PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Who do you think youre talking to little man?

It shows how casually you and @Sak both have been paying attention to this thread! Stop skimming through things and go back and read all of this shit.

If you had ever read anything I have posted it would be clear as day but since it went over both of your heads:

I was mocking the PPL rep. And the disrespectful shit he said to @Roger rabbit & he knew this that’s why he clicked like

Smh you guys are something else.
Good mock him ridicule him run him out of fucking business and this goes for anyone if you can link any new domestic supplier to these assholes let everyone on the meso know!
I can't believe this, I should have known. It's impossible to expect this kind of business from a decent person/people. I'm done with this bull shit! FUCK PPL! Worst source ever.
It’s all good, We are cool bro. Just go back about a week and read how this thread started going. It’s right after ripped disappeared (the original rep) and then the whole story unfolds.

Roger is pretty outspoken trust me if I was talking shit he would have responded!

Emotions run high when things like this happen especially with well liked/known sources.

This whole thing is now a circus and could have been avoided simply by sticking to int.raws but greed takes over.
That’s pretty evident since the beginning of this thread which is completely unfortunate.
Completely unfortunate.
Lol he is talking to @wedorecover like he is a newb!! Bhaha.. sorry I cant help myself. Hey @wedorecover while you are rereading this thread why dont you go introduce yourself in the new members forum.

Sorry @superbane I'm just fucking with you. It had me laughing though.
I can't believe I defended you slimy fucks, everything the meso posted about you guys is right, careless and inconsiderate!
Lol man I just can’t get over how the guy basically said roger was a big mouth rat who was talking too much and then anyone else who isn’t talking about an order can eat shit!

Then I can not get over how the owner leaves this guy in place as if he hasn’t came back and seen the shit show since installing this “new” guy!

@movingiron88 lol ...lol @wedorecover thought I was serious! He was on high alert and ready! Just so much shit going on in this thread! :facepalm: I didn’t know what else to say! I wasn’t trying to son him though!
Perhaps it’s time people look at and talk about real solid alternatives for raws.

Would you personally order from ppl again knowing what you know now?

Also the rep just rolled into the thread and told everyone to pretty much fuck themselves and however they feel unless they feel like ordering lol

I personally would not.

Integrity means a lot to me. I dont think the bust would affect the international side of business(you never know), but with that said it's how you handle issues sometimes that mean more than the issues themself.
Lol man I just can’t get over how the guy basically said roger was a big mouth rat who was talking too much and then anyone else who isn’t talking about an order can eat shit!

Then I can not get over how the owner leaves this guy in place as if he hasn’t came back and seen the shit show since installing this “new” guy!

@movingiron88 lol ...lol @wedorecover thought I was serious! He was on high alert and ready! Just so much shit going on in this thread! :facepalm: I didn’t know what else to say! I wasn’t trying to son him though!
It's all good. Meso has been on fire today
How do we know names and addresses were found? Not debating you. Just curious [emoji15]

The brewer reported it and it’s documented.

Millard has a thread going on this bust and within that thread there is a link to another thread on another forum.

Realistically, I would hope this guy was just brewing and not necessarily filling the orders. Maybe the list of names and addresses were remailers and not customers. No way of knowing(unless i missed it in the article).

But obviously the feds can follow those names and addresses, and probably keep following the names and addresses until they get to customers, but I dont think that's their end plan. They usually dont go after the customers, just doesnt make sense to.

That doesnt mean I would feel sake ordering from panda.
So he personally may be fine, but with this large bust and panda obviously supplying raws to this brewer as well as using him to finish product as well, the dea and homeland security can see a huge operation is happening. If anyone thinks the investigations ends there.... you are completely wrong.

Me personally.... I wouldn’t be banking on ordering from a lab that has all the Bull eyes markings on their back and feel safe. Remember.. your package still goes through customs, you get caught with panda gear and you are apart of a big ring and don’t think for a second they won’t come after you. Now isn’t the time to be complacent and gamble your future because the owner will be fine in China, be selfish and think about you.... not the panda the owner
For those that have ordered Pandas gear, what's the best next move?
Realistically, I would hope this guy was just brewing and not necessarily filling the orders. Maybe the list of names and addresses were remailers and not customers. No way of knowing(unless i missed it in the article).

But obviously the feds can follow those names and addresses, and probably keep following the names and addresses until they get to customers, but I dont think that's their end plan. They usually dont go after the customers, just doesnt make sense to.

That doesnt mean I would feel sake ordering from panda.
You're always looking for the right side. I remember a month ago we were defending these fucks but no longer. They lied and put so many men's lives injeperdy, had they told the truth no one would have brought from them.
PPL Never had customers, they had hosts, creatures to feed off of. They never provided any service except to themselves. Goodbye.
You're always looking for the right side. I remember a month ago we were defending these fucks but no longer. They lied and put so many men's lives injeperdy, had they told the truth no one would have brought from them.
You have to look at things from all angles. But, ppl definitely doesnt deserve the benefit of the doubt. We cant expect them to have done things right.
Check out the thread Millard has in it bro. Another forum is link in there too with even more information....

Information is coming out with people who new the brewer and he brewed for several labs.... panda can deny this brewer was not brewing for them... but he was....
Theres pictures. Panda is still denying? Thats shady as fuck. Own it @purplepandalabs