PurplePandaLabs Raw source

They’ll pick it up instantly, delete and Ban. It never does any good over there. I was talking to 1 of their Mods several months ago before he become a Mod, he was actually working in the same area as I was. I was interested in IGF at the time, and he said to steer clear from ANY source on BoP that says they have the real shit. Needless to say, we started talking more, he asked who all I had donated to. Damn near everyone I told him I had donated to, he said to stay away from. But now, he is a Mod over there, and hides it all. I think they come together, and make up some of the smaller Sources over there. It’s like 1 will pop up for a couple months and be the boards biggest hit, and then they say they are going private, then another 1 will pop up. Definitely good at what they do, but if you think hard about it, it’s exactly what they are doing...
They all get their free gear from these sources... must be nice and it’s top notch since the source knows it’s going to the mods for review and use. BoP is all about the money, though they have recently started promoting getting bloodwork and of enough people come forth to complain about a source, they confront them. These are the same assholes who gave Hammer a safe haven for months.
Its sad that Panda has such little life skills that he has chosen to be a drug dealer by profession. To the extent of giving up a life to live in a shit hole of a country like China.

Give him props though. I get frustrated ordering Chinese so since hes committed to never returning to the states that says a lot.

If your smart and do things proper you can make money without such drastic sacrafices. Its too bad its too late for him. Feds will eventually get China to cooperate and he will be sitting in prison kicking himself in the ass.

Im glad we have a forum like Meso where the truth always comes out and we get entertainment of watching him continue to make bad life decision while in his downward spiral
lol but he's probably living like a king over there. But still...

I'm waiting for Vice to do an episode on his ass.
The kicker is anyone with a decent american salary would live like a king over there. Not worth never returning to America. Learn a skill.
The kicker is anyone with a decent american salary would live like a king over there. Not worth never returning to America. Learn a skill.
Hey someone gotta do it right? We cant all be white collar workers. Some people have to get their hands dirty, and some dirtier than others.
They all get their free gear from these sources... must be nice and it’s top notch since the source knows it’s going to the mods for review and use. BoP is all about the money, though they have recently started promoting getting bloodwork and of enough people come forth to complain about a source, they confront them. These are the same assholes who gave Hammer a safe haven for months.

I hear ya. They do have good sources over there for sure. I still use a couple from there. But they will shit can you if you know shit the don’t want others knowIng.
Hey someone gotta do it right? We cant all be white collar workers. Some people have to get their hands dirty, and some dirtier than others.
I get it but he sure as hell isnt doing anybody any favors by putting customers at such a huge risk with personal information being found.

Hes built a nice image but behind the scenes hes half assing as much as possible.

Im not surprised though. I mean what kind of guy do you think it takes to turn your back on family and a whole country to be a drug dealer. Thats not exactly something to be proud of lol
I get it but he sure as hell isnt doing anybody any favors by putting customers at such a huge risk with personal information being found.

Hes built a nice image but behind the scenes hes half assing as much as possible.

Im not surprised though. I mean what kind of guy do you think it takes to turn your back on family and a whole country to be a drug dealer. Thats not exactly something to be proud of lol
Yea I hear you. In a perfect world aas would be legal and its change the perception drastically. Like how marijuana perception has changed.
Honestly id trust PPL more if he stayed in the US. More likely to keep shit on the DL.

First major red flag is an american living in a different country solely to market his product to people who risk it all to give him business.
Oh wow, yea I see what you mean. Didn't see that video before, just the one in millard thread.

That does suck. I've seen a different method for the stealth as well. They'll probably keep switching stealth methods.
I didn't see that one either ... Not good.

The way the reporter chick pronounces the last word of each sentence cracks me the fuck up. Lol
I didn't see that one either ... Not good.

The way the reporter chick pronounces the last word of each sentence cracks me the fuck up. Lol
When I try and watch the video it says not available in my region