PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Lol okay. Buddy.

That’s why everyone uses it. Please by all means tell me the meaning of life while you’re at it too LOL
To skew the image as permanent as possible you could blur it then take a picture of it and blur it further so that the original image is blurred anyway.
When are you getting Bank Transfer available? Either EU or internationally with TrasnferWise or whatever.

That's 100% what keeps me from ordering from you.
You weren’t ticklish then.
They say it only hurts if you were ticklish.
I was trying to type this earlier. Work is killing me. But my armpits are ticklish as fuck. Sounds a little gay as I type it ... Lol but they are. I got a buddy who has some dumb shit on the bottom of his feet and idk how the hell he managed that. I can't even scratch the bottom of my feet. It's a curse.