PurplePandaLabs Raw source

This could be coincidence because it came from China. Or it could be what others have been saying all along - this entire operation is being heavily watched by the DEA and DHS, since they’ve already been compromised.
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This could be coincidence because it came from a China. Or it could be what others have been saying all along - this entire operation is being heavily watched by the DEA and DHS, since they’ve already been compromised.
I'm curious if anyone else has gotten this letter and what came of it. A shame, they actually had a good product. And I've tried several before sticking with them. Some places underdosed, some weren't filtered right and left painful hot injection sites. The finished oils were good but I had best results with their raws. I tried their domestic once and it tested bad. Not the right substance that the labels indicated. But everything international I had great results with
I'm curious if anyone else has gotten this letter and what came of it. A shame, they actually had a good product. And I've tried several before sticking with them. Some places underdosed, some weren't filtered right and left painful hot injection sites. The finished oils were good but I had best results with their raws. I tried their domestic once and it tested bad. Not the right substance that the labels indicated. But everything international I had great results with
Seizures happen all the time. It's just the luck of the draw. Now you have to make the determination if you want a reship.

Tough call with what they're going through at the moment.

If you have a different address and a different name to use, maybe. If not just chalk it up as a loss.
Wow, that's quite the statement.

What makes you so sure of that?

I won't waste everyone's time by asking you "so you have tried EVERY source on Meso?", so I will ask instead - how many sources here have you tried?

How long have you been around?
How many other raw suppliers have you researched or used that openly list on meso?

Let’s take LMC for example I knew they were shit long before I ever came to meso.
This isn’t a hidden fact or an attempt to slander they have a long history of bullshit.
I’m on other boards. I’ve been around.

Have you looked up any other raw suppliers that have listed on meso.
Look and see how all of their threads end.
LMC is even listed as scammers on a few boards.

We are talking raws and not oils right?
I’m not talking about src’s that sell finished oils to customers.

So what raw src that is on meso we’re you wondering if I wasted my money with?
I’ve done my due diligence, have you?

In the same breath as individuals don’t want to see others deal with ppl, let’s just have some continuity in the honesty.

Sorry you felt offended enough to question what I said.
Have a good day.
How long have you been around?
How many other raw suppliers have you researched or used that openly list on meso?

Let’s take LMC for example I knew they were shit long before I ever came to meso.
This isn’t a hidden fact or an attempt to slander they have a long history of bullshit.
I’m on other boards. I’ve been around.

Have you looked up any other raw suppliers that have listed on meso.
Look and see how all of their threads end.
LMC is even listed as scammers on a few boards.

We are talking raws and not oils right?
I’m not talking about src’s that sell finished oils to customers.

So what raw src that is on meso we’re you wondering if I wasted my money with?
I’ve done my due diligence, have you?

In the same breath as individuals don’t want to see others deal with ppl, let’s just have some continuity in the honesty.

Sorry you felt offended enough to question what I said.
Have a good day.
Pretty sure it was a misunderstanding of raw only sources.
Pretty sure it was a misunderstanding of raw only sources.

It’s cool. I wasn’t even upset nor was I trying to be snide. Just was trying to make a point.
Also I do not have the mentality of Not sharing a source unless they were private. I do not want to see anyone burned, scammed, or screwed over with bad product because they had to gamble if I knew a good public source I’d share and help out other members.
How long have you been around?
How many other raw suppliers have you researched or used that openly list on meso?

Let’s take LMC for example I knew they were shit long before I ever came to meso.
This isn’t a hidden fact or an attempt to slander they have a long history of bullshit.
I’m on other boards. I’ve been around.

Have you looked up any other raw suppliers that have listed on meso.
Look and see how all of their threads end.
LMC is even listed as scammers on a few boards.

We are talking raws and not oils right?
I’m not talking about src’s that sell finished oils to customers.

So what raw src that is on meso we’re you wondering if I wasted my money with?
I’ve done my due diligence, have you?

