PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I’ll gladly bend over backwards for anyone here. To make sure everything is done correctly. I answer valid questions and concerns within minutes, I’ll gladly talk to you and relay anything within minutes to Swole Panda.
By all means have a back up source. I have quite a few.

But why place an order that couldn’t have been placed to begin with and not Atleast acknowledge that I helped a certain member out.

I extend that to everyone here but to get slapped in the face. It’s not warranted.

I don’t mind if you have something negative to say about us. I truly don’t. Its constructive criticism but don’t turn around and ask for special accommodations to be made and we do so in order to help the situation then come back around and feel you can insult us.

What in the fuck did he say that was a proverbial slap in the face or even remotely insulting?

And even still, why are you disclosing order information such as payment details?


Can you deal with and hopefully replace this guy?
What in the fuck did he say that was a proverbial slap in the face or even remotely insulting?

And even still, why are you disclosing order information such as payment details?


Can you deal with and hopefully replace this guy?

What did I even reveal? He asked publicly for said payment. We even confirmed in public we were using said payment.

What did I reveal? Nothing personal. I came here to help and when I post in hopes of helping people all I get is negative feedback.

So far, I’ve done a really good job here helping members locate their packs and reassuring everyone.

It was blatantly disrespectful. And if you guys don’t believe it. Then fine. Run with the crowd.
all I get is negative feedback.
I feel like us, as members, are frustrated with how lightly the recent events are being taken/handled. The gravity of the situation is quite serious and it seems like as @Roger rabbit has said, the situation is being swept under the rug. People are worried that their names and addresses are in possession of the law.

Can you confirm or deny that he was the domestic brewer? Because it seems that the lack of denial is a confirmation in itself...
What did I even reveal? He asked publicly for said payment. We even confirmed in public we were using said payment.

What did I reveal? Nothing personal. I came here to help and when I post in hopes of helping people all I get is negative feedback.

So far, I’ve done a really good job here helping members locate their packs and reassuring everyone.

It was blatantly disrespectful. And if you guys don’t believe it. Then fine. Run with the crowd.
I'm gonna be real with you Panda, a lot of guys here are at risk of being in the slammer. They're not looking for help. There is nothing you or your main guy can do to help them. They've already been fucked over in the worst way. They were ensured by you guys that their information wouldn't get into the wrong hands, but alas it did. Not much Swole Panda could do to atone for taking people's money and not giving a shit about them besides shutting down domestic. At least it shows he gives a fuck about anyone else who could still potentially have their freedom and not have their lives completely ruined. I'm sure Panda has made a decent ammount of money. He doesn't need to put anymore people in harms way for a few more sales. You guys are marked now and eyes are on you.
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Here’s the thing I’m not defending ppl or there rep but u have to take into consideration that the new rep walked in to a big mess give him a chance to prove him self .....
What did I even reveal? He asked publicly for said payment. We even confirmed in public we were using said payment.

What did I reveal? Nothing personal. I came here to help and when I post in hopes of helping people all I get is negative feedback.

So far, I’ve done a really good job here helping members locate their packs and reassuring everyone.

It was blatantly disrespectful. And if you guys don’t believe it. Then fine. Run with the crowd.

I'll ask again. What was blatantly disrespectful exactly?
Understand one thing if it were easy to shut down an international CHINESE operation we wouldn't have the fentanyl problem worldwide, PPL international have no reason to quit whatever all of you may think. Reopening local is completely retarded on the other hand, LE already have jurisdiction, they highly likely know the stealth, probably have a document of potential candidates to take over, have inside information even we can't imagine. Every knowledgeable individual repeated one thing from the get go, don't put your hand in many pots at once, remain international for our and your own peace of mind
Understand one thing if it were easy to shut down an international CHINESE operation we wouldn't have the fentanyl problem worldwide, PPL international have no reason to quit whatever all of you may think. Reopening local is completely retarded on the other hand, LE already have jurisdiction, they highly likely know the stealth, probably have a document of potential candidates to take over, have inside information even we can't imagine. Every knowledgeable individual repeated one thing from the get go, don't put your hand in many pots at once, remain international for our and your own peace of mind
And when customs opens up that pack and sees that vial labeled "Purple Panda Labs" its in the hands of the federal governement and their current investigation, forget a seized letter.
I feel like us, as members, are frustrated with how lightly the recent events are being taken/handled. The gravity of the situation is quite serious and it seems like as @Roger rabbit has said, the situation is being swept under the rug. People are worried that their names and addresses are in possession of the law.

Can you confirm or deny that he was the domestic brewer? Because it seems that the lack of denial is a confirmation in itself...

Unfortunately, I don’t have that info available to me. And I totally understand your concern and I truly don’t want anything to happen to anyone here. After all we are all here for the same reasons and our world is growing smaller by the day.

But I don’t have any power or any sort of ability to give you guys the sort of business model you seek. Would I prefer to accommodate that? Yes, I would. But it’s been explained to me that procedures have been in place way before that situation that doesn’t allow information of our PPL customers.

