PurplePandaLabs Raw source

It does. How is frenchies integrity in question? Cuz he doesnt conform?

You like to argue a lot. It is not playing devils advocate you just like to go against facts and the grain to have little debates and to stand out, it isn’t to inspire or provoke deeper thoughts but we can play.

Integrity? When he flat out lied about sentencing, When confronted about his facts he wrote his rebuttal striking with prejudice.

When his whole agenda was to suit a purpose or a need to go against the current tone of the thread? Where is the integrity? Where is the integrity when he is trying to undermine what is currently being said based on facts?

Where is your integrity for trying to back that nonsense? Or to question why anyone is questioning this guy?

See this is how easy this shit is.

The man if he isn’t a rep could have posted in the thread @mentioned the rep said he still would buy from dom when it has moved “warehouses”. He could have said he didn’t care he would still order and rolled out instead he tried to talk shit and throw Little Rock’s just like you did when you made your comment about my comment of calling him a rep. Because I believe he is the rep. (Or maybe you are. Since you showed up with your cape on).

Furthermore the “rep” said they won’t be selling domestic for two weeks or whatever date he said that’s what ppl themselves posted in this very thread. So truthfully he had no need to interject or try to derail the momentum or current tone of the thread unless he had ulterior motives.

To press the issue further if he was really so hell bent on ordering he could have emailed ppl and simply said so or sent the rep a pm.

See this wasn’t really about that.
You’re not dumb you can see what I’m saying if you wanted to do so but you like to argue. It surely isn’t about conforming. It’s about spreading lies and misinformation.

How are you a member here and saying it’s ok for him to spread misinformation? Isn’t meso about harm reduction first?

See that integrity thing swings both ways with you depending on your mood. But I won’t argue with you. Say how you feel it’s a free country mostly.

I just asked you if you would order again and you said no. Make up your mind where you stand. If you yourself would not order than how can you stand and watch another give ill advice ? Then to say someone deserves it if they do order? That isn’t right. Especially in this kind of scene.

One last thing before I am done with this, PPL HAS NEVER listened to what the customers wanted done. The old rep did his best to fix their mistakes but they have put greed before everything else since the start.
NOBODY IN THIS THREAD BELIEVES THEY WILL CLOSE DOMESTIC. Why would they? Anybody that has followed along would know that no matter how many people here at meso said something they would ignore and do what’s best for Panda.

So really what’s the agenda ?
What was the purpose of this?
The guy said how he felt.
We said how we felt.
Then you said how you felt.
Uncensored boards are great!
For me I don’t care what his opinion is but acting like ur not gonna get in Troble it busted is retared
Yea that's true. I guess I just dont care enough either way. We're all men, we have to live with the decisions we make. It's easy to say its harm reduction and blah blah blah(that's everyone's go to reason) but it's one guy, one order. Who cares? You know what I mean?
Yea that's true. I guess I just dont care enough either way. We're all men, we have to live with the decisions we make. It's easy to say its harm reduction and blah blah blah(that's everyone's go to reason) but it's one guy, one order. Who cares? You know what I mean?

Then why do you care to even respond bro?
Why are you even saying anything?
You like to argue a lot. It is not playing devils advocate you just like to go against facts and the grain to have little debates and to stand out, it isn’t to inspire or provoke deeper thoughts but we can play.

Integrity? When he flat out lied about sentencing, When confronted about his facts he wrote his rebuttal striking with prejudice.

When his whole agenda was to suit a purpose or a need to go against the current tone of the thread? Where is the integrity? Where is the integrity when he is trying to undermine what is currently being said based on facts?

Where is your integrity for trying to back that nonsense? Or to question why anyone is questioning this guy?

See this is how easy this shit is.

The man if he isn’t a rep could have posted in the thread @mentioned the rep said he still would buy from dom when it has moved “warehouses”. He could have said he didn’t care he would still order and rolled out instead he tried to talk shit and throw Little Rock’s just like you did when you made your comment about my comment of calling him a rep. Because I believe he is the rep. (Or maybe you are. Since you showed up with your cape on).

Furthermore the “rep” said they won’t be selling domestic for two weeks or whatever date he said that’s what ppl themselves posted in this very thread. So truthfully he had no need to interject or try to derail the momentum or current tone of the thread unless he had ulterior motives.

To press the issue further if he was really so hell bent on ordering he could have emailed ppl and simply said so or sent the rep a pm.

See this wasn’t really about that.
You’re not dumb you can see what I’m saying if you wanted to do so but you like to argue. It surely isn’t about conforming. It’s about spreading lies and misinformation.

How are you a member here and saying it’s ok for him to spread misinformation? Isn’t meso about harm reduction first?

See that integrity thing swings both ways with you depending on your mood. But I won’t argue with you. Say how you feel it’s a free country mostly.

I just asked you if you would order again and you said no. Make up your mind where you stand. If you yourself would not order than how can you stand and watch another give ill advice ? Then to say someone deserves it if they do order? That isn’t right. Especially in this kind of scene.

