PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Complain, complain complain
100% of your posts bash Panda
yet you never post asking or giving roid usage advice.
That’s probably about the dumbest thing I’ve read in a while. @Roger rabbit not only knows gear and a lot of science behind it, but he knows about natural alternatives to help balance out the body when the hormones go out of whack. Apparently you don’t read much anywhere else besides the PPL forum or you’d never make such an asinine and ignorant statement.
All that clown is doing is trying to wash and hide the truth and significance of the situation at hand by trolling and spamming the thead with memes.

Trolling is also a violation of meso.

I have zero agenda. If panda would have done the right things I wouldn’t even have to say anything. You see me with my pitchfork in any other lab thread throwing pitchforks? Nope.... not till they start to screw up.

And if you were to go back, you will clearly see plenty of advice from me, except mine is not copied and pasted.

Copy and paste is about right. I'm thinking he's off his medication.

@master.on since you're seeking some advice, here's some: Go find a therapist, one that prescribe something for the condition you're not been diagnosed with yet .
This in particular I enjoyed. It's the truth.

It's rare for sources to stand the test of time. Some last awhile, some go bad eventually and some get busted.

It's really not that hard to predict.

It’s for sure not hard to predict when red flags are everywhere from the start.

All sources eventually do hit a road block or exit gracefully. It’s just a matter of seeing the flags and choosing to announce the flags.

I would say the best exit scammer I’ve ever seen would be r&r labs.he had very few red flags if any. But those con artists are out there and we have to stay vigilent[emoji106]
Copy and paste is about right. I'm thinking he's off his medication.

@master.on since you're seeking some advice, here's some: Go find a therapist, one that prescribe something for the condition you're not been diagnosed with yet .

He's a stupid, broken robot. Wires got crossed or someone uploaded a virus to his mainframe and this is the result.

Waiting very patiently for the day he short circuits or someone finally unplugs him from the internet.
Anyone have recent experience with their domestic bottled injectables?

I switched from a test cruise via another UGL, to panda test/mast and my libido/erections took a sudden hit....
Yes, why keep everything under the rug? It’s nothing that LE hasn’t seen or been exposed to. It’s better the consumer knows so they can be aware and educated on the situation at hand for safety.
Just seems dumb to be writing articles like that, I’m sure feds are always watching anyways but tying everything up and putting a bow on it for them...just doesn’t seem like that’s what a UGL should be doing
I would only use a prepaid. That’s why I asked. I’d never purchase illegal shit on my CC, nor would I recommend it.

It’s the fact that this source is hot, I mean d hs was involved in the bust. Who knows if this sources email is under surveillance or not. Just doesn’t seem wise to purchase anything from them.
It’s the fact that this source is hot, I mean d hs was involved in the bust. Who knows if this sources email is under surveillance or not. Just doesn’t seem wise to purchase anything from them.
Fuck yes LE is all up PPL's ass. Tracking everything waiting for him to slip. Probably already has his personal information.

The fact that anyone would consider ordering from them is mind blowing.

Might as well hop on over to BOP with the dumb shit
Can we just Segway this thread into a raw suppliers thread that’s of decent use. We can just overtake the thread and rename it The Alternative To PPL thread.
Can PPL be touched while in China? Like say he forgets the domestic bullshit and concentrates on INT raws is he still in harms wayd