PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I feel like us, as members, are frustrated with how lightly the recent events are being taken/handled. The gravity of the situation is quite serious and it seems like as @Roger rabbit has said, the situation is being swept under the rug. People are worried that their names and addresses are in possession of the law.

Can you confirm or deny that he was the domestic brewer? Because it seems that the lack of denial is a confirmation in itself...

They did the same thing when Elite's hairy gear was discovered. Tried to sweep it under the rug. They gave us lip service here, then went to ASF and tried to act like it was just one or two vials. An "isolated incident" as it was called.
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Holy shit, this is bad!
I think the worst part of all this is that the stealth method was completely exposed.
I would be scared absolutely shitless if I was expecting a package right now. No way in hell I would order after this.
Holy shit, this is bad!
I think the worst part of all this is that the stealth method was completely exposed.
I would be scared absolutely shitless if I was expecting a package right now. No way in hell I would order after this.
They sure as hell know what to look for now
Are you not happy with the discount we gave you? Did we not help you with your western union payment?

Hard to believe but none the less that’s fine.
WTF Bro, reread the post. I said:
1. PPL was unlikely to go down because they can change shipping locations.
2. Their primary competitor is 50% to 100% more expensive so I was unlikely to use them.
3. AliBaba was not reliable and there was no thread on trusted Powder providers so I was staying away from that.

And no I don't really appreciate your "manufacturers discount" where the website said I pay $100 for 100 grams of Soma but you claimed it was $200 to manufacture so I needed to pay that. By the way I just received 1,000 grams of Soma (2.2 pounds) and paid $250 for it. Your "manufacturers discount" is around 800% more expensive than your competitors. That is why I removed the soma from my order.

Disclosing personal information is the epitome of bad customer service. I also do not have my tracking number from the order I placed on Tuesday. This is my 5th order from Purple Panda labs and by far the most fucked-up one I've had to deal with.

If you look at my post history you will see I am one who consistently stands up for sources when they are Under Fire, I have routinely taken a lot of flack for this, had you played your cards right I would have stood up for you once my order was received but you have burned so many bridges at this point I cannot recommend you even if I receive my order.

Again go back and reread my post, I was being very cordial and polite about the situation and I never said anything negative or disparaging about you or your Corporation, all the shit that has resulted from this post is simply from you misinterpreting things and being aggressively negative towards me and the members here. Truth be told I hope you survive as an International Powder provider but this is not the way you conduct business in the United States.
Holy shit, this is bad!
I think the worst part of all this is that the stealth method was completely exposed.
I would be scared absolutely shitless if I was expecting a package right now. No way in hell I would order after this.
Holy shit, this is bad!
I think the worst part of all this is that the stealth method was completely exposed.
I would be scared absolutely shitless if I was expecting a package right now. No way in hell I would order after this.
From what I seen described it wasnt referring to the the stealth methods I've seen. I think it was referring to the way bulk powders were sent from the one guy to the other.
WTF Bro, reread the post. I said:
1. PPL was unlikely to go down because they can change shipping locations.
2. Their primary competitor is 50% to 100% more expensive so I was unlikely to use them.
3. AliBaba was not reliable and there was no thread on trusted Powder providers so I was staying away from that.

And no I don't really appreciate your "manufacturers discount" where the website said I pay $100 for 100 grams of Soma but you claimed it was $200 to manufacture so I needed to pay that. By the way I just received 1,000 grams of Soma (2.2 pounds) and paid $250 for it. Your "manufacturers discount" is around 800% more expensive than your competitors. That is why I removed the soma from my order.

Disclosing personal information is the epitome of bad customer service. I also do not have my tracking number from the order I placed on Tuesday. This is my 5th order from Purple Panda labs and by far the most fucked-up one I've had to deal with.

If you look at my post history you will see I am one who consistently stands up for sources when they are Under Fire, I have routinely taken a lot of flack for this, had you played your cards right I would have stood up for you once my order was received but you have burned so many bridges at this point I cannot recommend you even if I receive my order.

Again go back and reread my post, I was being very cordial and polite about the situation and I never said anything negative or disparaging about you or your Corporation, all the shit that has resulted from this post is simply from you misinterpreting things and being aggressively negative towards me and the members here. Truth be told I hope you survive as an International Powder provider but this is not the way you conduct business in the United States.

If you want to talk to me then PM me. I’m no longer speaking to anyone personally in this thread anymore.

I’m very open to helping everyone on an individual basis.

Thank you
If you want to talk to me then PM me. I’m no longer speaking to anyone personally in this thread anymore.

I’m very open to helping everyone on an individual basis.

Thank you
Hiding under the rug, where you enjoy sweeping the dirt .