One last thing before I am done with this, PPL HAS NEVER listened to what the customers wanted done. The old rep did his best to fix their mistakes but they have put greed before everything else since the start.
NOBODY IN THIS THREAD BELIEVES THEY WILL CLOSE DOMESTIC. Why would they? Anybody that has followed along would know that no matter how many people here at meso said something they would ignore and do what’s best for Panda.

So really what’s the agenda ?
What was the purpose of this?
The guy said how he felt.
We said how we felt.
Then you said how you felt.
Uncensored boards are great!
I apologize, but I did not and will not read your whole post.

Basically what I'm getting from this is you think hes a rep, or I'm a rep for whatever reason. That's great. Ignore the fact that I (along with others, roger for one I dont wanna go back and read through the thread) have brought the whole panda bust to the forefront.

But to each his own, he'll order domestically, you wont. I wont. Everyone else wont. Why waste your time?
I apologize, but I did not and will not read your whole post.

Basically what I'm getting from this is you think hes a rep, or I'm a rep for whatever reason. That's great. Ignore the fact that I (along with others, roger for one I dont wanna go back and read through the thread) have brought the whole panda bust to the forefront.

But to each his own, he'll order domestically, you wont. I wont. Everyone else wont. Why waste your time?

What bro? I thought you didn’t care?
You act like your life is over if you catch a schedule 3 manufacturing charge. I got 2 higher schedule manufacturing charges. What’s going to happen is you will get 24 hours in county jail and get probation. Life goes on.... that’s even if you get caught. Because there are so posts on Meso about set up delivery’s and people getting caught... :rolleyes:
This is honestly the dumbest post I’ve read on meso yet

Question for anyone that knows/speculates:
Is there a huge amount of difference in attention with the packs that are seized (likely on a daily basis) and that bust? Obviously not a good thing for anyone involved either way. I'm just curious why this would make a case for LE versus all the shit they've seized already.
Question for anyone that knows/speculates:
Is there a huge amount of difference in attention with the packs that are seized (likely on a daily basis) and that bust? Obviously not a good thing for anyone involved either way. I'm just curious why this would make a case for LE versus all the shit they've seized already.
I think unless it's a huge seizure it probably doesnt warrant an investigation. But a domestic bust, you just dont know exactly what information they have, how far they plan on going with it and who else goes down after people start speaking and taking deals. Better to just stay away from it altogether, for safety sake.
This is honestly the dumbest post I’ve read on meso yet


The dumbest post ever was from a kid who was using sustenon for the first time ever.... and he said something to the effect of ...

I’ve been using sustenon for 1 week now and last night I heard someone outside my house trying to break into my car knowing I was juiced up I sprung up to go get them. I punched one of them but then they all jumped on me and I couldn’t do anything but get my ass beat! I thought steroids made you have super strength. You guys thing my stuff is bunk? “
That's the funniest thing I've ever read!
The dumbest post ever was from a kid who was using sustenon for the first time ever.... and he said something to the effect of ...

I’ve been using sustenon for 1 week now and last night I heard someone outside my house trying to break into my car knowing I was juiced up I sprung up to go get them. I punched one of them but then they all jumped on me and I couldn’t do anything but get my ass beat! I thought steroids made you have super strength. You guys thing my stuff is bunk? “
The dumbest post ever was from a kid who was using sustenon for the first time ever.... and he said something to the effect of ...

I’ve been using sustenon for 1 week now and last night I heard someone outside my house trying to break into my car knowing I was juiced up I sprung up to go get them. I punched one of them but then they all jumped on me and I couldn’t do anything but get my ass beat! I thought steroids made you have super strength. You guys thing my stuff is bunk? “
That was most definitely the best one I’ve read. That was actually one of the first threads I read before joining

I was instantly hooked
Question for anyone that knows/speculates:
Is there a huge amount of difference in attention with the packs that are seized (likely on a daily basis) and that bust? Obviously not a good thing for anyone involved either way. I'm just curious why this would make a case for LE versus all the shit they've seized already.

I’ll bite lol.

So right now if you purchased raws... and got that seized how would they be able to determine if you are part of the ring of brewers and labs or just an individual making a small amount t for themself. They don’t and therefore you would be in the probable situation of seeing your friendly big brother.

I would also say the same for finished oils as well. Especially, if you live in a town /city with a new sheriff or something along those lines, as they would love to show the town / city how they enforce rules and make an example.
The dumbest post ever was from a kid who was using sustenon for the first time ever.... and he said something to the effect of ...

I’ve been using sustenon for 1 week now and last night I heard someone outside my house trying to break into my car knowing I was juiced up I sprung up to go get them. I punched one of them but then they all jumped on me and I couldn’t do anything but get my ass beat! I thought steroids made you have super strength. You guys thing my stuff is bunk? “
A light bulb just turned on in my head. A thread dedicated to the dumbest post made by members. I know I’ve seen some good ones but that ones up there lol