PurplePandaLabs Raw source

You must of not read anything I said. You are increasing the risks of being caught if your order internationally. My second shipment from panda got seized and I promise if you got busted it would be through international shipping not domestic. Like I said you think the feds care about finished oils over raws? That’s why I’m here and want domestic back online. Why are you here?

I read W EVERYTHING thing you said . Which is the problem . You want to order from a lab, with a track record of fuck ups, an I don't care attitude and just had it's brewer popped. And you don't think it's a big deal to spend some time in jail . Yeah, you're the smart one .
I may or may not have had a attempt at a domestic controlled delivery. Listening to fellow members that have no agenda can give you the knowledge of possible seneiros that could possibly play out. If a person was naive, or just plain stupid they could be potentially be behind bars three years later.
It appears as if you will defend your position even if your wrong. Good luck with that. We will put money on your books. He will get out and be the guy who said he made ten grand while he was down and sent it home. Funny shit.
@JackSmooth if you want to level with me and talk with me instead of at me or down at me. Then I can and will change my tone.

I fully understand everyone’s concerns in this thread and I do my best to address them fully as of now.
Geez, not sure you do. I told you that your domestic store was a shitshow a year ago and to get out of it. And than we caught you saving customer info, and you promised it would never happen again.
I didn’t twist your words.. what I stated was facts.

1. Your lab was busted with your products. Proof from video .... and can be seen In the news footage in the thread here on meso.

2. Your lab did violate your own security policy and was validated by the boss man after numerous members received spam from a third party.

So where is the word twisting? Again? I commend you for trying to bounce the ball back.... utter fail though.
this is the same stuff we've been complaining about and calling out for a couple of years. nothing has happened because PPL doesnt give a shit and gets rich either way. He'll talk alot, and divert from the subject, but never actually do anything about anything
Shirt Order received! o_O
They even threw in a “get out of jail free” card!

What?... Too soon? :p

But on a serious note, this lab has had its share of problems throughout. But this by far, imo, is the last straw.
How things have been handled by this lab during this latest event is pathetic, to say the least.
@Ripped is the only reason this lab has survived as long as they have here. At least he was honest and we could get answers with him.
This new rep really is what this lab has become, a fuck up. So he represents them well in that regard.
Seems this is the beginning of the end for PPL...

Either way,
Be smart, stay safe guys!
Shirt Order received! o_O
They even threw in a “get out of jail free” card!

What?... Too soon? [emoji14]
View attachment 98192

But on a serious note, this lab has had its share of problems throughout. But this by far, imo, is the last straw.
How things have been handled by this lab during this latest event is pathetic, to say the least.
@Ripped is the only reason this lab has survived as long as they have here. At least he was honest and we could get answers with him.
This new rep really is what this lab has become, a fuck up. So he represents them well in that regard.
Seems this is the beginning of the end for PPL...

Either way,
Be smart, stay safe guys!
Fuck the beginning of the end, this is the end. If only Vicky was posting in this thread maybe things could be salvaged.
Their rep(s) at BoP are feeding them the same BS as here and morons still talking about ordering :rolleyes:

That’s why that board is no good. Because it’s censored and I can promise, if we were on there we would be banned for posting facts. This is why they believe such bs. They don’t have facts[emoji30]
Just some friendly advice on this...

First of all, given everything currently happening, this thread at this time with the potential eyeballs looking at it, this is probably not the best time to be publically claiming intentions of making future illegal business transactions.

Second of all, given everything going on, including fellow members potentially sitting behind bars facing a decade plus of incarceration ahead of them, saving a few dollars on future orders would ABSOLUTELY NOT be the determining criteria ANY OF US should be using to determine where and how we order. I would be infinitely more concerned with my safety versus "getting fucked" out of a small amount of money. But that's just me.

To be clear, I am not saying one source or another, or domestic or international, is safer or not. What I am saying is that I wouldn't let my anger at spending a few more dollars one way or the other influence my decision.

Think it through and stay safe, my good man.

Voice of reason. Everyone take note, you can pass along information with out calling someone a rep, or a shill, or whatever insult.

@Iron Frenchie isn't giving anyone advice. Hes just saying what he feels. So what no one agrees with him. Shit why does everyone feel like they have to attack people when they disagree?

Just disagree. Anyone who orders solely off of reading 1 post deserves anything they get either way.
That’s why that board is no good. Because it’s censored and I can promise, if we were on there we would be banned for posting facts. This is why they believe such bs. They don’t have facts[emoji30]
There are a couple guys over there exposing them and surprisingly haven’t been banned yet.
Voice of reason. Everyone take note, you can pass along information with out calling someone a rep, or a shill, or whatever insult.

@Iron Frenchie isn't giving anyone advice. Hes just saying what he feels. So what no one agrees with him. Shit why does everyone feel like they have to attack people when they disagree?

Just disagree. Anyone who orders solely off of reading 1 post deserves anything they get either way.

I thought integrity meant a lot to you.
I see.
And to those wondering about customer info... the FBI has every computer in that home and every computer related to the investigation. When they obtain these computers from a bust of this nature... they perform FORENSIC investigation of those computers. Meaning hard drives are restored... things that were "deleted" are restored and every single contact is reviewed.... and each and every bank account has their transactions forensically reviewed for anyone involved. Don't ask me how I know this...

So even if a source "deletes" your personal info... unless they are doing so with very specific software made to wipe drives clean in anticipation of forensic restoration... all that "deleted" info... has been recovered, restored and documented by the FBI already.

NOONES information is ever safe after you give it to a source. Period. You are trusting that person. Hopefully, that person has an understanding of real information encryption... chances are they are just a drug dealer and don't... so the real hope is that your dealer doesn't get busted in the end.

Stay the fuck away from Panda. He is not looking out for us.
Oh my goodness.


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