PurplePandaLabs Raw source

1. I was an actual customer until all this went down
2. Not bashing though, legitimately asking
3. Swallow your pride, you come off like a pompous ass

And again, I don’t take this personally at all. I just don’t want our customers who are sitting on packs scared or upset to the point where it ruins their diets, sleep and whatever else.

Certain people here are causing undue stress because they get a kick out of it.

@picholas if you are a customer than I am very sorry that we come across as such to you but as you know our products are untouchable and we do offer you our services and to anyone for that matter and we do hope to keep your business.

We are in no way hiding from what happened. We cannot change what happened and from what I know certain security measures were already set in place in the event of something like this happening so there is no way for anyone that has ordered to be fearful of anything. This was a brewer NOT a remailer. And our brewers mail their products to an undisclosed location where they do not even know who they are mailing it to. Why would anyone think we would be this careless.
I can confidently say with actual proof and actual Meso members testing our raws that We are the only Raw source out there that’s actually committed to providing a pure Raw product.

Again, it’s perfectly fine to bash me. We’ll still be here for all of you when everyone wants to cycle/blast/brew their own and do their own thing.

You look at our list of raws and your faces light up. Looks like a toddlers first Christmas. You think to yourself.. “This is tooooo goooood to be true” we already proven it isn’t.

We cornered the market in raws. Actually we MADE the market. Opened up a new door to All board members and provided all of you with a product you otherwise would speculate is bunk.

Well, like I said. I am here for people who would like to make a purchase and help with the processing of your purchase.

Thank You.

Raw quality isn't in question. PPL's inability to be truthful and his penchant for sweeping problems under the rug is.

People will still order. Most of which i suspect will be noobs that don't have the foresight to do basic research in this thread.

There's been a drastic shift in this thread. Members that were once long time supporters are now telling others not to order.

Faith in PPL is at an all time low. But you keep flexing your internet pride and continue fighting with members, that's bound to shift the tide in the opposite direction. :confused:o_O
Causing undo stress? Are you mentally ill? THE FEDS ARE INVESTIGATING YOUR FUCKING OPPERATION, NAMES AND ADDRESSES WERE FOUND. There's nothing safe about ordering from your lab. And some are already fucked thanks to you! We're just trying to protect those who have NOTHING to do with you to STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM YOU. It's obvious you don't care about customers their family or anything else all you want is money, you will say and do anything to get someone to buy from you even if it costs them everything. You lack integrity you lack ethics and you lack moral standards! How do you live with yourself knowing what you are?

Raw quality isn't in question. PPL's inability to be truthful and his penchant for sweeping problems under the rug is.

People will still order. Most of which i suspect will be noobs that don't have the foresight to do basic research in this thread.

There's been a drastic shift in this thread. Members that were once long time supporters are now telling others not to order.

Faith in PPL is at an all time low. But you keep flexing your internet pride and continue fighting with members, that's bound to shift the tide in the opposite direction. :confused:o_O

I’m not flexing anything brother.

Until I see an actual conversation taking place where two adults can figure it out. This isn’t helping anyone.

I’ll be here for everyone though. Winter bulk is coming up, the holidays. Who is anyone going to trust with raws?

If at any time anyone at Meso can start a real discussion on these matters and we can talk like adults. I’ll be willing to hear everything you all have to say. But you can’t expect anyone to make changes over night. But your continue bashing will hinder these changes.

Again, I’m here. Whenever you guys want to talk instead of shouting in CAPS and BOLD/Color print.....
Idk I think they'd rather get raws from a place that won't land them in fucking jail!!!!!

But you are. If you weren't, you wouldn't be making smart ass replies like those you posted last night.

It would behoove you to remove yourself from arguments and keep your replies to those that have legitimate questions.

i just don't think you can stop yourself.
I’m not flexing anything brother.

Until I see an actual conversation taking place where two adults can figure it out. This isn’t helping anyone.

I’ll be here for everyone though. Winter bulk is coming up, the holidays. Who is anyone going to trust with raws?

If at any time anyone at Meso can start a real discussion on these matters and we can talk like adults. I’ll be willing to hear everything you all have to say. But you can’t expect anyone to make changes over night. But your continue bashing will hinder these changes.

