PurplePandaLabs Raw source

The cousin gave up a lot of info and he is also the one who received all the shipments for Roop.
I’m assuming he told them about this place. If you google ppl, it basically turns up that Meso is his home..

Edit: it’s my assumption he would mention this place. I have not read that anywhere, however people are not stupid. Their job is to dig deep. The cousin was only getting $350 a shipment, you can bet your ass he’s giving up everything he knows.

And the fact the cousin was disgruntled for getting paid in bit coin...
Just goes to show u must won’t hold there mud ... telling on his own family .... both them fools are headed to protective custody
The dumbest post ever was from a kid who was using sustenon for the first time ever.... and he said something to the effect of ...

I’ve been using sustenon for 1 week now and last night I heard someone outside my house trying to break into my car knowing I was juiced up I sprung up to go get them. I punched one of them but then they all jumped on me and I couldn’t do anything but get my ass beat! I thought steroids made you have super strength. You guys thing my stuff is bunk? “

The thing is, this has to be a troll post

The thing is, this has to be a troll post

That is pretty elaborate. But truth is stranger (or in this case, more ludicrous) than fiction.

i read a noob post a while back where a guy thought his Test E was bunk because he wasn't seeing progress within the first few days!

You can't make this shit up sometimes.
The dumbest post ever was from a kid who was using sustenon for the first time ever.... and he said something to the effect of ...

I’ve been using sustenon for 1 week now and last night I heard someone outside my house trying to break into my car knowing I was juiced up I sprung up to go get them. I punched one of them but then they all jumped on me and I couldn’t do anything but get my ass beat! I thought steroids made you have super strength. You guys thing my stuff is bunk? “
I still enjoy the thread where a kid posted nipple pics asking about Gyno and then was trolled into posting another one squeezing his tits
I remember these also. They were pretty good. Lol I forgot about the one with the kid getting beaten up.
So where are all the guys screaming about how PPL is good to go? Best source ever? BFF'S!!!! ? Or any other "lab" in the under ground? Especially the ones that are a week old and all the dude's screaming about a TD, posting pics of a vial and some oil not really knowing whats in it and no real way to test it .

If that's YOU!!! If that's a post you've made or make often or are one of the guys constantly defending these "labs" you should let this all be a lesson. That mother fucker kept a ledger . What's on it? Is your name address and order info there? Maybe not? Do you like rolling the dice? Just because you can click a link, email a dude, send some Bitcoin and get a pack doesn't make this fucking Amazon. Shits a fucking felony. Use your big head before jumping on a "labs" cock. He doesn't give a FUCK about you. A FUCK... And theres 10 labs leady to pop up just like him just like there's 10 suckers to replace your stupid ass .
That is pretty elaborate. But truth is stranger (or in this case, more ludicrous) than fiction.

i read a noob post a while back where a guy thought his Test E was bunk because he wasn't seeing progress within the first few days!

You can't make this shit up sometimes.
I was reading that one yesterday, he said he'd been on for 5 weeks.
So where are all the guys screaming about how PPL is good to go? Best source ever? BFF'S!!!! ? Or any other "lab" in the under ground? Especially the ones that are a week old and all the dude's screaming about a TD, posting pics of a vial and some oil not really knowing whats in it and no real way to test it .

If that's YOU!!! If that's a post you've made or make often or are one of the guys constantly defending these "labs" you should let this all be a lesson. That mother fucker kept a ledger . What's on it? Is your name address and order info there? Maybe not? Do you like rolling the dice? Just because you can click a link, email a dude, send some Bitcoin and get a pack doesn't make this fucking Amazon. Shits a fucking felony. Use your big head before jumping on a "labs" cock. He doesn't give a FUCK about you. A FUCK... And theres 10 labs leady to pop up just like him just like there's 10 suckers to replace your stupid ass .

Lmao so true. And all those people calling me conspiracy theorist and holding a grudge the list goes on and on...

Red flags were on this lab from the get go.
Shirts, instagram, Facebook and violating own website security policy, bringing in a new brewer without even screening the guy properly (elite) ... everything labs get flamed for and ran off for.. some reason members seemed to keep defending this shit hole lol.

Lmao so true. And all those people calling me conspiracy theorist and holding a grudge the list goes on and on...

Red flags were on this lab from the get go.
Shirts, instagram, Facebook and violating own website security policy, bringing in a new brewer without even screening the guy properly (elite) ... everything labs get flamed for and ran off for.. some reason members seemed to keep defending this shit hole lol.

And Ppl said last year calling him out on all this stuff didn't affect business one bit, and people kept right on buying. He said that in the article that this won't affect business either. The guy is an arrogant prick, but maybe he's right
Lmao so true. And all those people calling me conspiracy theorist and holding a grudge the list goes on and on...

Red flags were on this lab from the get go.
Shirts, instagram, Facebook and violating own website security policy, bringing in a new brewer without even screening the guy properly (elite) ... everything labs get flamed for and ran off for.. some reason members seemed to keep defending this shit hole lol.

As the dude a few days ago stated about the primo..... Price. These dumb asses would rather save a few bucks than stay out of jail.
He said that in the article that this won't affect business either. The guy is an arrogant prick, but maybe he's right
This is the part that baffles me. It's insane how much he doesn't give a fuck about his customers and their safety and freedom. He only cares about dollar signs. Pretty god damn selfish. If he simply would have taken everyone's concerns, issues, and suggestions into consideration things wouldn't be the way they are.

But nope. It's middle finger to the government and a new warehouse.
Yeah if it only were everyone, you have plenty of "when domestic?" and "when WU?" again and again, what would you do in that case decline easy money? I mean if people actually thought what would be the optimal approach for all of us that wouldn't have happened. Much of an egoist you can call PPL to be, the people that demanded that are equally guilty imo. If you count every complaint why are you running domestic when you are good at international raw you will read 10 when will whatever be in availability domestic and on and on.
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I was reading that one yesterday, he said he'd been on for 5 weeks.

Must be a different thread. This was months back and i don't recall, but the thread could have been even older than that.

5 weeks and i won't bat an eye. The one i'm referring to was maybe a week in to the cycle. i remember i had to refrain myself from replying and laughing at him.
I know feds aren’t stupid and obviously watch all these threads and forums, but does anyone else think pharmacom needs to shut the fuck up and stop writing fucking news articles detailing all the shit that’s said and done with these labs?

I mean what the fuck....

Pharmacom shut the fuck up
Lmao so true. And all those people calling me conspiracy theorist and holding a grudge the list goes on and on...

Red flags were on this lab from the get go.
Shirts, instagram, Facebook and violating own website security policy, bringing in a new brewer without even screening the guy properly (elite) ... everything labs get flamed for and ran off for.. some reason members seemed to keep defending this shit hole lol.


Yep .
I've had guys go off on me in other source threads .Like Omega. Everyone rides the dicks of these guys like they're GOD, and they'd die without them. And they truly don't give a flying fuck about you .