what is going on with my damn package @purplepandalabs @PurplePandaLabs Rep. ?
This is the worst service ive gotten from PPL. Unless they fix this. This will most likely be my last order with them. a month for a package just to have it get deleted is BS.
You know if bop mods are telling people to not order.... then no one should order. I don’t remember very often they make such an announcement.

When bop says source is gtg..... then be weary lol.

The past year or so should be enough to tell you not to order from them.
Is the bb what’s causing my pip then?
No , bb wont cause pip at that concentration . Even in compounds like test enth , deca , eq that dont nessisarily need that much bb to hold . Actually the opposite , itd make them much thinner amd smoother ... to much ba on the other hand can often be the culprit of pip , which Is why I personally stick to .6 - 1% in most cases..

If I had to guess the issue id back @rutman theory of bad test enth raws . Its not uncommon for bad test enth batches to pop up from time to time . Im not a chemists so I cant say exactly the reason enth has this issue but from what ive gathered its something to do with an improper/incomplete rinsing process during manufacturering , But regardless its not uncommon .

If you have cyp on hand best option would be to just scrap the enth and use the cyp unfortunately. I know quit a few people myself included that have stopped buying enth all together for the same exact reason..
You know if bop mods are telling people to not order.... then no one should order. I don’t remember very often they make such an announcement.

When bop says source is gtg..... then be weary lol.
Geez, some things never change, glad you're here in this thread helping out the community