Don’t forget this guy was a Domestic and Local brewer. He could of easily had individual customers of his own. I was also made aware that He doesn’t not ship our products. We have several remailers and several methods that contain dead ends for all aspects of our domestic line. Meaning Our Brewer/remailer/ raw courier do not even know who or where the other two are... it’s hard to explain but something like this is quite necessary for our survival. We aren’t careless and it’s my apology that Swole Panda didn’t explain this thoroughly to you guys. However he did explain this further on other boards.

Again, obtaining Pure raws is very hard and I personally do not trust anyone other that PPL’s raws. I truly don’t. Especially knowing how these raws are obtained. It’s not a walk in the park. A very select few outside the manufacturing are able to obtain these raws and the rest is trickled down.

We so happen to have access to the first breakdown of these raws before they are passed down and stepped on....

The proof is quite obvious.

As for our Finished Line. I see we had trouble with that. Again. All sources have these issues. It’s how I deal with them is what solves it.

If you have a sterility issue, PLEASE address it. I will undoubtably replace it. I don’t want to see anyone get an infection or an abscess.

So with that being said. This is the path chosen by us. And I’m here for all of you.
And when customs opens up that pack and sees that vial labeled "Purple Panda Labs" its in the hands of the federal governement and their current investigation, forget a seized letter.

We are going to utilize new methods of stealth every six months to ensure this doesn’t happen.
I am certain all these guys telling people to order international and bring PPL's drugs into the US are accounts made by Swole Panda and his boys.
If you had the brain capacity to check our join date and PPL you would have realized we have been around much longer
Don’t forget this guy was a Domestic and Local brewer. He could of easily had individual customers of his own. I was also made aware that He doesn’t not ship our products. We have several remailers and several methods that contain dead ends for all aspects of our domestic line. Meaning Our Brewer/remailer/ raw courier do not even know who or where the other two are... it’s hard to explain but something like this is quite necessary for our survival. We aren’t careless and it’s my apology that Swole Panda didn’t explain this thoroughly to you guys. However he did explain this further on other boards.

I can't believe this man, reason being is we've heard something similar, "about how information is secure even though couldn't tell us why or how but to trust you guys and the fact that @purplepandalabs couldnt just come out and say it, seems like it was made up on the spot as lip service, making sells at any cost,

You're going to be frustrated with me but I don't care people here have families that depend on them and they may be going to the big house, your sales don't matter anymore. Protecting as many people from ordering from you guys is the last good thing we can do.
If you had the brain capacity to check our join date and PPL you would have realized we have been around much longer
Yeah and that's exactly how you knew that this was a good place to gain more business.

If you had the brain capacity to properly decieve others you would have referred to your own reasoning skills before bringing up that lie.
What more reasoning do you need than a domestic getting busted and ruining an entire operation? It had been explained over and over again that if PPL didn't open domestic out of greed fueled by lazy self entitled cunts like yourself everything would have most likely been fine. Do you have any proof of a member getting busted after receiving an international order from PPL like we do with their domestic operation?
What more reasoning do you need than a domestic getting busted and ruining an entire operation? It had been explained over and over again that if PPL didn't open domestic out of greed fueled by lazy self entitled cunts like yourself everything would have most likely been fine. Do you have any proof of a member getting busted after receiving an international order from PPL like we do with their domestic operation?
"ruining an entire domestic line" get real, no they're ruining lives and you'd be a jerk to order from their website now reason being, I don't need proof, facts are orders have been siezed, facts are customes can open your package for any reason, and facts are PPL IS UNDER INVESITGATION BY THE FEDS AND FORENSIC SEARCHES WILL BE CONDUCTED. And when some sorry son of a bitch has their package opened by customes and YOUR brand name apears their life is over ruined because your greedy narcassistic bitch ass wanted more money to bang Chinese transvestite hookers. Man fuck you stay smug in China while suckers you sell too get put behind bars fuck you, when you do go down because you WILL I will be happy. Scumbag.
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Okay you are actually mentally challenged can you track a timeline? Which is the reason for the people to have their lives potentially ruined? Retarded domestic which we have been recommending against from the get go. Must I paint a picture with crayon?
Okay you are actually mentally challenged can you track a timeline? Which is the reason for the people to have their lives potentially ruined? Retarded domestic which we have been recommending against from the get go. Must I paint a picture with crayon?
No you need to get the fuck off this board Swole Bitch, nobody wants your shitty business anymore. Panda isn't a good international source reason being they guys in charge are liars more concerned with providing lip service to make sails than the security of their costumers, talking about re opening a domestic source when your vials were in PLAIN VIEW, on the news and the Feds are investigating your brand? Attempting to get people to continue to buy with a huge bulls eye on their back? That benefits no one but you, the smug fuck playing with chop sticks scared to step foot in the US because the moment you do your ass is grass just like your beloved customers.

Take my advice don't order from these guys, not buying shit from them will save you a lot of heart ache.