PurplePandaLabs Raw source

lol piss off, you’re dead to me now.

You go silent for 2 weeks on a crowd that’s probably lined your pockets real nice and then don’t even bother going through the pages of posts that piled up because you let it pile up, and then when you come back you don’t even give any explanation as to why you’re lazy and your rep mysteriously vanished. Yet you still want people to trust you with their money, security, health, freedom, etc.

I’ve never said anything negative about you guys until today, but holy shit, piss off you prick.
Yeah, the website is gone. For good reason though

Currently, Interpole is conducting operation Pangaea, which is specifically targeting illeagal international drug import/export companies such a PPL. He is being smart by shutting down the website.
So are we in trouble if we just placed an order or?????
Your website is down currently.

Yeah, the website is gone. For good reason though

Currently, Interpole is conducting operation Pangaea, which is specifically targeting illeagal international drug import/export companies such a PPL. He is being smart by shutting down the website.
How can you know if it's a DDoS or similar attack, or if their hosting got denied?

According to whois, panda is hosted in china
albeit by 'Alibaba cloud computing'
Maybe LE (or even a competitor) complained, and they honored the request, even if gear is legal in china.

It's down for a good reason.

Is that what he told you? Or are you just speculating?
Website down is much more worrisome than the Rep disappearing.

After all, the rep could just be sick (hypotethically)
... or went in a drinking binge

A couple people on SST are thinking he’s exit scamming
I don't think they'll exit scam
certainly not by shutting down the website.
Too much money to be made.
They will reappear somehow.

So are we in trouble if we just placed an order or?????
Maybe, maybe not
You may buy a dildo and start stretching your arse, just in case you go to jail. :D:p:eek:
I'm going to chalk this source up under the "fuck no" column.

Too many fuck ups for my comfort. Returning after two weeks MIA and basically saying "Fuck you guys. You complain too much," is just poor business.
I haven’t looked at this thread in like six months since the whole pube laced vials saga, Come back in and total chaos still. I just don’t get the whole mystique with this source, Other sources fuck up once and it’s game over, but this one keeps getting chance after chance it’s crazy
I haven’t looked at this thread in like six months since the whole pube laced vials saga, Come back in and total chaos still. I just don’t get the whole mystique with this source, Other sources fuck up once and it’s game over, but this one keeps getting chance after chance it’s crazy
Because this one is huge, sells raws and has a neat website! :rolleyes:

That’s honestly the only reason I can think k that people keep riding this source’s cock.
A couple people on SST are thinking he’s exit scamming
He is rumored to already have exit scammed under a different name, along with a few other guys. This was on a different board. I have no real proof or knowledge other than "the rumor" that I've heard but it isn't the first time I've read he is an exit scammer.
Everybody be careful. Theres enough documented issues to make a sound decision. I know I wont be ordering from them any time soon. They have to clean up their act first.
Sad part is it still ain’t over

Raw appeal is the real deal:)

I could say more but “I don’t have the time”. LOL SMH
My website was changing servers and is back up again. It’s not that I don’t value my customers questions or concerns. But if I’m not here to answer questions or my rep is not then there are ways of contacting us aside from posting on Meso asking. The second we aren’t here to answer someone’s questions about 10 people with their own agendas start crowding the thread with conspiracy theory’s trying to start issues. And if I come to respond to them I get attacked for this reason or another. There is nothing I can ever say or do that is good enough for those who choose to purposely start issues in my thread. When my rep returns it will be his choice if he decides to speak about his personal life issues or not. It’s not my place to say what is going on with him
My website was changing servers and is back up again. It’s not that I don’t value my customers questions or concerns. But if I’m not here to answer questions or my rep is not then there are ways of contacting us aside from posting on Meso asking. The second we aren’t here to answer someone’s questions about 10 people with their own agendas start crowding the thread with conspiracy theory’s trying to start issues. And if I come to respond to them I get attacked for this reason or another. There is nothing I can ever say or do that is good enough for those who choose to purposely start issues in my thread. When my rep returns it will be his choice if he decides to speak about his personal life issues or not. It’s not my place to say what is going on with him

Funny thing is, it’s your loyal customers with concerns this time arrogant ass.

The people who know you are a fraud has hardly said shit. So get out of here with all your excuses.

Your rep has issues and you knew about these issues but failed to tell the board that he will not be present for a while, again .... you never plan always react.

Wish more people would wake up to how sorry you actually are.
My website was changing servers and is back up again. It’s not that I don’t value my customers questions or concerns. But if I’m not here to answer questions or my rep is not then there are ways of contacting us aside from posting on Meso asking. The second we aren’t here to answer someone’s questions about 10 people with their own agendas start crowding the thread with conspiracy theory’s trying to start issues. And if I come to respond to them I get attacked for this reason or another. There is nothing I can ever say or do that is good enough for those who choose to purposely start issues in my thread. When my rep returns it will be his choice if he decides to speak about his personal life issues or not. It’s not my place to say what is going on with him

Your customer service ability is clearly on par with your website stock level tracking status.
Funny thing is, it’s your loyal customers with concerns this time arrogant ass.

The people who know you are a fraud has hardly said shit. So get out of here with all your excuses.

Your rep has issues and you knew about these issues but failed to tell the board that he will not be present for a while, again .... you never plan always react.

Wish more people would wake up to how sorry you actually are.

Hey didn’t tell me that he hadn’t been on the forum for a week until yesterday. That is why I came and made a post. I don’t check the forum every day so I had no way of knowing until he messaged me yesterday. If I would have known ahead of time I would have made a post when I knew. Just like I did when I found out yesterday