PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Lol, I have never experienced the amount of chumps sitting behind they're keyboards with nothing better to do than to troll on this forum than any other. It's unbelievable. I recently put an order in and continue to have faith in PPL. I'll make sure to take pics when it arrives.
Lol, I have never experienced the amount of chumps sitting behind they're keyboards with nothing better to do than to troll on this forum than any other. It's unbelievable. I recently put an order in and continue to have faith in PPL. I'll make sure to take pics when it arrives.

Lol, I have never experienced the amount of chumps sitting behind they're keyboards with nothing better to do than to troll on this forum than any other. It's unbelievable. I recently put an order in and continue to have faith in PPL. I'll make sure to take pics when it arrives.
Well good thing you like to suck PPL dick. You'll be popular in the joint, enjoy! :)
The posts about the brewer being busted came a week or more after my start date. I assure you I don't have the kind of insider info or clairvoyance it would take to preemptively curate an account just to cause PPL trouble.

Your reactions to my post are only proving the point of my post - market share means far more to you than the integrity of this thread. Otherwise why bother with me? Just another "hater" right?

Christ on a cracker. What a shit show.

No, you had a great idea bro... what’s wrong? Can’t follow through?

All PM’s have been answered. All emails have been answered and I will see all you lovely gentleman tomorrow.

Thank you. It’s been a blast.
Like i said. Just can't stop yourself.

Well, damned if I do. Damned if I don’t.

I’ve been reading all your threads and I sort of expected this. I’ve been told I’m doing pretty good here by members. I’m not a woman bro. I can help you get your product but I’m not taking one on the lip.

All PM’s have been answered. All emails have been answered and I will see all you lovely gentleman tomorrow.

Thank you. It’s been a blast.

Your full of Shit. I bet your sales have fallen drastically. And you get told to say otherwise. You ARE their Bitch...
These join dates.....
I was one of the original people to ask about ppl here at meso if not the first shortly there after ppl appeared here so obviously I got called a shill and whatnot. I have placed more than a few orders. That being said...

Well, damned if I do. Damned if I don’t.

I’ve been reading all your threads and I sort of expected this. I’ve been told I’m doing pretty good here by members. I’m not a woman bro. I can help you get your product but I’m not taking one on the lip.

You're damned when you do because you can't stop yourself from taking the word's of an anonymous to heart.

Internet pride at it again. Heaven forbid you just shut up and stop replying to post's that are written just to get your goad.

You're obviously one of those "i gotta one up and have the last word" kinda guys. How many failed marriages do you have under your belt? :D

i've given you sound advice from an outside perspective, but you just gotta keep furiously tapping away at those keys, don't you?

Good luck turning this shit show around. i don't think you have the fortitude to do so, but with your personality type, i'm sure you'll leave no stone unturned in trying to prove an anonymous stranger wrong.
Lol, I have never experienced the amount of chumps sitting behind they're keyboards with nothing better to do than to troll on this forum than any other. It's unbelievable. I recently put an order in and continue to have faith in PPL. I'll make sure to take pics when it arrives.
Do you taste it again when you burp
lol don't you boys understand ?

Nobody gives a fuck about your sales the same way you couldn't care less about anyones security, families and livelihood,

This board was created to educate and help protect guys from bad sources


Where is the information you're posting coming from, exactly? Are you referring to the domestic source that was compromised?

They’ll pick it up instantly, delete and Ban. It never does any good over there. I was talking to 1 of their Mods several months ago before he become a Mod, he was actually working in the same area as I was. I was interested in IGF at the time, and he said to steer clear from ANY source on BoP that says they have the real shit. Needless to say, we started talking more, he asked who all I had donated to. Damn near everyone I told him I had donated to, he said to stay away from. But now, he is a Mod over there, and hides it all. I think they come together, and make up some of the smaller Sources over there. It’s like 1 will pop up for a couple months and be the boards biggest hit, and then they say they are going private, then another 1 will pop up. Definitely good at what they do, but if you think hard about it, it’s exactly what they are doing...
Guys let’s keep it real here this is a drug dealer...... if i was him would I shut down my domestic line hell no .... i don’t think you realize how much money that line is making him ... we all know the risks of the game people get busted .... most snitch .... would it be beneficial to us for ppl to shut that line down probably .... but he isn’t here for us he’s here to make money ...... you have to look at this game like the dope game ... the dope man is worried about himself ....