PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Damn, they just vanished? Weird

If panda vanished that’s one thing but I would think @Ripped would show up to let us know what’s up since it’s not like he’s liable...something is weird
@PurplePandaLabs Rep. When is your primo gonna be available domestic? Been out awhile. It’s also weird that its cheaper to buy the primo domestic then buying it international? Only reasoning I can think of would be to wait for the shit batches of primo (the most expensive AAS you sell) then send them over to the U.S?
@PurplePandaLabs Rep. When is your primo gonna be available domestic? Been out awhile. It’s also weird that its cheaper to buy the primo domestic then buying it international? Only reasoning I can think of would be to wait for the shit batches of primo (the most expensive AAS you sell) then send them over to the U.S?
That must be why when I used their test I didn't experience shut down. No PCT just a sore butt.
Prediction: he'll be back. Some lame excuse . "We're working on it" and life will be all lovely until the next vial of gear with hair .
I’ve given these guys the benefit of the doubt this entire time, whenever possible, and have been posting in this thread for a long time. I’ve witness MANY fuck ups that like I said, I ended up giving them the benefit of the doubt whenever possible because I’ve always seen them AT LEAST try to fix their mistakes and make it right. But disappearing for going on two weeks and not even coming in here to update us and tell us wtf is going on is the last straw. Terrible business. Even if I WANTED to, yet again give them the benefit of the doubt, one thing I can’t stand is complete lack of contact, and two weeks is COMPLETELY unacceptable. I no longer trust PPL, and therefore won’t be able to bring myself to use them again.

What absolute shit business practice this is.
Was going to order from PPL US domestic but not now. I can’t do Pharmacom either because my State has horrible customs and their domestic store prices are outrageous. Who do you guys trust to have the purest testosterone? Heavy metal contamination is what concerns me the most as I’ve use several UGL and never had a problem with pip or gear not being sterile.
I don’t feel like going through all the pages and responding to any conspiracy theory. Everything is running normally at PPL. PPLREP is on a short hiatus. He will be back shortly. If anyone needs anything in the mean time you can email us at [email redacted]
Should be no reason anyone can’t get an issue resolved through emailing us or contacting me personally.
That's real professional of you saying you dont feel like reading through and addressing your customer concerns. Way to appreciate your customers. Get the fuck out of here.
Yeah, the website is gone. For good reason though

Currently, Interpole is conducting operation Pangaea, which is specifically targeting illeagal international drug import/export companies such a PPL. He is being smart by shutting down the website.