PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Hey look, I agree with everyone here regarding members safety and becoming a private or closed source with just International.

But that doesn’t change the fact that your packs can be seized or pass through customs . It truly sucks when that happens.... we can’t prevent seizures but we are always constantly upgrading our stealth. Hopefully we come up with something more.

Pretty trippy that they test it on the spot... Amazing what our tax dollars go to.

That doesn't address the issues .
No shit international can have seizures. That's not the problem . The problem is you guys are sketch and careless with our security. Your website is a fucking joke in regards to security, all websites are. You've got a shitty track record of fucked up brewers and your latest guy got popped with logs . And you and deny everything, say trust us and continue to Fuck it up.
I’m allergic to ink... I got really thin skin too so shits ridiculous... I can see every vein and I’m a pale as fuck.

Summer was too miserable to go tanning. Oh well. I can only dream about that Venice beach 1970’s bodybuilding lifestyle...
I’m allergic to ink... I got really thin skin too so shits ridiculous... I can see every vein and I’m a pale as fuck.

Summer was too miserable to go tanning. Oh well. I can only dream about that Venice beach 1970’s bodybuilding lifestyle...
You ever been to Venice beach ?
There are still places to work out but there are drugs and all kinds of crazy shit going on there it’s a pretty cool place to visit

Now I’m hungry for fish tacos.

You know what’s cool and I’m jealous AF about it. Communities that have public workout equipment machines that utilize body weight.