In the same breath as individuals don’t want to see others deal with ppl, let’s just have some continuity in the honesty.

Sorry you felt offended enough to question what I said.
Have a good day.

Relax, homeboy, relax.

I was just trying to get clarification on the statements you made?

I wasn't offended by what you said. I simply think that speaking in absolutes and making general statements that apply to EVERY source is risky.

And yes, I did misunderstand you about what sources (raws only, or all sources) you were referring to.

Again, my man, I wasn't offended. Just confused.

Thank you for clarifying and explaining!
Relax, homeboy, relax.

I was just trying to get clarification on the statements you made?

I wasn't offended by what you said. I simply think that speaking in absolutes and making general statements that apply to EVERY source is risky.

And yes, I did misunderstand you about what sources (raws only, or all sources) you were referring to.

Again, my man, I wasn't offended. Just confused.

Thank you for clarifying and explaining!

It’s all good bro.
I’m pretty chill I’m just direct.
Or it could be the tren lol

Yes I agree about blanket statements such as that yet in this instance I just felt compelled to say so.
Interesting that they tested it to find out what it was.
Tells you a few things, on that stealth ain't so stealth .

Every raw provider has seizures regardless of stealth,If they say they don't they are lying.

Regardless,I received a int pack from PPL late last week through east coast customs. Made it fine.
They're expendable. Doesn't take much to hire or even have someone teach some hungry kid how to brew.

i'm willing to bet a shit ton of noobs would jump at the opportunity to learn brewing and get some free gear and a little cash for their efforts.

i was reading an article written by Millard Baker, yes, Meso has a vast collection of articles. Anyway, this article, linked below, really got me thinking. Could the provider of raws that has in turn given rise to hundreds of UGLs meet the same fate?

Gear is low priority now, fent is highest priority
albeit all suspicious packages are high priority at customs.


Or if you are unlucky enough to order a shitload, chances are high you'll be denied bond and having to cool your heels in jail till trial. Stay safe and stay away from this source if you value your freedom.
I wonder if showing a judge a 10g per week pro dosages board post to a judge can prove it's for personal use?

Yep do not use this source. Thats all i can really say. They will lie to you so you will keep sending them money but in the end you will ne sitting in prison while PPL's pockets are lined with your money
Maybe they will still find a way to pimp you while you're in prison, so the money flow doesn't stop?

Goodluck with that.

Every other supplier on meso is complete shit although they have not had an attached third party busted, They’ve done unscrupulous shady shit as well and most others you do find are on paid sponsor boards so the reviews mean shit.

you literally have to cross reference to another board where they do not pay for advertising.
Welcome to the real world
people selling illegal drugs lie
oh and Santa doesn't exist, BTW

Anyone ordering from outside the US?
This is a great question.
I wonder if they're getting packages seized too.

This could be coincidence because it came from China. Or it could be what others have been saying all along - this entire operation is being heavily watched by the DEA and DHS, since they’ve already been compromised.
Maybe not watched as closely
(gear is very low priority these days, compared to fentanyl)
But maybe packages are seized because they spotted a repeat pattern
i.e. packages coming from a certain Chinese city, packaged in certain way.

Interesting that they tested it to find out what it was.
Tells you a few things, on that stealth ain't so stealth .
Where does it say they tested it?

Their packers are total idiots
hiding raw powders in soap noodle bags?

Interesting that they tested it to find out what it was.
Tells you a few things, on that stealth ain't so stealth .

Then why it doesn't say what steroid it contains?
(there are like 20 different steroids)

When I got a love letter from a panda order it said what the substances tested as...so at least I knew they had sent legit raws.

Also not sure why everyone here was raving about the stealth a while back, it's utter shit. Knew exactly where the stuff was hidden as soon as the package was opened. The only thing slightly more obvious would be a sticker on the box that said "ILLEGAL DRUGS INSIDE"