Again, I’m here. Whenever you guys want to talk instead of shouting in CAPS and BOLD/Color print.....
Don't come here and lecture us you pos, panda fucked up for the 100th time, and your bullshit will change nothing
But you are. If you weren't, you wouldn't be making smart ass replies like those you posted last night.

It would behoove you to remove yourself from arguments and keep your replies to those that have legitimate questions.

i just don't think you can stop yourself.

You are right. I am answering and helping everyone through PM. And so far everyone is content and reassured.

Thank you
Just a thought: PPL would be far more affected by other raw sources getting their market share than they would by having their threads blown up. Not that noobs shouldn't be warned/aware (they absolutely *should*, especially considering how this is playing out on other boards, so carry on) but the past 10 pages or so are indicative of the fact that beyond the warning, not much beyond annoying their rep is accomplished.

If you really want to do damage, get raws from other sources. Get them tested. Get bloods. Elevate the other raw sources who are doing well for their customers and providing quality product. THAT will hit them where it hurts.

To be clear - I am not and have never been a PPL customer.
Just a thought: PPL would be far more affected by other raw sources getting their market share than they would by having their threads blown up. Not that noobs shouldn't be warned/aware (they absolutely *should*, especially considering how this is playing out on other boards, so carry on) but the past 10 pages or so are indicative of the fact that beyond the warning, not much beyond annoying their rep is accomplished.

If you really want to do damage, get raws from other sources. Get them tested. Get bloods. Elevate the other raw sources who are doing well for their customers and providing quality product. THAT will hit them where it hurts.

To be clear - I am not and have never been a PPL customer.

These join dates.....
I got banned from BOP for calling them out. It’s pretty fucked up that shit like this is being hidden on other Forums. I guess that’s the advantages of paying to be on a board. Not to mention that Mods, and reps are clearly getting over on people, and scamming the fuck out of them. I’ve never bought, and never plan to buy from them. They are to arrogant, and obviously don’t give a fuck about nothing but sales. Members on other boards don’t see shit like what’s going on over here, and used to a bunch of fake accounts telling them every source is g2g. Who the fuck would buy from a company like this? SMH
Yeah - mine was well before this fiasco began. Don't be a jackass.

September 18th?...... Yeah I highly doubt that. It’s quite obvious. But you go ahead. Are you fronting the money for these other raw sources to test their products? are you providing a gurantee?

As a consumer... not as a rep. This is me saying that’s a lot of money to put up... but please do so.
I got banned from BOP for calling them out. It’s pretty fucked up that shit like this is being hidden on other Forums. I guess that’s the advantages of paying to be on a board. Not to mention that Mods, and reps are clearly getting over on people, and scamming the fuck out of them. I’ve never bought, and never plan to buy from them. They are to arrogant, and obviously don’t give a fuck about nothing but sales. Members on other boards don’t see shit like what’s going on over here, and used to a bunch of fake accounts telling them every source is g2g. Who the fuck would buy from a company like this? SMH

That’s clearly BOP. This is Meso.... I’m here to address all concerns Postive and Negative.
September 18th?...... Yeah I highly doubt that. It’s quite obvious. But you go ahead. Are you fronting the money for these other raw sources to test their products? are you providing a gurantee?

As a consumer... not as a rep. This is me saying that’s a lot of money to put up... but please do so.

The posts about the brewer being busted came a week or more after my start date. I assure you I don't have the kind of insider info or clairvoyance it would take to preemptively curate an account just to cause PPL trouble.

Your reactions to my post are only proving the point of my post - market share means far more to you than the integrity of this thread. Otherwise why bother with me? Just another "hater" right?

Christ on a cracker. What a shit show.
I got banned from BOP for calling them out. It’s pretty fucked up that shit like this is being hidden on other Forums. I guess that’s the advantages of paying to be on a board. Not to mention that Mods, and reps are clearly getting over on people, and scamming the fuck out of them. I’ve never bought, and never plan to buy from them. They are to arrogant, and obviously don’t give a fuck about nothing but sales. Members on other boards don’t see shit like what’s going on over here, and used to a bunch of fake accounts telling them every source is g2g. Who the fuck would buy from a company like this? SMH
Welcome to the wild west