PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Well damn, I guess fuck my wife... fuck my career... and fuck my children... fuck my reputation... fuck that new job offer... fuck that promotion at work... fuck that family and friends now view me as some "drug abuser" cause Life goes on as you say...

GTFO you clown.
Better stop AAS and go to your local church. Start praying and hope you don’t get that 24 hour sentence. God forbid...
Better stop AAS and go to your local church. Start praying and hope you don’t get that 24 hour sentence. God forbid...

I consider losing a career much worse than the sentence... and dragging my wife, children and family through the public display that will be made of me as most don't understand AAS usage.

But of course you wouldn't understand such things.
I consider losing a career much worse than the sentence... and dragging my wife, children and family through the public display that will be made of me as most don't understand AAS usage.

But of course you wouldn't understand such things.
This kid is a moron and not worth arguing with.
Well damn, I guess fuck my wife... fuck my career (ever see a moral contract from an employer?)... and fuck my children... fuck my reputation... fuck that new job offer... fuck that promotion at work... fuck that family and friends now view me as some "drug abuser" cause Life goes on as you say...

GTFO you clown.
He is concerned with saving a few bucks on raws but doesn't mind having to spend thousands to a lawyer to defend himself from criminal charges. Ok he just confirmed he is retarded. I mean special.

And if it's just a slap on the wrist for manufacturing then why are there countless articles and threads of manufacturers and distributors being sentenced to years in prison.
I’ll order once his U.S domestic is back online. The primo raws are cheaper domestic then international. I mean unless you want to get bent over and get fucked (no grease) and pay $50 for shipping internationally and also pay extra for raws... Then domestic is the way to go. Everyone is wanting international only. Fuck that and watch your shipment get seized like mine did. You think the feds care about finished oils lolz... no they will prioritize raws firsts.

Just some friendly advice on this...

First of all, given everything currently happening, this thread at this time with the potential eyeballs looking at it, this is probably not the best time to be publically claiming intentions of making future illegal business transactions.

Second of all, given everything going on, including fellow members potentially sitting behind bars facing a decade plus of incarceration ahead of them, saving a few dollars on future orders would ABSOLUTELY NOT be the determining criteria ANY OF US should be using to determine where and how we order. I would be infinitely more concerned with my safety versus "getting fucked" out of a small amount of money. But that's just me.

To be clear, I am not saying one source or another, or domestic or international, is safer or not. What I am saying is that I wouldn't let my anger at spending a few more dollars one way or the other influence my decision.

Think it through and stay safe, my good man.
Ok you just took this to a new level.

Woah woah lets get real that’s a pretty low blow...
Dude, you're a ding dong. No one what's to go to jail that's fucking bizzar . Are there risks here...yep, but the key is mitigating those risks . Like not ordering from a just busted source no matter how cheap. Ppl isn't the only raw source, and if you had a quality source you wouldn't even touch ppl. And no, not talking about Alibaba or whatever that sketchy shit is.
Dude, you're a ding dong. No one what's to go to jail that's fucking bizzar . Are there risks here...yep, but the key is mitigating those risks . Like not ordering from a just busted source no matter how cheap. Ppl isn't the only raw source, and if you had a quality source you wouldn't even touch ppl. And no, not talking about Alibaba or whatever that sketchy shit is.
You must of not read anything I said. You are increasing the risks of being caught if your order internationally. My second shipment from panda got seized and I promise if you got busted it would be through international shipping not domestic. Like I said you think the feds care about finished oils over raws? That’s why I’m here and want domestic back online. Why are you here?
Hahaha, there are plenty that fit that description on this board.

Sad but true .But there's also a unique amount of knowledge here also. I must be a member of every aas board.... Meso has some of the best guys and I've learned more in my short time here than any other way. Those dicks kinda rise to the surface like a floating turd.
You must of not read anything I said. You are increasing the risks of being caught if your order internationally. My second shipment from panda got seized and I promise if you got busted it would be through international shipping not domestic. Like I said you think the feds care about finished oils over raws? That’s why I’m here and want domestic back online. Why are you here?
If everyone thinks you're the problem, chances are... you are. Now stop with the disinformation and find a good source or take your chances here.
Panda started strong and is ending in flames. If you don't care about the higher risk with panda then do what you want but spewing your nonsense does not help anyone else. International or domestic doesn't matter at this point when everyone is now at a much greater risk.
Sad but true .But there's also a unique amount of knowledge here also. I must be a member of every aas board.... Meso has some of the best guys and I've learned more in my short time here than any other way. Those dicks kinda rise to the surface like a floating turd.

There a huge base of knowledge here! I agree completely
You act like your life is over if you catch a schedule 3 manufacturing charge. I got 2 higher schedule manufacturing charges. What’s going to happen is you will get 24 hours in county jail and get probation. Life goes on.... that’s even if you get caught. Because there are so posts on Meso about set up delivery’s and people getting caught... :rolleyes:
Really who did u tell on ? My boy got 6 years for the first one and 11 years on the second
Damn I’m sorry. Never heard of that harsh of sentencing for schedule 3 manufacturing. Must of been their 10th time doing it and be African American decent with a bad lawyer.
I feel like ur the guy that’s done 3 weeks in the county and now ur a fucking lawyer