PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Swole panda would be crying like a bitch if he lived in the U.S. He'd rather suffer in China fucking transgendered than take his on the chin like a man. I hope he tries to come back.
It's good advice though, ordering from PPL is no longer safe and if you watched the video from the media outlet their vials were in plain view. Anybody in the underground is no longer going to trust these guys. They're finished it's over!
It’s sarcasm and he knows it is.
You're right, go ahead and send your checking account info to a source that's being chased after by the feds, and please, let us know how it works out.
Whatever.. I’m not arguing with you. I said it was for a prepaid. Sorry for my childish post which I deleted.
Keep reiterating that ppl was just busted over and over again, that way new guys in a hurry to buy won't be tricked by these guys(ppl associates and affiliates) pretending to be consumers posting about when they will order from PPL next. Bank transfer my ass I wouldn't give these ass holes my first initial!

The only thing you will be recieveing by ordering from PPL is a nice new shiny set of bracelets.
Whatever.. I’m not arguing with you. I said it was for a prepaid. Sorry for my childish post which I deleted.
Ignore my sarcasm, this is an extremely serious situation, and the most important thing now is for the members to stay safe. And this source has shown over the years, that he doesn't give a shit about anybody
Keep reiterating that ppl was just busted over and over again, that way new guys in a hurry to buy won't be tricked by these guys(ppl associates and affiliates) pretending to be consumers posting about when they will order from PPL next. Bank transfer my ass I wouldn't give these ass holes my first initial!

The only thing you will be recieveing by ordering from PPL is a nice new shiny set of bracelets.
It's not just gonna be newbs.

These guys are gonna fall into that naps category. Ask anyone on this forum if naps is g2g, they'll laugh you off the board. Yet hes been operating for years. Even with various issues, horrible t/a, data breaches, people actively swaying new member to avoid them. They're still around and still making tons of money.

That's how I see ppl being. On this board at least.
ok... @ickyrica @Roger rabbit @Evom1 @LordSamuilo @Holistic
remember when the elite thing happened and they had a lull of dom shutting down and hiring someone else..?
or remember when ripped quit for a short time .. then "came back" for what a week??
shits getting weird round here..
I dont really know what to make of it all honestly , but i do know for certain none of its good ! I suggest anyone thats made any sizable orders with them AT ANY POINT (no clue how far this investigation goes back , or what info they have) do a Fall clean up around the house and atleast hedge your risk as best you can . Probably wouldnt talk publicly about any pending orders you may or my not have with any sources just in case as well .

Most people probably don't have a ton to worry about statistically speaking . panda has 1000's of customers and le only has so many resources . That said , dont be the guy holding your dick in your hand in the case you DO get a knock at the door (more likely kicked in) .
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Keep reiterating that ppl was just busted over and over again, that way new guys in a hurry to buy won't be tricked by these guys(ppl associates and affiliates) pretending to be consumers posting about when they will order from PPL next. Bank transfer my ass I wouldn't give these ass holes my first initial!

The only thing you will be recieveing by ordering from PPL is a nice new shiny set of bracelets.

I think I know who you are......