PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I consider losing a career much worse than the sentence... and dragging my wife, children and family through the public display that will be made of me as most don't understand AAS usage.

But of course you wouldn't understand such things.

Exactly! I go to church every Sunday and because I’m educated about AAS, I don’t see anything morally wrong with sensible, responsible use. Testosterone is already in our bodies anyway. So what if we want some extra.

Like you are saying, if I ever got in legal trouble, it’s going to make me look like a drug abuser because the public is not educated about AAS and the media has portrayed it as bad as Cocaine.
So I had a problem I didn’t think was gonna be able to be fix and the new rep took care of it for me .... im definitely happy with it ... just thought I’d bring some positive to all this shit going on
I know feds aren’t stupid and obviously watch all these threads and forums, but does anyone else think pharmacom needs to shut the fuck up and stop writing fucking news articles detailing all the shit that’s said and done with these labs?

I mean what the fuck....

Pharmacom shut the fuck up
What you mean with Pharmacom ? What did they say ?
I know feds aren’t stupid and obviously watch all these threads and forums, but does anyone else think pharmacom needs to shut the fuck up and stop writing fucking news articles detailing all the shit that’s said and done with these labs?

I mean what the fuck....

Pharmacom shut the fuck up

Yes, why keep everything under the rug? It’s nothing that LE hasn’t seen or been exposed to. It’s better the consumer knows so they can be aware and educated on the situation at hand for safety.
Exactly! I go to church every Sunday and because I’m educated about AAS, I don’t see anything morally wrong with sensible, responsible use. Testosterone is already in our bodies anyway. So what if we want some extra.

Like you are saying, if I ever got in legal trouble, it’s going to make me look like a drug abuser because the public is not educated about AAS and the media has portrayed it as bad as Cocaine.

Uh huh well dopamine is naturally in our bodies, so what if I take some crystallized methamphetamine for some extra dopamine release as long as I am educated and use it sensibly lol. Personally I don’t think either steroids or other drugs should be illegal nor immoral (unhealthy perhaps) just saying that you can use your logic or “excuse” to convince yourself to do things your church considers “immoral.”
Uh huh well dopamine is naturally in our bodies, so what if I take some crystallized methamphetamine for some extra dopamine release as long as I am educated and use it sensibly lol. Personally I don’t think either steroids or other drugs should be illegal nor immoral (unhealthy perhaps) just saying that you can use your logic or “excuse” to convince yourself to do things your church considers “immoral.”

So are you comparing aas users to junkies or do you just not like him going to church?
Neither, simply that his reasoning can be applied to drugs and that it may not fly in the eyes of the church.

Not at all. You are comparing meth users to aas users since dopamine is naturally occurring also. Those are your words not mine. Enhanced athleticism and meth use aren't the same and anyone with a brain over looks it . I have a pastor buddy that bust my chops about growing, and he clearly knows I'm not Natty . Not at all the same stance a church would take
Not at all. You are comparing meth users to aas users since dopamine is naturally occurring also. Those are your words not mine. Enhanced athleticism and meth use aren't the same and anyone with a brain over looks it . I have a pastor buddy that bust my chops about growing, and he clearly knows I'm not Natty . Not at all the same stance a church would take

Wasn’t really my point to say which is worse/better etc, but fine what’s the difference if the person was using methamphetamine for “mental enhancement” for school/tests, say he can’t find any Adderall. IMO there’s really no difference, one isn’t better or worse.
Uh huh well dopamine is naturally in our bodies, so what if I take some crystallized methamphetamine for some extra dopamine release as long as I am educated and use it sensibly lol. Personally I don’t think either steroids or other drugs should be illegal nor immoral (unhealthy perhaps) just saying that you can use your logic or “excuse” to convince yourself to do things your church considers “immoral.”
Not even close to the same thing every time I do meth I break out in hand cuffs ....... iv never committed violent crimes to get more gear
Not even close to the same thing every time I do meth I break out in hand cuffs ....... iv never committed violent crimes to get more gear

You’re talking about abuse, we’re talking about “sensible use” if such a thing truly exists. There are some that are actually prescribed methamphetamine for adhd, I have used
both D-Amphetamine/L-Amphetamine and methamphetamine (desoxyn) for adhd, never had an issue with it, meth wasn’t as effective ime tho. Of course you only use like 5-10mg for adhd not main lining a gram. I’m not recommending people use meth or steroids, I’m saying imo there ain’t no moral difference to enhanced body vs enhanced mental capacity.

The whole point was that you can use dudes excuse to use something else the church frowns upon like meth I wasn’t trying to compare the morality of meth use vs steroid use.

Edit: Like I mentioned I don’t think drug or steroid use to be immoral, just a possible danger to your health and well-being when abused.
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You’re talking about abuse, we’re talking about “sensible use” if such a thing truly exists. There are some that are actually prescribed methamphetamine for adhd, I have used
both D-Amphetamine/L-Amphetamine and methamphetamine (desoxyn) for adhd, never had an issue with it, meth wasn’t as effective ime tho. Of course you only use like 5-10mg for adhd not main lining a gram. I’m not recommending people use meth or steroids, I’m saying imo there ain’t no moral difference to enhanced body vs enhanced mental capacity.

The whole point was that you can use dudes excuse to use something else the church frowns upon like meth I wasn’t trying to compare the morality of meth use vs steroid use.

Edit: Like I mentioned I don’t think drug or steroid use to be immoral, just a possible danger to your health and well-being when abused.
You should vote for libertarians. I agree with you, in a sense. Not drug "use" should be considered a crime. Manufacturing distributing blah blah, yea to an extent, but for the hard drugs.

But yea whether you use aas sensibly or have taken rec drugs recklessly, i dont believe it should be considered crimes.
You should vote for libertarians. I agree with you, in a sense. Not drug "use" should be considered a crime. Manufacturing distributing blah blah, yea to an extent, but for the hard drugs.

But yea whether you use aas sensibly or have taken rec drugs recklessly, i dont believe it should be considered crimes.

lol I actually do vote Libertarian, i was always a big Ron Paul supporter, even tho he was a Republican he had Libertarian views. My view is the govt should have no right to tell people what they can or cannot do to their own bodies in the privacy of their homes. One exception would be you can’t purposely inject yourself with a contagious disease cause that could harm the public.