1. I was an actual customer until all this went down
2. Not bashing though, legitimately asking
3. Swallow your pride, you come off like a pompous ass
And again, I don’t take this personally at all. I just don’t want our customers who are sitting on packs scared or upset to the point where it ruins their diets, sleep and whatever else.
Certain people here are causing undue stress because they get a kick out of it.
@picholas if you are a customer than I am very sorry that we come across as such to you but as you know our products are untouchable and we do offer you our services and to anyone for that matter and we do hope to keep your business.
We are in no way hiding from what happened. We cannot change what happened and from what I know certain security measures were already set in place in the event of something like this happening so there is no way for anyone that has ordered to be fearful of anything. This was a brewer NOT a remailer. And our brewers mail their products to an undisclosed location where they do not even know who they are mailing it to. Why would anyone think we would be this careless.