And just to clarify myself because a Wittle Wabbit is going to quote a portion of my statement and twist it around.

I will answer all questions pertaining to the thread and made public for all to see. Positive, negative feedback is welcomed.

When it comes to your Order, Problems with your order or any thing containing your order. Please PM me.

Thank you.

Let's compile a list now of the growing pains and advice that has been ignored from a few members here including myself and @Roger rabbit . Help me out if I'm missing anything...

PPL Gear issues:
  • Domestic gear has had hair in it. A large portion of gear was literally filled with long hairs due to PPL not doing his research on who he was going to have brewing. Fuck the excuse that "we look at his threads and he seemed fine" No, fuck you. He had a bad reputation already
  • Gear being mislabeled
  • Over dosed gear
  • Domestic raws being sent in plastic zip lock bags. (Now has been resolved)
  • Under-dosed HGH.
  • Pip with Migylol and then claims were made that only a small percentage of people had issues. Yet almost everyone seemed to have complain. When everyone was told that miglyol was done being used they continued to send it until it's stock was depleted. I understand this reasoning but it still wasn't right. People were getting a carrier oil that was giving pip for weeks (months?) after they were told that it's all now GSO

PPL Privacy issues:
  • Instagram flexin'. Showing off gear and baller status as PPL
  • Instgram had child brewing on it
  • Youtube advertising for months after being told it's not something any of us want. Ignored concerns until just now when we were told "He's done advertising on youtube from what I understand. That was the last time"
  • Stupid tank tops being sold and sent domestically.
  • Money and time spent on shiny boxes that just make tossing all of this shit more tedius
  • No way to delete accounts on PPL. You can only have order history deleted.
  • Sharing emails with sister sites. What the fuck. This is a new one and a big one.

*Note that this list keeps growing.. And any member with real concerns has been ignored since the beginning. We keep talking about growing pains and all of that.. But these are growing pains we've seen with other labs before and yet our advice is being ignored putting members at risk with their health, and law enforcement.

Everytime I come back here it's more "growing pains" because you aren't taking simple advice.

@PurplePandaLabs Rep. @purplepandalabs The complaints don't seem that common because this is such an active thread. But I think a nice list really puts the spotlight on how shitty you guys are handling everything.

I'm sure I'm missing some issues too. Please let me know anyone if I am and I'll edit the list or just post again as it continues to grow. I know we aren't done yet.



Everything is destroyed apon delivery I can't go into details about how they do it but it isn't thru anything unsecured.

@purplepandalabs @PurplePandaLabs Rep. @PurplePandaRep

Hey, do you remember when I asked you "What does your brewer on the domestic side do with the information when there is an order? How is it delivered to him and how does he destroy the evidence? How do we know customer information is safe in case of a bust?"

And you guys said: "I promise you, it's safe. I can't tell you the details because I wouldn't want to make our methods public for security reasons." Or something like that?

Well from the article:

"Agents also found composition notebooks with chemistry formulas for the products they were making and order destinations and quantities, some as far away as Ohio."


Ok, so there's my old list of shit I posted a long time ago about the issues with PPL.

But now, the nail in the coffin.

PPL said they destroy customer information on the domestic side. They however have kept customer information, amount delivered, and where and the lab was busted by the DEA/Homeland security.

The rep is being disrespectful when called out here because they're having trouble admitting it was their lab that was busted and they are not trying to keep members/customers safe.

They are on other boards telling everyone it's safe to order and people are buying it. Thankfully there's members here like @Roger rabbit who are persistent in calling the lab out. If you do not appreciate what rabbit is doing you're a fucking moron or a shill. He is protecting you, your fellow members, your families, and anyone else lurking these forums.

Fuck you for trying to shit on him for that.

And just to clarify myself because a Wittle Wabbit is going to quote a portion of my statement and twist it around.

I will answer all questions pertaining to the thread and made public for all to see. Positive, negative feedback is welcomed.

When it comes to your Order, Problems with your order or any thing containing your order. Please PM me.

Thank you.
Wow, you've gotten of to a very shitty start here, it's sad that you have the handle of the old rep, he was very good at his job, you suck. But the only thing I will say,,is that you have the same shitty attitude as this source, are you related
Are you not
No I'm not. The article said it had addresses and recipes. If they had a huge list of orders and customer lists I would think it would be worded differently.

Like I've said, panda would've been a fool to have 1 guy brewing and filling orders.
No I'm not. The article said it had addresses and recipes. If they had a huge list of orders and customer lists I would think it would be worded differently.

Like I've said, panda would've been a fool to have 1 guy brewing and filling orders.
The way domestic was always behind and out of stock I'm leaning towards him only having the one. Or at least the one location.